Is the Oracle Cloud a hot topic for you?
dbi services organized an event about the Cloud today in Lausanne: “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: everything for an efficient migration“.
After a welcome coffee to meet each other, Pascal Zanette shortly introduced the event and the agenda of the day.

Our CTO Hervé Schweitzer presented then YaK, developed by dbi services.
The idea was born 2 years ago, to find a solution to deploy Oracle instances on several Cloud providers (Oracle, Microsoft Azure, AWS) and On-Premises:
– in the same heterogeneous way
– avoiding constraints of each Cloud providers solution
– automated through Ansible.
YaK is made of 2 parts:
– YaK Core – as an Open Source collection (for the central inventory and instances deployment)
– YaK Components – based on a subscription (for database deployment and with dbi services best practices integration).
Hervé showed how YaK works more in details through a demo, that you can play again here.
YaK is already available for Oracle and PostgreSQL. YaK for SQL Server, MariaDB, Kubernetes, WebLogic, MongoDB and Alfresco is under development and will come soon, so stay tuned! 😉

Marc Wagner presented how to migrate from On-Premises to Oracle OCI using Zero Downtime Migration tool (ZDM).
Marc talked about advantages to go to the Cloud (such as scalability and flexibility, no dedicated hardware, less responsibility), but also alerted the audience about things to think about (such as performances and latency, costs monitoring, lock-in risk, sensitive data). Once we decided to make this change, what about downtime to migrate to the Cloud? That’s why ZDM is interesting: it’s high available (applying MAA Best Practices), it offers a very short downtime and a minimal impact on production systems and reduces human errors. ZDM allows to migrate to Oracle OCI but also to On-Premises Exadata, Exadata Cloud@Customer (ExaCC), Autonomous Database, etc…
And finally Marc presented through a live demo how to use ZDM with an Offline Logical Migration workflow to migrate from On-Premises to ADB (you can find a summary here).

As a last session of the event, Marc Keller, with Frank Zeindler remotely, presented Cloud migration made easier and safer with data validation. Marc explained why an extra validation after a data migration is helpful and how the OMrun framework can compare data and orchestrate various processes for this purpose. Some OMrun use cases were then explored:
– Quality assurance for reporting
– Data integrity monitoring for system changeover and production
– Data crawling and data cleansing
– Data masking
– Data quality assurance during migration to the Cloud.

The event is over. After a nice lunch break with colleagues, customers and attendees, we can come back home keeping in mind the magic triple jump to go to the Cloud (as Marc mentioned during his session):
– dbi services YaK
– Oracle ZDM
– OMrun.

Last thing: don’t forget that another “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: everything for an efficient migration” event will take place on May 23 in Basel.
And some other dbi services events will be organized during the year about DevOps, Cloud, Data and much more. So again, stay tuned! 😉
By Elisa Usai
18.05.2023Bravo Elisa 💐