You are attending the second episode of the MigrationUtil series, today we will change the Docbase Name. If you missed the first one, you can find it here. I did this change on Documentum CS 16.4 with Oracle database, on the same docbase I already used to change the docbase ID.
My goal is to do both changes on the same docbase because that’s what I will need in the future.

So, we will be interested in the docbase RepoTemplate to change his name to repository1.

1. Migration preparation

I will not give the overview of the MigrationUtil, as I already did in the previous blog.
1.a Update the config.xml file
Below is the updated version of config.xml file to change the Docbase Name:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ cat $DOCUMENTUM/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<comment>Database connection details</comment>
<entry key="dbms">oracle</entry> <!-- This would be either sqlserver, oracle, db2 or postgres -->
<entry key="tgt_database_server">vmtestdctm01</entry> <!-- Database Server host or IP -->
<entry key="port_number">1521</entry> <!-- Database port number -->
<entry key="InstallOwnerPassword">install164</entry>
<entry key="isRCS">no</entry>    <!-- set it to yes, when running the utility on secondary CS -->

<!-- <comment>List of docbases in the machine</comment> -->
<entry key="DocbaseName.1">RepoTemplate</entry>

<!-- <comment>docbase owner password</comment> -->
<entry key="DocbasePassword.1">install164</entry>
<entry key="ChangeDocbaseName">yes</entry>
<entry key="NewDocbaseName.1">repository1</entry>

Put all other entry to no.
The tool will use above information, and load more from the server.ini file.

2. Before the migration (optional)

– Get docbase map from the docbroker:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ dmqdocbroker -t vmtestdctm01 -c getdocbasemap
dmqdocbroker: A DocBroker Query Tool
dmqdocbroker: Documentum Client Library Version: 16.4.0000.0185
Targeting port 1489
**     D O C B R O K E R    I N F O             **
Docbroker host            : vmtestdctm01
Docbroker port            : 1490
Docbroker network address : INET_ADDR: 02 5d2 c0a87a01 vmtestdctm01
Docbroker version         : 16.4.0000.0248  Linux64
**     D O C B A S E   I N F O                  **
Docbase name        : RepoTemplate
Docbase id          : 1000600
Docbase description : Template Repository
Govern docbase      : 
Federation name     : 
Server version      : 16.4.0000.0248  Linux64.Oracle
Docbase Roles       : Global Registry

– Create a document in the docbase:
Create an empty file

touch /home/dmadmin/DCTMChangeDocbaseExample.docx

Create document in the repository using idql

create dm_document object
SET title = 'DCTM Change Docbase Document Example',
SET subject = 'DCTM Change Docbase Document Example',
set object_name = 'DCTMChangeDocbaseExample.docx',
SETFILE '/home/dmadmin/DCTMChangeDocbaseExample.docx' with CONTENT_FORMAT= 'msw12';


(1 row affected)

note the r_object_id.

3. Execute the migration

3.a Stop the Docbase and the Docbroker


3.b Update the database name in the server.ini file
It is a workaround to avoid below error:

Database Details:
Database Vendor:oracle
Database Name:DCTMDB
Databse User:RepoTemplate
Database URL:jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmtestdctm01:1521/DCTMDB
ERROR...Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

In fact, the tool deal with the database name as a database service name, and put “/” in the url instead of “:”. The best workaround I found is to update database_conn value in the server.ini file, and put the service name instead of the database name.
Check the tnsnames.ora and note the service name, in my case is dctmdb.local.

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora 
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vmtestdctm01)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = dctmdb.local)

Make the change in the server.ini file:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ vi $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/RepoTemplate/server.ini
docbase_id = 1000600
docbase_name = RepoTemplate
server_config_name = RepoTemplate
database_conn = dctmdb.local
database_owner = RepoTemplate
database_password_file = /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/RepoTemplate/dbpasswd.txt
service = RepoTemplate
root_secure_validator = /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_check_password
install_owner = dmadmin

Don’t worry, we will roll back this change before docbase start 😉

3.c Execute the MigrationUtil script

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ $DM_HOME/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/

Welcome... Migration Utility invoked.
Skipping Docbase ID Changes...
Skipping Host Name Change...
Skipping Install Owner Change...
Skipping Server Name Change...

Changing Docbase Name...
Created new log File: /app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/DocbaseNameChange.log
Finished changing Docbase Name...

Skipping Docker Seamless Upgrade scenario...
Migration Utility completed.

No Error encountred here but it doesn’t mean that everything is ok… Please check the log file:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ cat /app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/DocbaseNameChange.log
Start: 2019-02-01 19:32:10.631
Changing Docbase Name

DocbaseName: RepoTemplate
New DocbaseName: repository1
Retrieving server.ini path for docbase: RepoTemplate
Found path: /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/RepoTemplate/server.ini

Database Details:
Database Vendor:oracle
Database Name:dctmdb.local
Databse User:RepoTemplate
Database URL:jdbc:oracle:thin:@vmtestdctm01:1521/dctmdb.local
Successfully connected to database....

Processing Database Changes...
Created database backup File '/app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/DocbaseNameChange_DatabaseRestore.sql'
select r_object_id,object_name from dm_sysobject_s where r_object_type = 'dm_docbase_config' and object_name = 'RepoTemplate'
update dm_sysobject_s set object_name = 'repository1' where r_object_id = '3c0f449880000103'
select r_object_id,docbase_name from dm_docbaseid_map_s where docbase_name = 'RepoTemplate'
update dm_docbaseid_map_s set docbase_name = 'repository1' where r_object_id = '440f449880000100'
select r_object_id,file_system_path from dm_location_s where file_system_path like '%RepoTemplate%'
update dm_location_s set file_system_path = '/app/dctm/product/16.4/data/repository1/content_storage_01' where r_object_id = '3a0f44988000013f'
update dm_job_s set target_server = 'repository1.RepoTemplate@vmtestdctm01' where r_object_id = '080f4498800003e0'
select i_stamp from dmi_vstamp_s where i_application = 'dmi_dd_attr_info'
Successfully updated database values...
Backed up '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_start_RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/dm_start_RepoTemplate_docbase_RepoTemplate.backup'
Updated dm_startup script.
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_start_RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_start_repository1'
Backed up '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_shutdown_RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/dm_shutdown_RepoTemplate_docbase_RepoTemplate.backup'
Updated dm_shutdown script.
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_shutdown_RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_shutdown_repository1'
WARNING...File /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/RepoTemplate/rkm_config.ini doesn't exist. RKM is not configured
Finished processing File changes...

Processing Directory Changes...
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/data/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/data/repository1'
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/repository1'
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/auth/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/auth/repository1'
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/share/temp/replicate/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/share/temp/replicate/repository1'
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/share/temp/ldif/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/share/temp/ldif/repository1'
Renamed '/app/dctm/product/16.4/server_uninstall/delete_db/RepoTemplate' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/server_uninstall/delete_db/repository1'
Finished processing Directory Changes...
Processing Services File Changes...
Backed up '/etc/services' to '/app/dctm/product/16.4/product/16.4/install/external_apps/MigrationUtil/MigrationUtilLogs/services_docbase_RepoTemplate.backup'
ERROR...Couldn't update file: /etc/services (Permission denied)
ERROR...Please update services file '/etc/services' manually with root account
Finished changing docbase name 'RepoTemplate'

Finished changing docbase name....
End: 2019-02-01 19:32:23.791

Here it is a justified error… Let’s change the service name manually.

3.d Change the service
As root, change the service name:

[root@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ vi /etc/services
repository1				49402/tcp               # DCTM repository native connection
repository1_s       	49403/tcp               # DCTM repository secure connection

3.e Change back the Database name in the server.ini file

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ vi $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/repository1/server.ini
docbase_id = 1000600
docbase_name = repository1
server_config_name = RepoTemplate
database_conn = DCTMDB

3.f Start the Docbroker and the Docbase


3.g Check the docbase log

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ tail -5 $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log/RepoTemplate.log
2019-02-01T19:43:15.677455	16563[16563]	0000000000000000	[DM_WORKFLOW_I_AGENT_START]info:  "Workflow agent master (pid : 16594, session 010f449880000007) is started sucessfully."
IsProcessAlive: Process ID 0 is not > 0
2019-02-01T19:43:15.677967	16563[16563]	0000000000000000	[DM_WORKFLOW_I_AGENT_START]info:  "Workflow agent worker (pid : 16595, session 010f44988000000a) is started sucessfully."
IsProcessAlive: Process ID 0 is not > 0
2019-02-01T19:43:16.680391	16563[16563]	0000000000000000	[DM_WORKFLOW_I_AGENT_START]info:  "Workflow agent worker (pid : 16606, session 010f44988000000b) is started sucessfully." 

You are saying the log name is still RepoTemplate.log 😉 Yes! because in my case the docbase name and the server name were the same before I change the docbase name:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ vi $DOCUMENTUM/dba/config/repository1/server.ini
docbase_id = 1000600
docbase_name = repository1
server_config_name = RepoTemplate
database_conn = DCTMDB
database_owner = RepoTemplate
database_password_file = /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/config/repository1/dbpasswd.txt
service = repository1
root_secure_validator = /app/dctm/product/16.4/dba/dm_check_password
install_owner = dmadmin

Be patient, in the next episode we will see how we can change the server name 🙂

4. After the migration (optional)

Get docbase map from the docbroker:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ dmqdocbroker -t vmtestdctm01 -c getdocbasemap
dmqdocbroker: A DocBroker Query Tool
dmqdocbroker: Documentum Client Library Version: 16.4.0000.0185
Targeting port 1489
**     D O C B R O K E R    I N F O             **
Docbroker host            : vmtestdctm01
Docbroker port            : 1490
Docbroker network address : INET_ADDR: 02 5d2 c0a87a01 vmtestdctm01
Docbroker version         : 16.4.0000.0248  Linux64
**     D O C B A S E   I N F O                  **
Docbase name        : repository1
Docbase id          : 1000600
Docbase description : Template Repository
Govern docbase      : 
Federation name     : 
Server version      : 16.4.0000.0248  Linux64.Oracle
Docbase Roles       : Global Registry

it’s not very nice to keep the old description of the docbase… Use below idql request to change it:

Update dm_docbase_config object set title='Renamed Repository' where object_name='repository1';

Check after change:

[dmadmin@vmtestdctm01 ~]$ dmqdocbroker -t vmtestdctm01 -c getdocbasemap
Docbase name        : repository1
Docbase id          : 1000600
Docbase description : Renamed Repository

Check the document created before the migration:
docbase id : 090f449880001125

API> dump,c,090f449880001125

  object_name                     : DCTMChangeDocbaseExample.docx
  title                           : DCTM Change Docbase Document Example
  subject                         : DCTM Change Docbase Document Example

5. Conclusion

Well, the tool works, but as you saw we need a workaround to make the change. Which is not great, hope that it will be fixed in the future versions.
In the next episode I will change the server config name, see you there 😉