Automation is key today, nobody wants to do the same tasks over and over and again. Cloud without automation is not even possible. There are several tools around that help with automation and one of the most popular is Ansible. We already have several posts about Ansible on our blog platform but this one will be rather long. Setting up PostgreSQL high available architectures is our daily business and we as well try to automate as much as possible. We do not only automate to save time, even more important we automate to avoid human errors. What we will share with this post is how you could use Ansible to bring up a three node Patroni cluster from scratch.
Disclaimer: Please see what we show here as a kind of template. You might need to adjust several bits to fit into your environment, other bits for sure can be solved more elegant by using advanced features of Ansible. Anyway, using this template you should be able to bring up one PostgreSQL master instance, two replicas, Patroni and HAProxy in minutes on CentOS 7. This should work the same for Red Hat 7 but if you want to do the same on Debian based systems or SUSE you for sure need to adjust some of the Ansible tasks. This post does not explain how Ansible works nor does it explain what Patroni or HAProxy is.
The starting point is a CentOS minimal installation with just the postgres user and group created and sudo permissions for postgres. That’s it:
postgres@patroni1 ~]$ id -a uid=1000(postgres) gid=1000(postgres) groups=1000(postgres) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 [postgres@patroni1 ~]$ lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:cxx-4.1-amd64:cxx-4.1-noarch:desktop-4.1-amd64:desktop-4.1-noarch:languages-4.1-amd64:languages-4.1-noarch:printing-4.1-amd64:printing-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: CentOS Description: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) Release: 7.5.1804 Codename: Core [postgres@patroni1 ~]$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep postgres postgres ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL [postgres@patroni1 ~]$
This is the Ansible directory structure on my workstation:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ tree . ├── ├── ├── patroni └── roles ├── common │ ├── files │ │ └── │ ├── handlers │ ├── meta │ ├── tasks │ │ └── main.yml │ ├── templates │ │ └── │ └── vars └── patroni ├── files │ ├── etcd.service │ └── patroni.service ├── handlers ├── meta ├── site.retry ├── site.yml ├── tasks │ └── main.yml ├── templates │ ├── etcd.conf.j2 │ ├── haproxy.cfg.j2 │ ├── hosts.j2 │ ├── keepalived.conf.j2 │ └── patroni.yml.j2 └── vars
You can use the script to create that but it is pretty much the Ansible default anyway:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat #!/bin/bash touch patroni mkdir roles/ mkdir roles/common mkdir roles/common/tasks mkdir roles/common/handlers mkdir roles/common/templates mkdir roles/common/files mkdir roles/common/vars mkdir roles/common/meta mkdir roles/patroni mkdir roles/patroni/tasks mkdir roles/patroni/handlers mkdir roles/patroni/templates mkdir roles/patroni/files mkdir roles/patroni/vars mkdir roles/patroni/meta
What you always need with Ansible is the inventory and in our case it looks like this:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat patroni [patroni-servers] keepalived_role=MASTER keepalived_priority=102 ansible_hostname=patroni1 keepalived_role=SLAVE keepalived_priority=101 ansible_hostname=patroni2 keepalived_role=SLAVE keepalived_priority=100 ansible_hostname=patroni3 [patroni-servers:vars] postgresql_version=11.1 postgresql_major_version=11 dmk_postgresql_version=11/db_1 etcd_vserion=3.3.10 postgres_user=postgres postgres_group=postgres dmk_version=17-09.4 cluster_name=PG1 blank=' ' virtual_ip=
As you can see there are three machines and several variables defined. The *dmk* stuff if for our management kit, just ignore/delete that for your environment.
We have two roles, one common and one for Patroni. The common role is responsible for doing the common stuff and can be used for single instance PostgreSQL deployments as well so lets start with this one:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/common/tasks/main.yml - name: Install all dependencies for PostgreSQL yum: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - gcc - openldap-devel - python-devel - readline-devel - redhat-lsb - bison - flex - perl-ExtUtils-Embed - zlib-devel - crypto-utils - openssl-devel - pam-devel - libxml2-devel - libxslt-devel - openssh-clients - bzip2 - net-tools - wget - screen - unzip - sysstat - xorg-x11-xauth - systemd-devel - bash-completion - name: Remove iwl packages yum: name={{item}} state=removed with_items: - iwl* - name: upgrade all packages yum: name: '*' state: latest - file: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local state: directory mode: 0700 recurse: yes owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - file: path: /u01 owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_user }}" mode: 0700 - file: path: /u01/app owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0700 - file: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }} owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0700 - file: path: /u02/pgdata/ state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - file: path: /u02/pgdata/{{ postgresql_major_version }} state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - file: path: /u02/pgdata/{{ postgresql_major_version }}/{{ cluster_name }} state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - file: path: /u99/pgdata/ state: directory mode: 0700 owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - file: path: /etc/pgtab state: touch owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0600 - name: check if PostgreSQL source code exists stat: path: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/source.tar.bz2 register: source_available - name: Download the PostgreSQL source code if it is not already there get_url: url:{{ postgresql_version }}/postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }}.tar.bz2 dest: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/source.tar.bz2 mode: 0775 when: source_available.stat.exists == false - name: Check if PostgreSQL is already installed stat: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/product/{{ dmk_postgresql_version }}/bin/postgres register: postrgresql_is_installed - name: extract the sources when PostgreSQL is not already installed shell: cd /home/{{ postgres_user }}; tar -axf source.tar.bz2 become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: postrgresql_is_installed.stat.exists == false - template: src: dest: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }}/ owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0700 - name: Install PostgreSQL from source code shell: cd /home/{{ postgres_user }}/postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }}; ./ become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: postrgresql_is_installed.stat.exists == false - name: check if DMK for PostgreSQL source code exists stat: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/PostgreSQL-DMK-{{ dmk_version }}.zip register: dmk_source_available - name: check if DMK for PostgreSQL is extracted stat: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/dmk.bash register: dmk_extracted - name: Copy DMK source distribution copy: src: PostgreSQL-DMK-{{ dmk_version }}.zip dest: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/PostgreSQL-DMK-{{ dmk_version }}.zip owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0700 when: dmk_source_available.stat.exists == false - name: extract DMK shell: cd /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local; unzip PostgreSQL-DMK-{{ dmk_version }}.zip become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: dmk_extracted.stat.exists == false - name: check if DMK is installed stat: path: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/.DMK_HOME register: dmk_installed - lineinfile: path: /etc/pgtab line: 'pg{{ postgresql_version }}:/u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/product/{{ dmk_postgresql_version }}:dummy:9999:D' create: no when: dmk_installed.stat.exists == false - name: Execute DMK for the first time shell: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/dmk.bash; cat /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/templates/profile/dmk.postgres.profile >> /home/{{ postgres_user }}/.bash_profile become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: dmk_installed.stat.exists == false
This should be more or less self explaining so we will only summarize what it does:
- Install required packages for compiling PostgreSQL from source
- Remove the iwl* packages
- Update all packages to the latest release
- Create the directory structure
- Download the PostgreSQL source code, compile and install
- Install our DMK
As said, this role can be included in any other PostgreSQL setup as it only does basic stuff. There is one template used here, which is
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/common/templates/ PGHOME=/u01/app/postgres/product/{{ dmk_postgresql_version }} SEGSIZE=2 BLOCKSIZE=8 ./configure --prefix=${PGHOME} \ --exec-prefix=${PGHOME} \ --bindir=${PGHOME}/bin \ --libdir=${PGHOME}/lib \ --sysconfdir=${PGHOME}/etc \ --includedir=${PGHOME}/include \ --datarootdir=${PGHOME}/share \ --datadir=${PGHOME}/share \ --with-pgport=5432 \ --with-perl \ --with-python \ --with-openssl \ --with-pam \ --with-ldap \ --with-libxml \ --with-libxslt \ --with-segsize=${SEGSIZE} \ --with-blocksize=${BLOCKSIZE} \ --with-systemd " make -j 2 all make install cd contrib make -j 2 install
This one is our standard way of bringing PostgreSQL onto the system and the only parameter is the PostgreSQL version we use for the directory name. No magic, simple stuff and that’s it for the common role.
Coming to the Patroni role. Here is it:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/tasks/main.yml --- - name: check if epel rpm already is there stat: path: /root/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm register: epel_rpm_available - name: Download the EPEL rpm get_url: url: dest: /root/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm mode: 0440 when: epel_rpm_available.stat.exists == false - name: check if epel repository is already installed stat: path: /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo register: epel_installed - name: Install the EPEL rpm shell: yum localinstall -y /root/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm args: warn: false when: epel_installed.stat.exists == false - name: Install all dependencies for Patroni yum: name={{item}} state=present with_items: - python-pip - PyYAML - bind-utils - keepalived - haproxy # create the hosts file - template: src: hosts.j2 dest: /etc/hosts owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Create the file to load the watchdog module file: path: /etc/modules-load.d/softdog.conf state: touch - name: Add the watchdog module shell: modprobe softdog - name: Change ownershhip of the watchdog device shell: chown postgres /dev/watchdog args: warn: false - name: check if etcd sources already exist stat: path: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/etcd-v{{ etcd_vserion }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz register: etcd_source_available - name: Download etcd get_url: url:{{ etcd_vserion }}/etcd-v{{ etcd_vserion }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz dest: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/etcd-v{{ etcd_vserion }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz mode: 0755 when: etcd_source_available.stat.exists == false - name: check if etcd is available in DMK stat: path: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/etcd register: etcd_copied_to_dmk - name: extract etcd shell: cd /home/{{ postgres_user }}/; tar -axf etcd-v{{ etcd_vserion }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: etcd_copied_to_dmk.stat.exists == false - name: copy etcd to DMK shell: cp /home/{{ postgres_user }}/etcd-v{{ etcd_vserion }}-linux-amd64/etcd* /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/ become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" when: etcd_copied_to_dmk.stat.exists == false - template: src: etcd.conf.j2 dest: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/etc/etcd.conf owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0700 - name: Copy the etcd systemd service file copy: src: etcd.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service owner: root group: root mode: 0755 - file: path: /u02/pgdata/etcd state: directory mode: 0700 recurse: yes owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" - name: force systemd to reread configs systemd: daemon_reload: yes - name: Enable the systemd etcd service systemd: name: etcd enabled: yes - name: Start the systemd etcd service shell: systemctl start etcd.service - name: check if patroni is alraedy installed stat: path: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/.local/bin/patroni register: patroni_is_installed - name: install and upgrade pip shell: pip install --upgrade pip when: patroni_is_installed.stat.exists == false - name: install and upgrade setuptools become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" shell: pip install --upgrade --user setuptools when: patroni_is_installed.stat.exists == false - name: install psycopg2-binary become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" shell: pip install --user psycopg2-binary when: patroni_is_installed.stat.exists == false - name: install patroni become: yes become_user: "{{ postgres_user }}" shell: pip install --user patroni[etcd] when: patroni_is_installed.stat.exists == false - file: src: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/.local/bin/patroni dest: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/patroni owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_user }}" state: link - file: src: /home/{{ postgres_user }}/.local/bin/patronictl dest: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/bin/patronictl owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_user }}" state: link - template: src: patroni.yml.j2 dest: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/etc/patroni.yml owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0600 - name: Copy the patroni systemd service file copy: src: patroni.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/patroni.service owner: root group: root mode: 0755 - name: force systemd to reread configs systemd: daemon_reload: yes - name: Enable the systemd etcd service systemd: name: patroni enabled: yes # add the instance to /etc/pgtab so DMK is aware of if - lineinfile: path: /etc/pgtab line: '{{ cluster_name }}:/u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/product/{{ dmk_postgresql_version }}:/u02/pgdata/{{ postgresql_major_version }}/{{ cluster_name }}:5432:N' - template: src: haproxy.cfg.j2 dest: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0600 - name: Enable the systemd haproxy service systemd: name: haproxy enabled: yes # we need to set this so haproxy can be started - name: Set selinux context for ha proxy shell: setsebool -P haproxy_connect_any=1 - template: src: keepalived.conf.j2 dest: /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf owner: "{{ postgres_user }}" group: "{{ postgres_group }}" mode: 0600 with_items: - { role: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].keepalived_role }}" , priority: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].keepalived_priority }}" }
What it does:
- Install the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
- Install the dependencies for Patroni, HAProxy
- Create the /etc/hosts file
- Enable the watchdog service
- Download and install etcd
- Integrate etcd into systemd
- Install Patroni, create the configuration files and integrate it into systemd
- Install and configure HAProxy
This role uses several templates. The first one is used to create /etc/hosts:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/templates/hosts.j2 #jinja2: trim_blocks:False localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 {%- for h in ansible_play_hosts %} {{ hostvars[h]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }} {{ hostvars[h]['ansible_hostname'] }} {% endfor %}
The second one is used to create the etcd configuration:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/templates/etcd.conf.j2 name: {{ ansible_hostname }} data-dir: /u02/pgdata/etcd initial-advertise-peer-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380 listen-peer-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380 listen-client-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379,http://localhost:2379 advertise-client-urls: http://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2379 initial-cluster:{{ blank }} {%- for h in ansible_play_hosts %} {{ hostvars[h]['ansible_hostname'] }}=http://{{ hostvars[h]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:2380{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %}
The third one creates the Patroni configuration:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/templates/patroni.yml.j2 scope: {{ cluster_name }} #namespace: /service/ name: {{ ansible_hostname }} restapi: listen: {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:8008 connect_address: {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:8008 # certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem # keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key # authentication: # username: username # password: password # ctl: # insecure: false # Allow connections to SSL sites without certs # certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem # cacert: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cacert-snakeoil.pem etcd: host: bootstrap: # this section will be written into Etcd:///config after initializing new cluster # and all other cluster members will use it as a `global configuration` dcs: ttl: 30 loop_wait: 10 retry_timeout: 10 maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576 postgresql: use_pg_rewind: true use_slots: true parameters: wal_level: 'hot_standby' hot_standby: "on" wal_keep_segments: 8 max_replication_slots: 10 wal_log_hints: "on" listen_addresses: '*' port: 5432 logging_collector: 'on' log_truncate_on_rotation: 'on' log_filename: 'postgresql-%a.log' log_rotation_age: '1440' log_line_prefix: '%m - %l - %p - %h - %u@%d - %x' log_directory: 'pg_log' log_min_messages: 'WARNING' log_autovacuum_min_duration: '60s' log_min_error_statement: 'NOTICE' log_min_duration_statement: '30s' log_checkpoints: 'on' log_statement: 'ddl' log_lock_waits: 'on' log_temp_files: '0' log_timezone: 'Europe/Zurich' log_connections: 'on' log_disconnections: 'on' log_duration: 'on' client_min_messages: 'WARNING' wal_level: 'replica' hot_standby_feedback: 'on' max_wal_senders: '10' shared_buffers: '128MB' work_mem: '8MB' effective_cache_size: '512MB' maintenance_work_mem: '64MB' wal_compression: 'off' max_wal_senders: '20' shared_preload_libraries: 'pg_stat_statements' autovacuum_max_workers: '6' autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor: '0.1' autovacuum_vacuum_threshold: '50' archive_mode: 'on' archive_command: '/bin/true' wal_log_hints: 'on' # recovery_conf: # restore_command: cp ../wal_archive/%f %p # some desired options for 'initdb' initdb: # Note: It needs to be a list (some options need values, others are switches) - encoding: UTF8 - data-checksums pg_hba: # Add following lines to pg_hba.conf after running 'initdb' - host replication replicator md5 - host all all md5 # - hostssl all all md5 # Additional script to be launched after initial cluster creation (will be passed the connection URL as parameter) # post_init: /usr/local/bin/ # Some additional users users which needs to be created after initializing new cluster users: admin: password: admin options: - createrole - createdb replicator: password: postgres options: - superuser postgresql: listen: {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:5432 connect_address: {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:5432 data_dir: /u02/pgdata/{{ postgresql_major_version }}/{{ cluster_name }}/ bin_dir: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/product/{{ dmk_postgresql_version }}/bin # config_dir: pgpass: /u01/app/{{ postgres_user }}/local/dmk/etc/pgpass0 authentication: replication: username: replicator password: postgres superuser: username: postgres password: postgres parameters: unix_socket_directories: '/tmp' watchdog: mode: automatic # Allowed values: off, automatic, required device: /dev/watchdog safety_margin: 5 tags: nofailover: false noloadbalance: false clonefrom: false nosync: false
Then we have the configuration template for HAProxy:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 #jinja2: trim_blocks:False global maxconn 100 defaults log global mode tcp retries 2 timeout client 30m timeout connect 4s timeout server 30m timeout check 5s listen stats mode http bind *:7000 stats enable stats uri / # stats auth haproxy:haproxy # stats refresh 10s listen {{ cluster_name }} bind *:5000 option httpchk http-check expect status 200 default-server inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions {%- for h in ansible_play_hosts %} server postgresql_{{ hostvars[h]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}_5432 {{ hostvars[h]['ansible_enp0s8']['ipv4']['address'] }}:5432 maxconn 100 check port 8008 {% endfor %}
Finally the template for keepalived:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/templates/keepalived.conf.j2 vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "killall -0 haproxy" interval 2 weight 2 } vrrp_instance VI_1 { interface enp0s8 state {{ item.role }} virtual_router_id 51 priority {{ item.priority }} virtual_ipaddress { {{ virtual_ip }} } track_script { chk_haproxy } }
What is left are the systemd service files. The one for etcd:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/files/etcd.service # # systemd integration for etcd # Put this file under /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service # then: systemctl daemon-reload # then: systemctl list-unit-files | grep etcd # then: systemctl enable etcd.service # [Unit] Description=dbi services etcd service [Service] User=postgres Type=notify ExecStart=/u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/bin/etcd --config-file /u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/etc/etcd.conf Restart=always RestartSec=10s LimitNOFILE=40000 [Install]
For Patroni:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/files/patroni.service # # systemd integration for patroni # Put this file under /etc/systemd/system/patroni.service # then: systemctl daemon-reload # then: systemctl list-unit-files | grep patroni # then: systemctl enable patroni.service # [Unit] Description=dbi services patroni service After=etcd.service [Service] User=postgres Group=postgres Type=simple ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/modprobe softdog ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chown postgres /dev/watchdog ExecStart=/u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/bin/patroni /u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/etc/patroni.yml ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=no TimeoutSec=30 [Install]
The last bit is the site definition which combines all of the above.
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ cat roles/patroni/site.yml --- # This playbook deploys a three node patroni PostgreSQL cluster with HAProxy - hosts: patroni-servers become: true become_user: root roles: - common - patroni
Once all of that is in place the palybook can be executed:
dwe@dwe:~/Documents/dbiProjects/dbi_dmk_postgres/dmk/ansible$ ansible-playbook -i ../patroni patroni/site.yml -u postgres
This runs for a couple of minutes as especially upgrading all the operating system packages and comling PostgreSQL will take some time. Once it completed you only need to reboot the systems and your cluster is ready:
postgres@patroni1:/home/postgres/ [pg11.1] patronictl list +---------+----------+----------------+--------+---------+-----------+ | Cluster | Member | Host | Role | State | Lag in MB | +---------+----------+----------------+--------+---------+-----------+ | PG1 | patroni1 | | Leader | running | 0.0 | | PG1 | patroni2 | | | running | 0.0 | | PG1 | patroni3 | | | running | 0.0 | +---------+----------+----------------+--------+---------+-----------+
HAProy is running as well on all three nodes and you can check that by pointing your browser to any of the hosts on port 7000:
Hope that helps.