
During a previous post, we have seen how to find the creator of a workload policy using BMC reports tool.

Indeed , this tool can be helpful to perform tasks such an audit of Control-M components, checking active peak usage , monitor quantitative resource ,sort jobs related to a specific host or hostgroup and many other things to retrieve

During your Control-M daily tasks, some requester can ask you to get statistics from their jobs ( for example to confirm their execution during the last month

Today we will see how to use it to generate a report for a specific job during a specific period

Connect to Control-M reports

  • Start Control-M GUI
  • In the tool pane select ” Control-M Reports “
  • The Control-M report windows will display
  • select the History part to get a report related to the job history
  • Select add new report
  • Open the history drop down menu in right pane
  • Select jobs execution and click on add

Use the filters to make the report

  • Use the filter tab to select the time range
  • Select the job/Member name option to filter your report by jobname
  • Choose the comparison field to find your job


  • If you use the IS parameter you should enter the exact name of the job you are looking for ( wildcard will be used for the LIKE parameter )
  • Once all the filters fields are filled click on refresh and see if job is displaying
  • To select one or more jobs you can use the Like parameter and the * symbol


  • Beware of the CAPS usage below an example to show you that the search is not case sensitive:
  • Here when you do a refresh no job is displayed
  • Add the columns you need
  • In the first report we miss one field regarding the end time , let’s add it by using the column chooser
  • Drag and drop it in the visible columns
  • Perform a refresh, the end time column is now displaying

Generate report

You can now generate your report and save it

Go on the top right hand corner and click on generate

  • Click on it : The report will be generated
  • Select the file type ( CSV or PDF ) and save it
  • You can now open your PDF report and see if all is displaying as expected

Open your file

  • We can see that “End Time” field is here as expected

Optional : Save your template to load it later

  • Export file format JSON for your template
  • Select export and choose json format ( after that you will be able to load this template and even share it we will se how in another blog )
  • Now suppose you have deleted your report you can Load the json file to have your saved template ( every user with this file can load this template, using sharing option can be easier to send this template to many users we will see that in another blog )
  • Your template is loaded with all the filters you made inside.
  • It’s now displaying 🙂
  • You can save it again or update it (for example changing the time range field)


That’s it you know to generate a report of your jobs and you can modulate your requests inside to display the field you want 🙂

You can use Control-M report to sort many types of information related to yours jobs and also to monitor the activity

Another interesting feature of the Control-M reports tool is that we can share our templates with other users, we will se that in a coming Blog

Feel free to share with us the dbi bloggers and also check my other posts

I hope it helped you to discover this tool and that it will give you many ideas to use it! 🙂