In previous blogs, we installed in silent the Documentum binaries, a docbroker (+licence(s) if needed), several repositories and finally D2. In this one, we will see how to install remote docbases/repositories to have a High Availability environment with the docbases/repositories that we already installed in silent.
As mentioned in the first blog of this series, there is a utility under “$DM_HOME/install/silent/silenttool” that can be used to generate a skeleton for a CFS/Remote CS but there are still missing parameters so I will describe them in this blog.
In this blog, I will also configure the Global Repository (GR) in HA so that you have it available even if the first node fails… This is particularly important if, like me, you prefer to set the GR as the crypto repository (so it is the repository used for encryption/decryption).
1. Documentum Remote Global Registry repository installation
The properties file for a Remote GR installation is as follow (it supposes that you already have the binaries and a docbroker installed on this Remote CS):
[dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ vi /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ cat /tmp/dctm_install/ ### Silent installation response file for a Remote Docbase (GR) INSTALLER_UI=silent KEEP_TEMP_FILE=true ### Action to be executed SERVER.COMPONENT_ACTION=CREATE ### Docbase parameters common.aek.passphrase.password=a3kP4ssw0rd common.aek.algorithm=AES_256_CBC SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX=true SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD=l0ckb0xP4ssw0rd SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA= SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE= SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.PRIMARY_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME=gr_docbase CFS_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME=content_server_02_gr_docbase SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.REPOSITORY_USERNAME=dmadmin SERVER.SECURE.REPOSITORY_PASSWORD=dm4dm1nP4ssw0rd SERVER.REPOSITORY_USER_DOMAIN= SERVER.REPOSITORY_USERNAME_WITH_DOMAIN=dmadmin SERVER.USE_CERTIFICATES=false SERVER.PRIMARY_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT=1489 SERVER.PROJECTED_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT=1489 SERVER.DFC_BOF_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_VALIDATE_OPTION_IS_SELECTED=true SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_PORT_OTHER=1489 SERVER.GLOBAL_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY=gr_docbase SERVER.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_LOGIN_NAME=dm_bof_registry SERVER.SECURE.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_PASSWORD=dm_b0f_reg1s7ryP4ssw0rd [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=$DOCUMENTUM/data," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=$DOCUMENTUM/share," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$
Just like in previous blog, I will let you set the DATA and SHARE folders as you want to.
A short description of these properties:
- INSTALLER_UI: The mode to use for the installation, here it is obviously silent
- KEEP_TEMP_FILE: Whether or not you want to keep the temporary files created by the installer. These files are generated under the /tmp folder. I usually keep them because I want to be able to check them if something went wrong
- SERVER.COMPONENT_ACTION: The action to be executed, it can be either CREATE, UPGRADE or DELETE. You can upgrade a Documentum environment in silent even if the source doesn’t support the silent installation/upgrade as long as the target version (CS 7.3, CS 16.4, …) does
- common.aek.passphrase.password: The password used for the AEK on the Primary CS
- The name of the AEK key used on the Primary CS. This is usually something like “CSaek”
- common.aek.algorithm: The algorithm used for the AEK key. I would recommend the strongest one, if possible: “AES_256_CBC”
- SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX: Whether or not you used a Lockbox to protect the AEK key on the Primary CS. If set to true, the lockbox will be downloaded from the Primary CS, that’s why you don’t need the “common.use.existing.aek.lockbox” property
- SERVER.LOCKBOX_FILE_NAME: The name of the Lockbox used on the Primary CS. This is usually something like “”
- SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD: The password used for the Lockbox on the Primary CS
- SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA: The path to be used to store the Documentum documents, accessible from all Content Servers which will host this docbase/repository
- SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE: The path to be used for the share folder
- SERVER.FQDN: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the current host the docbase/repository is being installed on
- SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME: The name of the docbase/repository created on the Primary CS (dm_docbase_config.object_name)
- SERVER.PRIMARY_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME: The name of the dm_server_config object created on the Primary CS
- CFS_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME: The name of dm_server_config object to be created for this Remote CS
- SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME: The name of the service to be used
- SERVER.REPOSITORY_USERNAME: The name of the Installation Owner. I believe it can be any superuser account but I didn’t test it
- SERVER.SECURE.REPOSITORY_PASSWORD: The password of the above account
- SERVER.REPOSITORY_USER_DOMAIN: The domain of the above account. If using an inline user like the Installation Owner, you should keep it empty
- SERVER.REPOSITORY_HOSTNAME: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Primary CS
- SERVER.USE_CERTIFICATES: Whether or not to use SSL Certificate for the docbase/repository (it goes with the SERVER.CONNECT_MODE). If you set this to true, you will have to add the usual additional parameters, just like for the Primary CS
- SERVER.PRIMARY_CONNECTION_BROKER_HOST: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the Primary CS
- SERVER.PRIMARY_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT: The port used by the docbroker/connection broker on the Primary CS
- SERVER.PROJECTED_CONNECTION_BROKER_HOST: The hostname to be use for the [DOCBROKER_PROJECTION_TARGET] on the server.ini file, meaning the docbroker/connection broker the docbase/repository should project to, by default
- SERVER.PROJECTED_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT: The port to be use for the [DOCBROKER_PROJECTION_TARGET] on the server.ini file, meaning the docbroker/connection broker the docbase/repository should project to, by default
- SERVER.DFC_BOF_GLOBAL_REGISTRY_VALIDATE_OPTION_IS_SELECTED: Whether or not you want to validate the GR on the Primary CS. I always set this to true for the first docbase/repository installed on the Remote CS (in other words: for the GR installation). If you set this to true, you will have to provide some additional parameters:
- SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_HOST_OTHER: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the docbroker/connection broker that the GR on the Primary CS projects to so this is usually the Primary CS…
- SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_PORT_OTHER: The port of the docbroker/connection broker that the GR on the Primary CS projects to
- SERVER.GLOBAL_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY: The name of the GR repository
- SERVER.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_LOGIN_NAME: The name of the BOF Registry account created on the Primary CS inside the GR repository. This is usually something like “dm_bof_registry”
- SERVER.SECURE.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_PASSWORD: The password used by the BOF Registry account
Once the properties file is ready, first make sure the gr_docbase is running on the “Primary” CS (content_server_01) and then start the CFS installer using the following commands:
[dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ dmqdocbroker -t -p 1489 -c getservermap gr_docbase dmqdocbroker: A DocBroker Query Tool dmqdocbroker: Documentum Client Library Version: 7.3.0040.0025 Using specified port: 1489 ************************************************** ** D O C B R O K E R I N F O ** ************************************************** Docbroker host : Docbroker port : 1490 Docbroker network address : INET_ADDR: 12 123 12345678 Docbroker version : 7.3.0050.0039 Linux64 ************************************************** ** S E R V E R M A P ** ************************************************** Docbase gr_docbase has 1 server: -------------------------------------------- server name : gr_docbase server host : server status : Open client proximity : 1 server version : 7.3.0050.0039 Linux64.Oracle server process id : 12345 last ckpt time : 6/12/2018 14:23:35 next ckpt time : 6/12/2018 14:28:35 connect protocol : TCP_RPC connection addr : INET_ADDR: 12 123 12345678 keep entry interval : 1440 docbase id : 1010101 server dormancy status : Active -------------------------------------------- [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ $DM_HOME/install/ -f /tmp/dctm_install/
Don’t forget to check the logs once done to make sure it went without issue!
2. Other Remote repository installation
Once you have the Remote Global Registry repository installed, you can install the Remote repository that will be used by the end-users (which isn’t a GR then). The properties file for an additional remote repository is as follow:
[dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ vi /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ cat /tmp/dctm_install/ ### Silent installation response file for a Remote Docbase INSTALLER_UI=silent KEEP_TEMP_FILE=true ### Action to be executed SERVER.COMPONENT_ACTION=CREATE ### Docbase parameters common.aek.passphrase.password=a3kP4ssw0rd common.aek.algorithm=AES_256_CBC SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX=true SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD=l0ckb0xP4ssw0rd SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA= SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE= SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME=Docbase1 SERVER.PRIMARY_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME=Docbase1 CFS_SERVER_CONFIG_NAME=content_server_02_Docbase1 SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME=Docbase1 SERVER.REPOSITORY_USERNAME=dmadmin SERVER.SECURE.REPOSITORY_PASSWORD=dm4dm1nP4ssw0rd SERVER.REPOSITORY_USER_DOMAIN= SERVER.REPOSITORY_USERNAME_WITH_DOMAIN=dmadmin SERVER.USE_CERTIFICATES=false SERVER.PRIMARY_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT=1489 SERVER.PROJECTED_CONNECTION_BROKER_PORT=1489 [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=$DOCUMENTUM/data," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=$DOCUMENTUM/share," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$
I won’t list all these parameters again because as you can see above, it is exactly the same, except the docbase/repository name. Only the last section regarding the GR validation isn’t needed anymore. Once the properties file is ready, you can install the additional remote repository in the same way:
[dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ dmqdocbroker -t -p 1489 -c getservermap Docbase1 dmqdocbroker: A DocBroker Query Tool dmqdocbroker: Documentum Client Library Version: 7.3.0040.0025 Using specified port: 1489 ************************************************** ** D O C B R O K E R I N F O ** ************************************************** Docbroker host : Docbroker port : 1490 Docbroker network address : INET_ADDR: 12 123 12345678 Docbroker version : 7.3.0050.0039 Linux64 ************************************************** ** S E R V E R M A P ** ************************************************** Docbase Docbase1 has 1 server: -------------------------------------------- server name : Docbase1 server host : server status : Open client proximity : 1 server version : 7.3.0050.0039 Linux64.Oracle server process id : 23456 last ckpt time : 6/12/2018 14:46:42 next ckpt time : 6/12/2018 14:51:42 connect protocol : TCP_RPC connection addr : INET_ADDR: 12 123 12345678 keep entry interval : 1440 docbase id : 1010102 server dormancy status : Active -------------------------------------------- [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_02 ~]$ $DM_HOME/install/ -f /tmp/dctm_install/
At this point, you will have the second docbases/repositories dm_server_config object created but that’s pretty much all you got… For a correct/working HA solution, you will need to configure the jobs for HA support (is_restartable, method_verb, …), maybe change the checkpoint_interval, configure the projections, trust the needed DFC clients (JMS applications), aso…
You now know how to install and configure a Global Registry repository as well as any other docbase/repository on a “Remote” Content Server (CFS) using the silent installation provided by Documentum.