When using xPlore with Documentum, you will need to setup a DSearch which will be used to perform the searches and this DSearch uses in the background an Xhive Database. This is a native XML Database that persists XML DOMs and provide access to them using XPath and XQuery. In this blog, I will share the steps needed to change the location of the Xhive Database used by the DSearch. You usually don’t want to move this XML Database everyday but it might be useful as a one-time action. In this customer case, one of the DSearch in a Sandbox/Dev environment has been installed using a wrong path for the Xhive Database (not following our installation conventions) and therefore we had to correct that just to keep the alignment between all environments and to avoid a complete uninstall/reinstall of the IndexAgents + DSearch.
In the steps below, I will suppose that xPlore has been installed under “/app/xPlore” and that the Xhive Database has been created under “/app/xPlore/data”. This is the default value and then when installing an IndexAgent, it will create, under the data folder, a sub-folder with a name equal to the DSearch Domain’s name (usually the name of the docbase/repository). In this blog I will show you how to move this Xhive Database to “/app/xPlore/test-data” without having to reinstall everything. This means that the Xhive Database will NOT be deleted/recreated from scratch (this is also possible) and therefore you will NOT have to perform a full reindex which would have taken a looong time.
So let’s start with stopping all components first:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sh -c "/app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/stopIndexagent.sh" [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sh -c "/app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/stopPrimaryDsearch.sh"
Once this is done, we need to backup the data and config files, just in case…
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ current_date=$(date "+%Y%m%d") [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ cp -R /app/xPlore/data/ /app/xPlore/data_bck_$current_date [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ cp -R /app/xPlore/config/ /app/xPlore/config_bck_$current_date [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ mv /app/xPlore/data/ /app/xPlore/test-data/
Ok now everything in the background is prepared and we can start the actual steps to move the Xhive Database. The first step is to change the data location in the files stored in the config folder. There is actually two files that need to be updated: indexserverconfig.xml and XhiveDatabase.bootstrap. In the first file, you need to update the “storage-location” path that defines where the data are kept and in the second file you need to update all paths pointing to the Database files. Here are some simple commands to replace the old path with the new path and check that it has been done properly:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,/app/xPlore/data,/app/xPlore/test-data," /app/xPlore/config/indexserverconfig.xml [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sed -i "s,/app/xPlore/data,/app/xPlore/test-data," /app/xPlore/config/XhiveDatabase.bootstrap [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ grep -A2 "<storage-locations>" /app/xPlore/config/indexserverconfig.xml <storage-locations> <storage-location path="/app/xPlore/test-data" quota_in_MB="10" status="not_full" name="default"/> </storage-locations> [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ grep "/app/xPlore/test-data" /app/xPlore/config/XhiveDatabase.bootstrap | grep 'id="[0-4]"' <file path="/app/xPlore/test-data/xhivedb-default-0.XhiveDatabase.DB" id="0"/> <file path="/app/xPlore/test-data/SystemData/xhivedb-SystemData-0.XhiveDatabase.DB" id="2"/> <file path="/app/xPlore/test-data/SystemData/MetricsDB/xhivedb-SystemData#MetricsDB-0.XhiveDatabase.DB" id="3"/> <file path="/app/xPlore/test-data/SystemData/MetricsDB/PrimaryDsearch/xhivedb-SystemData#MetricsDB#PrimaryDsearch-0.XhiveDatabase.DB" id="4"/> <file path="/app/xPlore/test-data/xhivedb-temporary-0.XhiveDatabase.DB" id="1"/>
The next step is to announce the new location of the data folder to the DSearch so it can create future Xhive Databases at the right location and this is done inside the file indexserver-bootstrap.properties. After the update, this file should look like the following:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ cat /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/DctmServer_PrimaryDsearch/deployments/dsearch.war/WEB-INF/classes/indexserver-bootstrap.properties # (c) 1994-2009, EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved. #Wed May 20 10:40:49 PDT 2009 #Note: Do not change the values of the properties in this file except xhive-pagesize and force-restart-xdb. node-name=PrimaryDsearch configuration-service-class=com.emc.documentum.core.fulltext.indexserver.core.config.impl.xmlfile.IndexServerConfig indexserver.config.file=/app/xPlore/config/indexserverconfig.xml xhive-database-name=xhivedb superuser-name=superuser superuser-password=**************************************************** adminuser-name=Administrator adminuser-password=**************************************************** xhive-bootstrapfile-name=/app/xPlore/config/XhiveDatabase.bootstrap xhive-connection-string=xhive://xplore_server_01:9330 xhive-pagesize=4096 # xhive-cache-pages=40960 isPrimary = true licensekey=************************************************************** xhive-data-directory=/app/xPlore/test-data xhive-log-directory=
In this file:
- indexserver.config.file => defines the location of the indexserverconfig.xml file that must be used to recreate the DSearch Xhive Database.
- xhive-bootstrapfile-name => defines the location and name of the Xhive bootstrap file that will be generated during bootstrap and will be used to create the empty DSearch Xhive Database.
- xhive-data-directory => defines the path of the data folder that will be used by the Xhive bootstrap file. This will therefore be the future location of the DSearch Xhive Database.
As you probably understood, to change the data folder, you just have to adjust the value of the parameter “xhive-data-directory” to point to the new location: /app/xPlore/test-data.
When this is done, the third step is to change the Lucene temp path:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ cat /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/DctmServer_PrimaryDsearch/deployments/dsearch.war/WEB-INF/classes/xdb.properties xdb.lucene.temp.path=/app/xPlore/test-data/temp
In this file, xdb.lucene.temp.path defines the path for temporary uncommitted indexes. Therefore it will just be used for temporary indexes but it is still a good practice to change this location since it’s also talking about the data of the DSearch and it helps to keep everything consistent.
Then the next step is to clean the cache and restart the DSearch. You can use your custom start/stop script if you have one or use something like this:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ rm -rf /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/DctmServer_*/tmp/work/* [xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sh -c "cd /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server;nohup ./startPrimaryDsearch.sh & sleep 5;mv nohup.out nohup-PrimaryDsearch.out"
Once done, just verify in the log file generated by the start command (for me: /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server/nohup-PrimaryDsearch.out) that the DSearch has been started successfully. If that’s true, then you can also start the IndexAgent:
[xplore@xplore_server_01 ~]$ sh -c "cd /app/xPlore/jboss7.1.1/server;nohup ./startIndexagent.sh & sleep 5;mv nohup.out nohup-Indexagent.out"
And here we are, the Xhive Database is now located under the “test-data” folder!
Additional note: As said at the beginning of this blog, it is also possible to recreate an empty Xhive Database and change its location at the same time. Doing a recreation of am empty DB will result in the same thing as the steps above BUT you will have to perform a full reindexing which will take a lot of time if this isn’t a new installation (the more documents are indexed, the more time it will take)… To perform this operation, the steps are mostly the same and are summarized below:
- Backup the data and config folders
- Remove all files inside the config folder except the indexserverconfig.xml
- Create a new (empty) data folder with a different name like “test-data” or “new-data” or…
- Update the file indexserver-bootstrap.properties with the reference to the new path
- Update the file xdb.properties with the reference to the new path
- Clean the cache and restart the DSearch+IndexAgents
Basically, the steps are exactly the same except that you don’t need to update the files indexserverconfig.xml and XhiveDatabase.bootstrap. The first one is normally updated by the DSearch automatically and the second file will be recreated from scratch using the right data path thanks to the update of the file indexserver-bootstrap.properties.
Have fun 🙂