We are proud to announce, that the brand new OMrun Release 5.0 is ready to be rolled out! OMrun 5.0 is even more powerful and can’t wait to perform data comparisons and other data driven actions in your critical data quality and system changeover projects!
This release is packed with new features that ease and power your day-to-day activities to ensure data quality and improve the efficiency in your migration projects.
In this first post to introduce OMrun 5.0 to you, I focus on three new features:

  • Innovative plug-in to generate test data objects derived from the database schema to run a 1:1 compare on the whole database content.
    –> Imagine migrating for example from Oracle to PostgreSQL and being able to compare the complete database content on the push of a button? Check!
  • The new “query only” functionality allows you to execute a simple query test data object without the comparison.
    –> Comparing data is great and what we like most and do best! But sometimes you just want to stage the data and perform alternative actions with it. Consider it done!
  • New look and feel including better result visibility and the possibility to switch to the stylish “dark mode”
    –> We certainly care most about content and functionality and performance. But hey, who doesn’t want to have a nice tool to work with?

To explore the functionality and power of the OMrun framework on your own, feel free to dive into the OMrun online manual to get a feel for its capabilities.
If you are a user already, you will get the new OMrun 5.0 for free according your license agreement.
And if your are not a customer yet but interested to try it out: Just leave me a note – and get excited… 🙂