In this blog, I will describe the few steps needed to change the Documentum Installation Owner’s password. As you all know, the Installation Owner is (one of) the most important password in Documentum and it is probably the first you define even before starting the installation.
As always, I will use a linux environment and in this case, I’m assuming the “dmadmin” account is a local account to each Content Server and therefore the change of the password must be done on all of them. In case you have an AD integration or something similar, you can just change the password at the AD level so that’s not funny, right?!
So, let’s start with log in to all Content Servers using the Installation Owner’s account. In case you don’t remember the old password, you will have to use the root account instead. So changing the dmadmin’s password is pretty simple, you just have to change it on the OS level (again this is the default… If you changed the dmadmin’s account type, then…):
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ passwd Changing password for user dmadmin. Changing password for dmadmin. (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
To verify that the dmadmin’s password has been changed successfully, you can use the dm_check_password utility as follow (leave the extra #1 and #2 empty):
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $DOCUMENTUM/dba/dm_check_password Enter user name: dmadmin Enter user password: Enter user extra #1 (not used): Enter user extra #2 (not used): $DOCUMENTUM/dba/dm_check_password: Result = (0) = (DM_EXT_APP_SUCCESS) [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Once you are sure that the password is set properly, one could think that it’s over but actually, it’s not… There is one additional place where this password must be set and I’m not talking about new installations which obviously will requires you to enter the new password. For that, let’s first encrypt this password:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW dmadmin's password: " dmadmin_pw; echo --> Enter the NEW dmadmin's password: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/dfc/dfc.jar ${dmadmin_pw} AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0 [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
I generated a random string for this example (“AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0”) but this will be the encrypted password of dmadmin. I will use this value in the commands below so whenever you see this, just replace it with what your “java -cp ..” command returned.
Then where should this be used? On the Full Text Server! So log in to your FT and inside the watchdog configuration, the dmadmin’s password is used for the IndexAgent connection. The commands below will take a backup of the configuration file and then update it to use the new encrypted password:
[xplore@full_text_server_01 ~]$ cd $XPLORE_HOME/watchdog/config/ [xplore@full_text_server_01 config]$ cp dsearch-watchdog-config.xml dsearch-watchdog-config.xml_bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d") [xplore@full_text_server_01 config]$ [xplore@full_text_server_01 config]$ sed -i 's,<property name="docbase_password" value="[^"]*",<property name="docbase_password" value="AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0",' dsearch-watchdog-config.xml [xplore@full_text_server_01 config]$
Small (but important) note on the above commands: if you are using the same FT for different environments or if one of the IndexAgent is linked to a different dmadmin’s account (and therefore different password), then you will need to open the file manually and replace the passwords for the corresponding xml tags (or use a different sed command which will be more complicated). Each IndexAgent will have the following lines for its configuration:
<application-config instance-name="<hostname>_9200_IndexAgent" name="IndexAgent"> <properties> <property name="application_url" value="https://<hostname>:9202/IndexAgent"/> <property name="docbase_user" value="dmadmin"/> <property name="docbase_name" value="DocBase1"/> <property name="docbase_password" value="AAAAEE0QvvSIFuiXKd4kNg2Ff1dLf0gacNpofNLtKxoGd2iDFQax0"/> <property name="servlet_wait_time" value="3000"/> <property name="servlet_max_retry" value="5"/> <property name="action_on_servlet_if_stopped" value="notify"/> </properties> <tasks> ... </tasks> </application-config>
Once the above modification has been done, simply restart the xPlore components.
Another thing that must be done is linked to D2 and D2-Config… If you are using these components, then you will need to update the D2 Lockbox on the Content Server side and you probably defined the LoadOnStartup property which will require you to put the dmadmin’s password in the D2 Lockbox on the Web Application side too. In this blog, I won’t discuss the full recreation of the D2 Lockbox with new password/passphrases since this is pretty simple and most likely known by everybody so I’m just going to update the dmadmin’s password inside the D2 Lockbox instead for the different properties. If you would like a more complete blog for the lockbox, just let me know! This only apply to “not so old nor so recent” D2 versions since the D2 Lockbox has been introduced only a few years ago but is yet not present anymore with D2 4.7, so…
On the Content Server – I’m just setting up the environment to contain the libraries needed to update the D2 Lockbox and then updating the D2-JMS properties inside the lockbox. I’m using $DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib as the root folder under which the D2 Installer put the libraries and initial lockbox:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox/lib/native/linux_gcc34_x64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ export PATH=$DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox/lib/native/linux_gcc34_x64:$PATH [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ export CLASSPATH=$DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/D2.jar:$DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/LB.jar:$DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/LBJNI.jar:$CLASSPATH [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ cp -R $DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox $DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox-bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ for docbase in `cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/; ls`; do java $DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox D2-JMS.${docbase}.password ${dmadmin_pw}; done [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ for docbase in `cd $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/; ls`; do java $DOCUMENTUM/d2-lib/lockbox D2-JMS.${docbase}.${docbase}.password ${dmadmin_pw}; done
The last command above mention “${docbase}.${docbase}”… Actually the first one is indeed the name of the docbase but the second one is the name of the local dm_server_config. Therefore, for a single Content Server the above commands are probably enough (since by default dm_server_config name = docbase name) but if you have a HA setup, then you will need to also include the remote dm_server_config names for each docbase (alternatively you can also use wildcards…). Once that is done, just replace the old lockbox with the new one in the JMS.
On the Web Application Server – the same environment variables are needed but of course the paths will change and you might need to include the C6-Common jar file too (which is known to cause issues with WebLogic if it is still in the CLASSPATH when you start it). So on the Web Application Server, I’m also setting up the environment variables with the dmadmin’s password and D2 Lockbox passphrase as well as another variable for the list of docbases to loop on them:
[weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$ for docbase in $DOCBASES; do java $WLS_DOMAIN/D2/lockbox LoadOnStartup.${docbase}.password ${dmadmin_pw} ${d2method_pp}; done [weblogic@weblogic_server_01 ~]$
With the D2 Lockbox, you will need to restart the components using them when you recreate it from scratch. However, when you update a property inside it, like above, it’s usually not needed. The next time the password is needed, it will be picked from the Lockbox.
Last comment on this, if you are using an ADTS and if you used the dmadmin’s account to manage it (I wouldn’t recommend this! Please use a dedicated user for this instead), then the password is also encrypted in a password file for each docbases under “%ADTS_HOME%/CTS/docbases/”.