In order to start index agents, you have several ways, depending on how you need to start them.

1. Use the documentum job dm_FTIndexAgentBoot. If you setup start_index_agents=T in the server.ini, the job will be called when the docbases are started.

2. Use the web interface:
Login to http://server:9200/IndexAgent/ with docbase credentials and select “Start in normal mode”

3. Login to DA and go to Indexing Management -> Index Agents and Index Servers
Right click on an index agent and select “Start Agent”

4. Use IAPI command to start it:

select index_name from dm_fulltext_index;
select object_name from dm_ftindex_agent_config;


5. Use Java:
java -cp $DM_HOME/lib/server-impl.jar:$DOCUMENTUM/dfc/dfc.jar com.documentum.server.impl.utils.IndexAgentCtrl -docbase_name <docbasename> -user_name <username> -action start