The 4 Steps Of Office Web Apps Server 2013 Installation

Office Web Apps provides browser-based versions of Excel, One Note, Word and PowerPoint. It also helps users who access files through SharePoint 2013.

The objective of this topic is to define the steps to install office web apps 2013, create the farm and the binding so that it can be used within SharePoint 2013 test environment.

For this example, we have the following systems in place:

  • Windows Server 2012 r2
  • SharePoint Server 2013

1) Install Server roles, features & Role services

Server roles:

  • Web server


  • Ink and Handwriting services

Role services:

  • Dynamic Content Compression
  • Windows Authentication
  • .Net Extensibility 4.5
  • ASP.Net 4.5
  • Server Side Includes

Restart the server.

Note that if your installation is done on Windows Server 2016, the feature “Ink and Handwriting services” is now a default part of the server and no longer requires a separate package.

2) Install Office Web Apps

Launch the setup from the DVD file and wait until the installation is finished.

3) Create Office Web Apps Farm

1) Specify the internal URL for the server name
2) Use administrative privileges
3) run the Power Shell command “New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalURL http://servername -AllowHttp -EditingEnabled”

This command allows HTTP as it is internal and the function enable editing to allow users to edit documents.

To verify that the farm is successfully created, type in the browser the URL “http://servername/hosting/delivery”.

4) Bind Office Web Apps and SharePoint

The communication between both sides still need to be done through HTTP protocol.

1) Use administrative privileges
2) Switch over SharePoint management shell
3) Run the command “New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName servername -AllowHTTP”

The command should return that HTTP protocol is used internally and a list of bindings.

Check SharePoint default internal zone:


If it is HTTPS, change it into HTTP:

Set-SPWOPIZone -Zone internal-http

Set the authentication OAuth over HTTP to true:

  • $config = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig)
  • $config.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true
  • $config.update()

SharePoint can now use Office Web Apps.

To avoid errors, few points need to be verify before testing Office Web apps within SharePoint:

a) Check SharePoint authentication mode (claims-based and not classic) using PowerShell:

  • $WebApp=”http://webapp/”
  • (Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppURL).UseClaimsAuthentication

b) Check that the login account is not a system account but a testing account.

c) Enabling editing Office Web Apps, if it is false, set it to true using the PowerShell command:

  • Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -EditingEnabled:$true

d) Check that Office Web Apps has enough memory

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