After showing you an overview and the preparation of Control-M for Kubernetes, it is time to deep in with the installation of this solution. In fact, without the installation of Control-M for Kubernetes you can’t modernize your batch!

In this blog, I will share with you how to do the installation of this solution step by step. Let’s remember the architecture.

Deploy kubernetes Plug-in

Firstly, download the Kubernetes Plugin, download the version 2.0.00 from the Kubernetes plug-in download page in the Electronic Product Distribution site.

Once downloaded, publish the plug-in by putting the zip file in the following location:


Generate an API Token

Basically, the API Token will be used later in the next step. In fact, we need to set up access to Control-M to register the Control-M/Agents, for sure, this step should be done by a Control-M Administrator.

I assume that you know what is an API Token, and how to generate it, below are the steps quickly.

To generate the API Token, go to the Control-M UI -> Configuration, from the drop-down list, select API Tokens.

The API Token tab appears, click Add Token.

To generate the API Token, fill the following:

  • The Token Name field.
  • The Roles field, remove or select the roles that you want to associate with the API Token (by default all roles are selected, which is not recommended).
  • Expiration Date, select Indefinitely from the drop-down list.

Click on Generate button.

Prepare the Control-M Agent deployment

I recommend to deploy the agent using the Helm shared by BMC! It is easy to configure and to maintain in a Kubernetes cluster.

First of all, add a repository named controlm to contain the helm charts of the Control-M/Agent that is obtained from the Control-M Repository by running the following:

helm repo add controlm

Then, ensure that the Control-M repository is listed as one of your repositories by running the following command line:

helm repo list

You can also list the charts within the new controlm repo by running the following command:

helm search repo controlm

Create the namespace, by executing the following:

kubectl create namespace ctmagt

Control-M Agent deployment

To deploy the Control-M Agent you should execute the Helm Install inside your kubernetes cluster:

helm install ctm-dbi controlm/controlm-agent --version 9.21.200 \
--set --set --set server.port=7005 --set server.ip=XX.XX.XX.XX \
--set api.endpoint= \
--set pvc.storageClass=dbistorage

Adapt the command line to your environment!

Check the pod status on the namespace (ctmagt) just created, once the agents pods are ready, check if they appear in Control-M -> Configuration.

By default, two pods should be created, two agents deployed. Sometimes agents are not available directly, don’t hesitate to disable and enable them.


Finally, we have two Control-M agents deployed on Kubernetes.

In the next blog we will see how to create the connection profile, and how to create Control-M jobs to execute Kubernetes jobs.