The new D2-Client does not correctly display the icon for some formats. This usually happens when the icon.css is not up to date based on the content format in the repository. The solution is to find these formats and update the icon.css.
Here is the solution in three simple steps:
1) Find all formats described in icon.css
grep -B1 formats icon.css | cut -f1 -d"{" | grep SPAN | cut -f2 -d. > format.txt
icon.css is located on the application server under”…webappsD2-Clientstylesdefaultscss”
2) Find which format in the repository is not defined in icon.css using a dql query
Use the value in format.txt from previous step to build the dql query:
select distinct a_content_type from dm_document(all)
where a_content_type not in
.... .
3) Update icon.css with the missing formats
Let’s take an example: For msw2007, I added:
SPAN.msw2007 { BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(/D2-Client/servlet/GetResource/images/icons/formats/doc-small.gif) }