In previous blogs, we installed in silent the Documentum binaries as well as a docbroker (+licence(s) if needed). In this one, we will see how to install docbases/repositories and by that, I mean either a Global Registry (GR) repository or a normal repository.
As you all know, you will need a repository to be a GR and I would always recommend to setup a GR that isn’t used by the end-users (no real documents). That’s why I will split this blog into two: the installation of a GR and then, the installation of a normal repository that will be used by end-users. So, let’s get to it.
1. Documentum Global Registry repository installation
The properties file for a GR installation is as follow (it’s a big one):
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ vi /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ cat /tmp/dctm_install/ ### Silent installation response file for a Docbase (GR) INSTALLER_UI=silent KEEP_TEMP_FILE=true ### Action to be executed SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.LICENSING=false SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.REPOSITORY=true SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.BROKER=false ### Docbase parameters SERVER.DOCBASE_ACTION=CREATE common.aek.passphrase.password=a3kP4ssw0rd common.aek.algorithm=AES_256_CBC SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX=true SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD=l0ckb0xP4ssw0rd SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA_FOR_SAN_NAS=false SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA= SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE= SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.DOCBASE_ID=1010101 SERVER.DOCBASE_DESCRIPTION=Global Registry repository for silent install blog SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_PORT=1489 SERVER.TEST_DOCBROKER=true SERVER.CONNECT_MODE=dual SERVER.USE_EXISTING_DATABASE_ACCOUNT=true SERVER.INDEXSPACE_NAME=DM_GR_DOCBASE_INDEX SERVER.DATABASE_CONNECTION=DEMODBNAME SERVER.DATABASE_ADMIN_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.SECURE.DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=gr_d0cb4seP4ssw0rdDB SERVER.DOCBASE_OWNER_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.SECURE.DOCBASE_OWNER_PASSWORD=gr_d0cb4seP4ssw0rdDB SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME=gr_docbase SERVER.GLOBAL_REGISTRY_SPECIFY_OPTION=USE_THIS_REPOSITORY SERVER.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_LOGIN_NAME=dm_bof_registry SERVER.SECURE.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_PASSWORD=dm_b0f_reg1s7ryP4ssw0rd ### Common parameters SERVER.ENABLE_XHIVE=false SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.DISTRIBUTED_ENV=false SERVER.ENABLE_RKM=false START_METHOD_SERVER=false MORE_DOCBASE=false SERVER.CONGINUE.MORECOMPONENT=false [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=$DOCUMENTUM/data," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=$DOCUMENTUM/share," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
In the above commands, I didn’t put the SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA and SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE into the file directly but I used sed commands to update the file later because I didn’t want to direct you to use a certain path for your installation like /app or /opt or /var or whatever… This choice is yours, so I just used sub-folders of $DOCUMENTUM and used this environment variable to set both parameters so you can choose which path you want for the Data and Share folder (the above is the default but you can set what you want).
A short description of these properties:
- INSTALLER_UI: The mode to use for the installation, here it is obviously silent
- KEEP_TEMP_FILE: Whether or not you want to keep the temporary files created by the installer. These files are generated under the /tmp folder. I usually keep them because I want to be able to check them if something went wrong
- SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.LICENSING: Whether or not you want to configure a licence using this properties file. Here since we just want a docbase/repository, it is obviously false
- SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.REPOSITORY: Whether or not you want to configure a docbase/repository. That’s the purpose of this properties file so it will be true
- SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.BROKER: Whether or not you want to configure a docbroker/connection broker. Same as the licence, it will be false
- SERVER.DOCBASE_ACTION: The action to be executed, it can be either CREATE, UPGRADE or DELETE. You can upgrade a Documentum environment in silent even if the source doesn’t support the silent installation/upgrade as long as the target version (CS 7.3, CS 16.4, …) does
- common.use.existing.aek.lockbox: Whether to use an existing aek or create a new one. Possible values are “” or “common.use.existing”. In this case, it is the first docbase/repository created so we are creating a new one. In case of migration/upgrade, you might want to use an existing one (after upgrading it) …
- common.aek.passphrase.password: The password to be used for the AEK
- The name of the AEK key to be used. This is usually something like “CSaek”
- common.aek.algorithm: The algorithm to be used for the AEK key. I would recommend the strongest one, if possible: “AES_256_CBC”
- SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX: Whether or not you want to use a Lockbox to protect the AEK key. If set to true, a lockbox will be created and the AEK key will be stored in it
- SERVER.LOCKBOX_FILE_NAME: The name of the Lockbox to be used. This is usually something like “”
- SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD: The password to be used for the Lockbox
- SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA: The path to be used to store the Documentum documents, accessible from all Content Servers which will host this docbase/repository
- SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE: The path to be used for the share folder
- SERVER.FQDN: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the current host the docbase/repository is being installed on
- SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME: The name of the docbase/repository to be created (dm_docbase_config.object_name)
- SERVER.DOCBASE_ID: The ID of the docbase/repository to be created
- SERVER.DOCBASE_DESCRIPTION: The description of the docbase/repository to be created (dm_docbase_config.title)
- SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_HOST: The hostname to be use for the [DOCBROKER_PROJECTION_TARGET] on the server.ini file, meaning the docbroker/connection broker the docbase/repository should project to, by default
- SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_PORT: The port to be use for the [DOCBROKER_PROJECTION_TARGET] on the server.ini file, meaning the docbroker/connection broker the docbase/repository should project to, by default
- SERVER.TEST_DOCBROKER: Whether or not you want to test the docbroker/connection broker connection during the installation. I would recommand to always set this to true to be sure the docbase/repository is installed properly… If a docbroker/connection broker isn’t available, the installation will not be complete (DARs installation for example) but you will not see any error, unless you manually check the installation log…
- SERVER.CONNECT_MODE: The connection mode of the docbase/repository to be used (dm_server_config.secure_connect_mode), it can be either native, dual or secure. If it is dual or secure, you have 2 choices:
- Use the default “Anonymous” mode, which is actually not really secure
- Use a real “SSL Certificate” mode, which requires some more parameters to be configured:
- SERVER.USE_CERTIFICATES: Whether or not to use SSL Certificate for the docbase/repository
- SERVER.KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME: The name of the p12 file that contains the keystore
- SERVER.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_FILE_NAME: The name of the password file that contains the password of the keystore
- SERVER.TRUST_STORE_FILE_NAME: The name of the p7b file that contains the SSL Certificate needed to trust the targets (from a docbase point of view)
- SERVER.CIPHER_LIST: Colon separated list of ciphers to be enabled (E.g.: EDH-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:EDH-RSA-AES256-SHA)
- SERVER.DFC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE: Full path and name of the truststore to be used that contains the SSL Certificate needed to trust the targets (from a DFC/client point of view)
- SERVER.DFC_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: The password of the truststore in clear text
- SERVER.DFC_SSL_USE_EXISTING_TRUSTSTORE: Whether or not to use the Java truststore or the 2 above parameters instead
- SERVER.USE_EXISTING_DATABASE_ACCOUNT: Whether or not you want to use an existing DB Account or create a new one. I don’t like when an installer is requesting you full access to a DB so I’m usually preparing the DB User upfront with only the bare minimal set of permissions required and then using this account for the Application (Documentum docbase/repository in this case)
- SERVER.INDEXSPACE_NAME: The name of the tablespace to be used to store the indexes (to be set if using existing DB User)
- SERVER.DATABASE_CONNECTION: The name of the Database to connect to. This needs to be available on the tnsnames.ora if using Oracle, aso…
- SERVER.DATABASE_ADMIN_NAME: The name of the Database admin account to be used. There is no reason to put anything else than the same as the schema owner’s account here… If you configured the correct permissions, you don’t need a DB admin account at all
- SERVER.SECURE.DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the above-mentioned account
- SERVER.DOCBASE_OWNER_NAME: The name of the schema owner’s account to be used for runtime
- SERVER.SECURE.DOCBASE_OWNER_PASSWORD: The password of the schema owner’s account
- SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME: The name of the service to be used. To be set only when using Oracle…
- SERVER.GLOBAL_REGISTRY_SPECIFY_OPTION: If this docbase/repository should be a Global Registry, then set this to “USE_THIS_REPOSITORY”, otherwise do not set the parameter. If the GR is on a remote host, you need to set this to “SPECIFY_DIFFERENT_REPOSITORY” and then use a few additional parameters to specify the name of the GR repo and the host it is currently running on
- SERVER.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_LOGIN_NAME: The name of the BOF Registry account to be created. This is usually something like “dm_bof_registry”
- SERVER.SECURE.BOF_REGISTRY_USER_PASSWORD=The password to be used for the BOF Registry account
- SERVER.ENABLE_XHIVE: Whether or not you want to enable the XML Store Feature. As I mentioned in the blog with the licences, this is one of the thing you might want to enable the licence during the docbase/repository configuration. If you want to enable the XHIVE, you will need to specify a few additional parameters like the XDB user/password, host and port, aso…
- SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.DISTRIBUTED_ENV: Whether or not you want to enable/configure the DMS. If you set this to true, you will need to add a few more parameters like the DMS Action to be performed, the webserver port, host, password, aso…
- SERVER.ENABLE_RKM: Whether or not you want to enable/configure the RKM. If you set this to true, you will need to add a few more parameters like the host/port on which the keys will be stored, the certificates and password, aso…
- START_METHOD_SERVER: Whether or not you want the JMS to be re-started again once the docbase/repository has been created. Since we usually create at least 2 docbases/repositories, we can leave it stopped there
- MORE_DOCBASE: Never change this value, it should remain as false as far as I know
- SERVER.CONGINUE.MORECOMPONENT: Whether or not you want to configure some additional components. Same as above, I would always let it as false… I know that the name of this parameter is strange but that’s the name that is coming from the templates… But if you look a little bit on the internet, you might be able to find “SERVER.CONTINUE.MORE.COMPONENT” instead… So which one is working, which one isn’t is still a mystery for me. I use the first one but since I always set it to false, that doesn’t have any impact for me and I never saw any errors coming from the log files.
Once the properties file is ready, you can install the Global Registry repository using the following command:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $DM_HOME/install/ -f /tmp/dctm_install/
Contrary to previous installations, this will take some time (around 20 minutes) because it needs to install the docbase/repository, then there are DARs that need to be installed, aso… Unfortunately, there is no feedback on the progress, so you just need to wait and in case something goes wrong, you won’t even notice since there are no errors shown… Therefore, check the logs to be sure!
2. Other repository installation
Once you have a Global Registry repository installed, you can install the repository that will be used by the end-users (which isn’t a GR then). The properties file for an additional repository is as follow:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ vi /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ cat /tmp/dctm_install/ ### Silent installation response file for a Docbase INSTALLER_UI=silent KEEP_TEMP_FILE=true ### Action to be executed SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.LICENSING=false SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.REPOSITORY=true SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.BROKER=false ### Docbase parameters SERVER.DOCBASE_ACTION=CREATE common.use.existing.aek.lockbox=common.use.existing common.aek.passphrase.password=a3kP4ssw0rd common.aek.algorithm=AES_256_CBC SERVER.ENABLE_LOCKBOX=true SERVER.LOCKBOX_PASSPHRASE.PASSWORD=l0ckb0xP4ssw0rd SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA_FOR_SAN_NAS=false SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA= SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE= SERVER.DOCBASE_NAME=Docbase1 SERVER.DOCBASE_ID=1010102 SERVER.DOCBASE_DESCRIPTION=Docbase1 repository for silent install blog SERVER.PROJECTED_DOCBROKER_PORT=1489 SERVER.TEST_DOCBROKER=true SERVER.CONNECT_MODE=dual SERVER.USE_EXISTING_DATABASE_ACCOUNT=true SERVER.INDEXSPACE_NAME=DM_DOCBASE1_INDEX SERVER.DATABASE_CONNECTION=DEMODBNAME SERVER.DATABASE_ADMIN_NAME=docbase1 SERVER.SECURE.DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=d0cb4se1P4ssw0rdDB SERVER.DOCBASE_OWNER_NAME=docbase1 SERVER.SECURE.DOCBASE_OWNER_PASSWORD=d0cb4se1P4ssw0rdDB SERVER.DOCBASE_SERVICE_NAME=docbase1 ### Common parameters SERVER.ENABLE_XHIVE=false SERVER.CONFIGURATOR.DISTRIBUTED_ENV=false SERVER.ENABLE_RKM=false START_METHOD_SERVER=true MORE_DOCBASE=false SERVER.CONGINUE.MORECOMPONENT=false [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_DATA=$DOCUMENTUM/data," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=.*,SERVER.DOCUMENTUM_SHARE=$DOCUMENTUM/share," /tmp/dctm_install/ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
I won’t list all these parameters again but just the ones that changed, except the docbase/repository name/id/description and DB accounts/tablespaces since these are pretty obvious:
- Updated parameter’s value:
- common.use.existing.aek.lockbox: As mentioned above, since the AEK key is now created (as part of the GR installation), this now need to be set to “common.use.existing” instead
- Removed parameter (all these will be taken from the that has been updated as part of the GR installation):
Once the properties file is ready, you can install the additional repository in the same way:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $DM_HOME/install/ -f /tmp/dctm_install/
You now know how to install and configure a Global Registry repository as well as any other docbase/repository on a “Primary” Content Server using the silent installation provided by Documentum. In a later blog, I will talk about specificities related to a “Remote” Content Server for a High Availability environment.