When installing a Global Registry on a Content Server, you will be asked to setup the BOF username and password. The name of this user is by default “dm_bof_registry” so even if you can change it, I will use this value in this blog. This is one of the important accounts that are being created inside the Global Registry. So, what would be the needed steps to change the password of this account?
Let’s start with the simple part: changing the password of the account in the Global Registry. For this, I will use iapi below but you can do the same thing using Documentum Administrator, idql, dqMan or anything else that works. First, let’s login on the Content Server, switch to the Installation Owner’s account and start with defining an environment variable that will contain the NEW password to be used:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the dm_bof_registry password: " bof_pwd; echo Please enter the dm_bof_registry password: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Once that is done, we can now execute the iapi commands below to update the password for the dm_bof_registry account. As there is a local trust on the Content Server with the Installation Owner, I don’t need to enter the password, so I use “xxx” instead to login to the Global Registry (GR_DOCBASE). Execute the commands below one after the other and don’t include the “> ” characters, just past the iapi commands and after pasting the final EOF, an iapi session will be opened and all commands will be executed, like that:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ iapi GR_DOCBASE -Udmadmin -Pxxx << EOF > retrieve,c,dm_user where user_login_name='dm_bof_registry' > set,c,l,user_password > $bof_pwd > save,c,l > EOF EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2015 All rights reserved. Client Library Release 7.2.0000.0054 Connecting to Server using docbase GR_DOCBASE [DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 010f123456000905 started for user dmadmin." Connected to Documentum Server running Release 7.2.0000.0155 Linux64.Oracle Session id is s0 API> ... 110f123456000144 API> SET> ... OK API> ... OK API> Bye [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Then to verify that the password has been set properly in the Global Registry, we can try to login with the dm_bof_registry account:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ echo quit | iapi GR_DOCBASE -Udm_bof_registry -P$bof_pwd EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2015 All rights reserved. Client Library Release 7.2.0000.0054 Connecting to Server using docbase GR_DOCBASE [DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 010f123456000906 started for user dm_bof_registry." Connected to Documentum Server running Release 7.2.0000.0155 Linux64.Oracle Session id is s0 API> Bye [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
If the password has been changed properly, the output will be similar to the one above: a session will be opened and the only command executed will be “quit” which will close the iapi session automatically. That was pretty easy, right? Well that’s clearly not all there is to do to change the BOF password, unfortunately…
The “problem” with the dm_bof_registry account is that it is used on all DFC Clients to register them, to establish trust, aso… Therefore, if you change the password of this account, you will need to reflect this change on all clients that are connecting to your Content Servers. In the steps below, I will provide some commands that can be used to do that on the different typical DFC clients (JMS, xPlore, DA, D2, …). If I’m not talking about one of your DFC client, then basically the steps are always the same, it’s just the commands that differs:
- Listing all dfc.keystore
- Updating the dfc.properties
- Removing/renaming the dfc.keystore files
- Restarting the DFC clients
- Checking that the dfc.keystore files have been recreated
Before going through the different DFC Clients, you first need to encrypt the BOF user’s password because it is always be used in its encrypted form, so let’s encrypt it on a Content Server:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/dfc/dfc.jar com.documentum.fc.tools.RegistryPasswordUtils ${bof_pwd} AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0 [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
I generated a random string for this example (“AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0”) but this will be the encrypted password of our user. I will use this value in the commands below so whenever you see this, just replace it with what your “java -cp ..” command returned.
I. Content Server
On the Content Server, the main dfc client is the JMS. You will have one dfc.properties for each JMS application, one global for the CS, aso… So, let’s update all that with a few commands only. Normally you should only get the definition of the dfc.globalregistry.password in the file $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/config/dfc.properties. If you got this definition elsewhere, you should maybe consider using the “#include” statement to avoid duplicating the definitions…
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; done [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ sed -i 's,dfc.globalregistry.password=.*,dfc.globalregistry.password=AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0,' $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/config/dfc.properties [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; mv "${i}" "${i}_bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d")"; done [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/jboss7.1.1/server/stopMethodServer.sh [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ nohup $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/jboss7.1.1/server/startMethodServer.sh >> $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/jboss7.1.1/server/nohup-JMS.out 2>&1 & [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; done
If you do it properly, all the dfc.keystore files will be recreated with the restart and you can verify that by comparing the output of the first and last commands.
II. WebLogic Server
In this part, I will assume a WebLogic Server is used for the D2, D2-Config and DA applications. If you are using Tomcat instead, then just adapt the path. Below I will use:
- $WLS_APPLICATIONS as the directory where all the Application WAR files are present. If you are using exploded applications (it’s just a folder, not a WAR file) OR if you are using an external dfc.properties file (it’s possible even with a WAR file to extract the dfc.properties for it), then the “jar -xvf” and “jar -uvf” commands aren’t needed.
- $WLS_APPS_DATA as the directory where the Application Data are present (Application log files, dfc.keystore, cache, …)
These two folders might be the same depending on how you configured your Application Server. All I’m doing below is just updating the dfc.properties files for D2, D2-Config and DA in order to use the new encrypted password.
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $WLS_APPS_DATA -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; done [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ cd $WLS_APPLICATIONS/ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -xvf D2.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sed -i 's,dfc.globalregistry.password=.*,dfc.globalregistry.password=AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0,' WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -uvf D2.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -xvf D2-Config.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sed -i 's,dfc.globalregistry.password=.*,dfc.globalregistry.password=AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0,' WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -uvf D2-Config.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -xvf da.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ sed -i 's,dfc.globalregistry.password=.*,dfc.globalregistry.password=AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0,' WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ jar -uvf da.war WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $WLS_APPS_DATA -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; mv "${i}" "${i}_bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d")"; done
Once done, the next steps depend, again, on how you configured your Application Server. If you are using WAR files, you will need to redeploy them. If not, you might have to restart your Application Server for the change to be taken into account and for the keystore file to be re-created.
III. Full Text Server
On the Full Text Server, it’s again the same stuff but for all Index Agents this time.
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $XPLORE_HOME -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; done [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ for i in `ls $XPLORE_HOME/jboss7.1.1/server/DctmServer_*/deployments/IndexAgent.war/WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties`; do sed -i 's,dfc.globalregistry.password=.*,dfc.globalregistry.password=AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0,' ${i}; done [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $XPLORE_HOME -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; mv "${i}" "${i}_bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d")"; done [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ service xplore stop [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ service xplore start [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ for i in `find $XPLORE_HOME -type f -name "dfc.keystore"`; do ls -l ${i}; done
Again if you do it properly, all the dfc.keystore files will be recreated with the restart.
When everything has been done, just let the environment up&running for some time and check the logs for authentication failures regarding the dm_bof_registry user. As you saw above, changing the dm_bof_registry password isn’t really complicated but it’s quite redundant and time consuming so better script all this! 🙂