This blog is the first one of a series that I will publish in the next few days/weeks regarding how you can change some passwords in Documentum. In these blogs, I will talk about a lot of accounts like the Installation Owner of course, the Preset and Preferences accounts, the JKS passwords, the JBoss Admin passwords, the xPlore xDB passwords, aso…
So, let’s dig in with the first ones: AEK and Lockbox passphrases. In this blog, I will only talk about the Content Server lockbox, it’s not about the D2 Lockbox (which is also under the JMS). I’m assuming here that the AEK key is stored in the Content Server lockbox as it is recommended starting with CS 7.2 for security reasons.
In this blog, I will use “dmadmin” as the Installation Owner. First, you need to connect to all Content Servers of this environment using the Installation Owner account. In case you have a High Availability environment, then you will need to do this on all Content Servers, obviously.
Then, I’m defining some environment variables so I’m sure I’m using the right passphrases and there is no typo in the commands. The first two commands below will be used to store the CURRENT and NEW passphrases for the AEK. The last two commands are for the Lockbox. When you execute the “read” command, the prompt isn’t returned. Just past the passphrase (it’s hidden) and press enter. Then the prompt is returned and the passphrase is stored in the environment variable. I’m describing this in this blog only. In the next blogs, I will just use the commands without explanation:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the CURRENT AEK passphrase: " c_aek_pp; echo Please enter the CURRENT AEK passphrase: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW AEK passphrase: " n_aek_pp; echo Please enter the NEW AEK passphrase: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the CURRENT lockbox passphrase: " c_lb_pp; echo Please enter the CURRENT lockbox passphrase: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ read -s -p "Please enter the NEW lockbox passphrase: " n_lb_pp; echo Please enter the NEW lockbox passphrase: [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Maybe a small backup of the Lockbox, just in case…:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ cp -R $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure_bck_$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M") [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Ok then to ensure that the commands will go smoothly, let’s just verify that the environments variables are defined properly (I’m adding “__” at the end of the echo commands to be sure there is no “space” at the end of the passwords). Obviously the “read -s” commands above have been executed to hide the passphrases so if you don’t want the passphrases to be stored in the history of the shell, don’t execute the two commands below.
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ echo "CURRENT_AEK_PP=${c_aek_pp}__"; echo "NEW_AEK_PP=${n_aek_pp}__" [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ echo "CURRENT_LOCKBOX_PP=${c_lb_pp}__"; echo "NEW_LOCKBOX_PP=${n_lb_pp}__" [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
To verify that the CURRENT AEK and Lockbox passphrases are correct, you can execute the following commands. Just a note, when you first create the Lockbox, the Documentum Installer will ask you which algorithm you want to use… I always choose the stronger one for security reasons so I’m using below “AES_256_CBC”. If you are using something else, just adapt it:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_boot -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${c_lb_pp} -passphrase ${c_aek_pp} -all Please wait. This will take a few seconds ... Please wait, this will take a few seconds.. Setting up the (single) passphrase for all keys in the shared memory region.. Operation succeeded [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${c_lb_pp} -resetfingerprint Lockbox Lockbox Path /app/dctm/server/dba/secure/ Reset host done [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_create -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${c_lb_pp} -keyname CSaek -passphrase ${c_aek_pp} -algorithm AES_256_CBC -check Key - CSaek uses algorithm AES_256_CBC. ** An AEK store with the given passphrase exists in lockbox and got status code returned as '0'.
For the three commands above, the result should always be “Operation succeeded”, “Reset host done” and “got status code returned as ‘0’”. If the second command fail, then obviously, it’s the Lockbox passphrase that isn’t set properly and otherwise it’s the AEK passphrase.
Ok now that all the passwords are set and that the current ones are working, we can start the update of the passphrases. Let’s first start with the AEK:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_change_passphrase -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${c_lb_pp} -keyname CSaek -passphrase ${c_aek_pp} -newpassphrase ${n_aek_pp} [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
Then the Lockbox:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${c_lb_pp} -changepassphrase -newpassphrase ${n_lb_pp} [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$
To verify that the NEW passphrases are now used, you can again run the three above commands. The only difference is that you need to use the environment variables for the NEW passphrases and not the CURRENT (old) ones:
[dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_boot -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${n_lb_pp} -passphrase ${n_aek_pp} -all [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_manage_lockbox -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${n_lb_pp} -resetfingerprint [dmadmin@content_server_01 ~]$ dm_crypto_create -lockbox -lockboxpassphrase ${n_lb_pp} -keyname CSaek -passphrase ${n_aek_pp} -algorithm AES_256_CBC -check
Now we are almost complete. If the three previous commands gave the correct output, then it’s pretty sure that everything is OK. Nevertheless, and to be 100% sure that the Content Server Lockbox isn’t corrupted in some way, it is always good to reboot the Linux Host too. Once the Linux Host is up & running again, you will have to execute the first command above (the dm_crypto_boot) to store the Lockbox information into the Shared Memory so that the docbase(s) can start. If you are able to start the docbase(s) using the NEW passphrases, then the AEK and Lockbox have been updated successfully!
As a side note, if the Server Fingerprint has been updated (like some OS patching recently or stuff like that), then you might need to execute the second command too (dm_crypto_manage_lockbox) as well as regenerate the D2 Lockbox (which isn’t described in this blog but will be in a next one).