In a previous blog (see this one), I already provided the steps to change the BOF password and I mentioned that this was more or less the only important account in the Global Registry. Well in this blog, I will show you how to change the passwords for the two other important accounts: the Presets and Preferences accounts.
These two accounts can actually be created in a dedicated repository for performance reasons but by default they will be taken from the Global Registry and they are used – as you can easily understand – to create Presets and Preferences…
As said above, these accounts are docbase accounts so let’s start with setting up some environment variable containing the passwords and then updating their passwords on a Content Server:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW Preset password: " prespw; echo Please enter the NEW Preset password: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW Preferences password: " prefpw; echo Please enter the NEW Preferences password: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ iapi GR_DOCBASE -Udmadmin -Pxxx << EOF > retrieve,c,dm_user where user_login_name='dmc_wdk_presets_owner' > set,c,l,user_password > $prespw > save,c,l > retrieve,c,dm_user where user_login_name='dmc_wdk_preferences_owner' > set,c,l,user_password > $prefpw > save,c,l > EOF EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2015 All rights reserved. Client Library Release 7.2.0000.0054 Connecting to Server using docbase GR_DOCBASE [DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 010f123456000907 started for user dmadmin." Connected to Documentum Server running Release 7.2.0000.0155 Linux64.Oracle Session id is s0 API> ... 110f123456000144 API> SET> ... OK API> ... OK API> ... 110f123456000145 API> SET> ... OK API> ... OK API> Bye [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Again, to verify that the passwords have been set properly, you can try to login to the respective accounts:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ echo quit | iapi GR_DOCBASE -Udmc_wdk_presets_owner -P$prespw EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2015 All rights reserved. Client Library Release 7.2.0000.0054 Connecting to Server using docbase GR_DOCBASE [DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 010f123456000908 started for user dmc_wdk_presets_owner." Connected to Documentum Server running Release 7.2.0000.0155 Linux64.Oracle Session id is s0 API> Bye [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ echo quit | iapi GR_DOCBASE -Udmc_wdk_preferences_owner -P$prefpw EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2015 All rights reserved. Client Library Release 7.2.0000.0054 Connecting to Server using docbase GR_DOCBASE [DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 010f123456000909 started for user dmc_wdk_preferences_owner." Connected to Documentum Server running Release 7.2.0000.0155 Linux64.Oracle Session id is s0 API> Bye [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
When the docbase account has been updated, the first part is done. That’s good but just like for the BOF account, you still need to update the references everywhere… Fortunately for the Presets and Preferences accounts there are less references so it’s less a pain in the… 😉
There are references to these two accounts in the WDK-based Applications. Below I will use Documentum Administrator as an example which is deployed as a WAR file on a WebLogic Server, however the steps would be the same for other Application Servers, except that you might use exploded folders and not war files… Below I will use:
- $WLS_APPLICATIONS as the directory where the DA WAR file is present.
- $WLS_APPS_DATA as the directory where the Data are present (log files, dfc.keystore, cache, …).
These two folders might be the same depending on how you configured your Application Server. So, first of all, let’s encrypt the two passwords on the Application Server using the DA libraries:
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ cd $WLS_APPLICATIONS/ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -xvf da.war wdk/app.xml WEB-INF/classes WEB-INF/lib/dfc.jar WEB-INF/lib [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW Preset password: " prespw; echo Please enter the NEW Preset password: [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW Preferences password: " prefpw; echo Please enter the NEW Preferences password: [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ java -classpath WEB-INF/classes:WEB-INF/lib/dfc.jar:WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-1.2.jar com.documentum.web.formext.session.TrustedAuthenticatorTool $prespw $prefpw Encrypted: [jpQm5FfqdD3HWqP4mgoIIw==], Decrypted: [Pr3seTp4sSwoRd] Encrypted: [YaGqNkj2FqfQDn3gfna8Nw==], Decrypted: [Pr3feRp4sSwoRd] [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$
Once this has been done, let’s check the old passwords, updating them in the app.xml file for DA and then checking that the update has been done. The sed commands below are pretty simple: the first part will search for the parent XML tag (so either <presets>…</presets> or <preferencesrepository>…</preferencesrepository>) and the second part will replace the first occurrence of the <password>…</password> line INSIDE the XML tag mentioned in the command (presets or preferencesrepository) with the new password we encrypted before. So, again, just replace my encrypted password with what you got:
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ grep -C20 "<password>.*</password>" wdk/app.xml | grep -E "dmc_|</password>|presets>|preferencesrepository>" <presets> <!-- Encrypted password for default preset user "dmc_wdk_presets_owner" --> <password>tqQd5gfWGF3tVacfmgwL2w==</password> </presets> <preferencesrepository> <!-- Encrypted password for default preference user "dmc_wdk_preferences_owner" --> <password>LdFinAwf2F2fuB29cqfs2w==</password> </preferencesrepository> [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "/<presets>/,/</presets>/ s,<password>.*</password>,<password>jpQm5FfqdD3HWqP4mgoIIw==</password>," wdk/app.xml [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "/<preferencesrepository>/,/</preferencesrepository>/ s,<password>.*</password>,<password>YaGqNkj2FqfQDn3gfna8Nw==</password>," wdk/app.xml [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ grep -C20 "<password>.*</password>" wdk/app.xml | grep -E "dmc_|</password>|presets>|preferencesrepository>" <presets> <!-- Encrypted password for default preset user "dmc_wdk_presets_owner" --> <password>jpQm5FfqdD3HWqP4mgoIIw==</password> </presets> <preferencesrepository> <!-- Encrypted password for default preference user "dmc_wdk_preferences_owner" --> <password>YaGqNkj2FqfQDn3gfna8Nw==</password> </preferencesrepository> [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -uvf da.war wdk/app.xml [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ rm -rf WEB-INF/ wdk/ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$
Normally the passwords returned by the second grep command should be different and they should match the ones returned by the JAVA previously executed to encrypt the Presets and Preferences passwords. Once that is done, simply repack the war file and redeploy it (if needed).
To verify that the passwords are properly set you can simply stop DA, remove the cache containing the Presets’ jars and restart DA. If the jars are automatically re-created, then the passwords should be OK:
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ cd $WLS_APPS_DATA/documentum.da/ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ ls -l total 4 drwxr-x---. 4 weblogic weblogic 4096 Jul 15 20:58 7.3.0000.0205 [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ ls -l ./7.3.*/bof/*/ ... [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$
This last ‘ls’ command will display a list of 10 or 15 jars (12 for me in DA 7.3 GA release) as well as a few files (content.lck, content.xml and GR_DOCBASE.lck usually). If you don’t see any jar files before the restart, it means the old password was probably not correct… Ok so now to verify that the new passwords have been put properly in the app.xml file, simply stop the Managed Server hosting DA with your preferred way (I will use “msDA-01” for the example below), then remove the cache folder and restart DA. Once DA is up&running again, it will re-create this cache folder in a few seconds and all the jars should be back:
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startstop stop msDA-01 ** Managed Server msDA-01 stopped [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ rm -rf ./7.3*/ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startstop start msDA-01 ** Managed Server msDA-01 started [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sleep 30 [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ ls -l ./7.3.*/bof/*/ ... [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$
If you did it properly, the jars will be back. If you want a list of the jars that should be present, take a look at the file “./7.3.*/bof/*/content.xml”. Obviously above I was using the DA 7.3 GA so my cache folder starts with If you are using another version of DA, the name of this folder will change so just keep that in mind.