It may come as a surprise but Documentum SELECT DQL statement has a pagination feature. This largely overlooked capability is implemented with the RETURN_RANGE hint and works quite well.
While it is not such a big deal to programmatically implement a missing feature, it is generally more efficient to use its built-in implementation if it is available. In this article, I’ll show how to paginate through a result set both using a coded implementation and using the RETURN_RANGE hint.
Firstly, we need data we can browse through. It is not hard to generate random strings of characters or numbers but we want them to be plausible, i.e. a fake IP v4 address is not just a 4-group suite of numbers but each number must also be less than 256 and each group is dot-separated; a job title or a company name must look like a real job or company and, at the very least, must be pronounceable. This is not an absolute must but it not only makes using them a more enjoyable experience but sometimes a correct format is expected and necessary for the data to be processed correctly.
Many sources of fake data are available on-line, e.g. this site sample-csv-files has several types of data delivered as easy-to-parse csv files (e.g customers, organizations,people, etc.). For programmers, the Faker python package, offers a very rich spectrum of fake data and we will use it too.
Since we work with Documentum, a document management system, using fake tabular data for attributes is not the only factor to consider; document contents in various formats such as pdf, Office, Autodesk or simple text are also to be considered sometimes. Here however, in the context of pagination through metadata, contents are not relevant and we don´t need fake data for them. We will only create content-less documents with fake data as their attributes.


The OpenText DQL Reference Guide, Appendix A.13, documents that hint in a rather sketchy manner:

RETURN_RANGE starting_row ending_row [optimize_top_row] 'sorting_clause'

The hint specifies which rows are returned by a query sorted by the returned values of specified properties. This hint is provided as a general way to paginate the results of a query.
starting_row specifies the starting row number to return from the qualified rows. It starts at 1.
ending_row specifies the ending row number to return from the qualified rows.
optimize_top_rows provides the top rows for optimization and is optional.
sorting_clause specifies the attribute and its sorting sequence used to determine the range. It defines the sequence of the qualified results. It has the format:

'attribute_name [ASC|DESC] [,attribute_name [ASC|DESC]...]'

It uses ascending by default and is compulsory. Note the mandatory enclosing single quotes.

Thus, starting_row and ending_row define a sliding windows through a result set and by varying their values n .. n + nb_rows – 1, it is possible to navigate page-wise through a result set. The sequence:
1 .. nb_rows
nb_rows + 1 .. 2* nb_rows
2 * nb_rows + 1 .. 3 * nb_rows

n * nb_rows + 1 .. (n + 1) * nb_rows
with n = 0, 1, 2 …
determines the 0-based, nb_rows-high page n to reach.

Before we show examples of use, we need the aforementioned fake data. We will generate documents with their metadata filled either by the Faker module or from the website. The following python program, emits api statements to create content-less documents with content type organization defined as organization(Organization Id,Name,Website,Country,Description,Founded,Industry,Number of employees) as described in organizations samples:

# cec@dbi-services, January 2024;
# Purpose: generate Documentum api statement to populate a repository with content-less documents with fake metadata;
# The generated script can later be fed to iapi for execution;
# Usage:
#    ./ [--csv-url|-c] [--nb-docs|-n]
# where:
#   the optional --csv-url option tells the program to get its csv-formatted data from the given url. By default, the Faker python module is used to internally generate the data;
# Examples:
#  ./ > ./populate.lst 
#  scp ./populate.lst dmadmin@dmtest:/tmp/.
#  ssh dmadmin@dmtest 'bash -l -c "/home/dmadmin/documentum/product/current/bin/iapi dmtest -Udmadmin -Pxxx -R/tmp/populate.lst"'
# or populate the docbase in 1 step:
#    ./ | ssh dmadmin@dmtest 'bash -l -c "/home/dmadmin/documentum/product/current/bin/iapi dmtest -Udmadmin -Pxxx"'
# or just copy the program onto the CS or a CS-client machine, and work directly from there:
#    ./ | /home/dmadmin/documentum/product/current/bin/iapi dmtest -Udmadmin -Pxxx

# as the Faker module does not provide values for them, the global constant INDUSTRIES has been manually populated with data from the site as shown below:
# curl -s | gawk -v FS="," '{if (!match($8, /^[0-9]+$/)) industries[$8]++}END{for (i in industries) print i | "sort" }' | gawk 'BEGIN{printf "INDUSTRIES = ["} {printf("%s%s", NR > 1 ? ", " : "", "\"" $0 "\"")}END{print "]"}'
INDUSTRIES = ["Accounting", "Airlines / Aviation", "Alternative Dispute Resolution", "Alternative Medicine", "Animation", "Apparel / Fashion", "Architecture / Planning", "Arts / Crafts", "Automotive", "Aviation / Aerospace", "Banking / Mortgage", "Biotechnology / Greentech", "Broadcast Media", "Building Materials", "Business Supplies / Equipment", "Capital Markets / Hedge Fund / Private Equity", "Chemicals", "Civic / Social Organization", "Civil Engineering", "Commercial Real Estate", "Computer Games", "Computer Hardware", "Computer Networking", "Computer / Network Security", "Computer Software / Engineering", "Construction", "Consumer Electronics", "Consumer Goods", "Consumer Services", "Cosmetics", "Dairy", "Defense / Space", "Design", "Education Management", "E - Learning", "Electrical / Electronic Manufacturing", "Entertainment / Movie Production", "Environmental Services", "Events Services", "Executive Office", "Facilities Services", "Farming", "Financial Services", "Fine Art", "Fishery", "Food / Beverages", "Food Production", "Fundraising", "Furniture", "Gambling / Casinos", "Glass / Ceramics / Concrete", "Government Administration", "Government Relations", "Graphic Design / Web Design", "Health / Fitness", "Higher Education / Acadamia", "Hospital / Health Care", "Hospitality", "Human Resources / HR", "Import / Export", "Individual / Family Services", "Industrial Automation", "Industry", "Information Services", "Information Technology / IT", "Insurance", "International Affairs", "International Trade / Development", "Internet", "Investment Banking / Venture", "Investment Management / Hedge Fund / Private Equity", "Judiciary", "Law Enforcement", "Law Practice / Law Firms", "Legal Services", "Legislative Office", "Leisure / Travel", "Library", "Logistics / Procurement", "Luxury Goods / Jewelry", "Machinery", "Management Consulting", "Maritime", "Marketing / Advertising / Sales", "Market Research", "Mechanical or Industrial Engineering", "Media Production", "Medical Equipment", "Medical Practice", "Mental Health Care", "Military Industry", "Mining / Metals", "Motion Pictures / Film", "Museums / Institutions", "Music", "Nanotechnology", "Newspapers / Journalism", "Non - Profit / Volunteering", "Oil / Energy / Solar / Greentech", "Online Publishing", "Other Industry", "Outsourcing / Offshoring", "Package / Freight Delivery", "Packaging / Containers", "Paper / Forest Products", "Performing Arts", "Pharmaceuticals", "Philanthropy", "Photography", "Plastics", "Political Organization", "Primary / Secondary Education", "Printing", "Professional Training", "Program Development", "Public Relations / PR", "Public Safety", "Publishing Industry", "Railroad Manufacture", "Ranching", "Real Estate / Mortgage", "Recreational Facilities / Services", "Religious Institutions", "Renewables / Environment", "Research Industry", "Restaurants", "Retail Industry", "Security / Investigations", "Semiconductors", "Shipbuilding", "Sporting Goods", "Sports", "Staffing / Recruiting", "Supermarkets", "Telecommunications", "Textiles", "Think Tanks", "Tobacco", "Translation / Localization", "Transportation", "Utilities", "Venture Capital / VC", "Veterinary", "Warehousing", "Wholesale", "Wine / Spirits", "Wireless", "Writing / Editing"]

def parse_cmd_line():
   import argparse
   import textwrap
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
                                    description = textwrap.dedent("""\
This script generates Documentum API statements to create content-less documents with fake metadata.
The generated script can later be fed to iapi for execution.
   parser.add_argument("--csv-url", "-c",
                       type = str,
                       dest = "csv_url",
                       required = False,
                       default = "",
                       help = "It tells the program to get its csv-formatted data from the given url. By default, the Faker python module is used to internally generate the data.")

   parser.add_argument("--nb-docs", "-n",
                       type = int,
                       dest = "nb_docs",
                       required = False,
                       default = DEFAULT_NB_DOCS,
                       help = "Number of content-less fake documents to create. It defaults to 100.")
   args = parser.parse_args()
   return args.csv_url, args.nb_docs   

def setup_test(cabinet_name):


?,c,create type organization (doc_index integer, organization_id character(15), organization_name character(255), website character(255), country character(100), description character(100), founded date, industry character(100), number_of_employees integer) with supertype dm_document publish

def to_api(cabinet_name, org):
Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;

def generate_fake_organizations(cabinet_name, nb_docs = DEFAULT_NB_DOCS):
   from faker import Faker
   import random
   fake = Faker()
   for i in range(nb_docs):
             entry := {
                         "doc_index": i + 1, # let's make it 1-based;
                         "organization_id": fake.pystr(min_chars = 15, max_chars = 15),
                         "website": fake.url(schemes = ["https"]),
                         "description": fake.text(max_nb_chars = 100).replace('\n', ' '),
                         "founded": fake.date_of_birth(minimum_age=1, maximum_age=50).strftime("%d-%m-%Y"),
                         "industry": random.sample(INDUSTRIES, 1)[0],
                         "number_of_employees": round(random.randint(10, 50000 + 1), -1)

def generate_organizations_from_csv(cabinet_name, csv_url, nb_docs):
   import requests
   data  = [l.split(",") for l in requests.get(csv_url).text.split("\r\n")[1:]]
   if not data:
      print(f'no data found from {gcsv_url}, exiting ...')
   doc_index = 0
   from itertools import cycle
   for _, d in zip(range(nb_docs), cycle(data)):
      if len(d) < 9:
             entry := {
                         "doc_index": doc_index + 1, # let's make it 1-based;
                         "organization_id": d[1],
                         "organization_name": d[2],
                         "website": d[3],
                         "country": d[4],
                         "description": d[5],
                         "founded": d[6],
                         "industry": d[7],
                         "number_of_employees": d[8]
      doc_index += 1

# main;
if __name__ == '__main__':
   gcsv_url, gnb_docs = parse_cmd_line()


   if gcsv_url:
      generate_organizations_from_csv(WORKING_CABINET, gcsv_url, gnb_docs)
      generate_fake_organizations(WORKING_CABINET, gnb_docs)

   # ready to test pagination using the RETURN_RANGE hint;

   # clean up statements;
#?,c,delete organization objects
#?,c,delete dm_cabinet object where object_name = '{WORKING_CABINET}'
#?,c,drop type organization

The generated api statements can then be submitted to the iapi interpreter for execution, either on the fly:

./ | /home/dmadmin/documentum/product/current/bin/iapi dmtest -Udmadmin -Pxxx

or in 2 steps:

./ > ./populate.api
/home/dmadmin/documentum/product/current/bin/iapi dmtest -Udmadmin -Pxxx -R./populate.api

or anything in between if the interpreter is installed on a remote machine (see the program’s header).
Here is the program’s usage:

 ./  --help
usage: [-h] [--csv-url CSV_URL] [--nb-docs NB_DOCS]

This script generates Documentum API statements to create content-less documents with fake metadata.
The generated script can later be fed to iapi for execution.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --csv-url CSV_URL, -c CSV_URL
                        It tells the program to get its csv-formatted data from the given url. By default, the Faker python module is used to internally generate the data.
  --nb-docs NB_DOCS, -n NB_DOCS
                        Number of content-less fake documents to create. It defaults to 100.

So, if Faker is preferred, invoke it with no csv url, like this:

./  --nb-docs=200

If the csv data from the web site are preferred, specify the csv url like this:

./  --nb-docs=200 --csv-url=

The available data will be cycled until the specified number of documents is reached.
Here are the first few statements emitted by the program:



?,c,create type organization (doc_index integer, organization_id character(15), organization_name character(255), website character(255), country character(100), description character(100), founded date, industry character(100), number_of_employees integer) with supertype dm_document publish

Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;
Jones and Sons
Jones and Sons
Bit item loss maybe center can. Story expert budget these kitchen along.
Wine / Spirits

Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;
Bauer Ltd
Bauer Ltd
Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Read second six out close shoulder card see. Beyond state back that common fine bank.
# clean up;
#?,c,delete organization objects
#?,c,delete dm_cabinet object where object_name = 'PAGINATE'
#?,c,drop type organization

After a suitable date format has been set in the session, a cabinet /PAGINATE to contain the fake documents and the doctype organization are created, followed by the creation of the specified number of documents. The attribute doc_index contains the index number of the document in the range 0 .. nb_docs – 1, and subject is set to a constant text explaining the purpose of the document; this makes it easy to identify the test documents (not really necessary here since we only work with one doctype, organization; let’s say it is another faker data, a constant one). The generated API script ends with some clean up statements to rollback the test; they are commented in order to be used later.

Now that we have the documents in the repository, let’s see how they look like as follows:

select count(*) from organization
(1 row affected)

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization order by doc_index
doc_index     subject                                                                                                                                                                                           object_name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      organization_id  organization_name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                website                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          country                                                                                               description                                                                                           founded                    industry                                                                                              number_of_employees
------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------
           1  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Jones and Sons                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LdxOVYaDjNMbtGE  Jones and Sons                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gabon                                                                                                 Bit item loss maybe center can. Story expert budget these kitchen along.                              18-1-1992                  Wine / Spirits                                                                                                      47550
           2  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Bauer Ltd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HJwnJzuXxxmEqDI  Bauer Ltd                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Heard Island and McDonald Islands                                                                     Read second six out close shoulder card see. Beyond state back that common fine bank.                 18-3-2010                  Construction                                                                                                        43340
           3  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Erickson, Smith and Jackson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      xZLxZCzOOLZavxz  Erickson, Smith and Jackson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 United States of America                                                                              Create spend summer job age eye able. Learn standard month question full defense.                     12-11-2022                 Research Industry                                                                                                   45570
           4  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Anthony-Moyer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    eiuzuuAhwYFZlrg  Anthony-Moyer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vanuatu                                                                                               Meeting pass maintain nothing news. Big simply measure class lead him.                                9-10-2007                  Museums / Institutions                                                                                               3400
           5  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Richmond-Hudson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  hBtsJqBxNyRacQI  Richmond-Hudson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cote d'Ivoire                                                                                         Strategy team teach building already whose. Letter book both technology base sometimes.               19-5-2002                  Alternative Medicine                                                                                                 1150
           6  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;                                                                                                               Robles PLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       budHsKmJHREufEo  Robles PLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Austria                                                                                               Face seven important weight will. East claim coach act.                                               6-1-2001                   Government Relations                                                                                                32500
(200 rows affected)

Incidentally, we can see in the above output the eternal presentation problem that plagues the iapi/idql command-line tools: the attributes are displayed in fixed-length columns with lots of trailing blanks and the rows are wrapped around if too long to fit on the screen width. This issue has been discussed and solutions have been given several times in this blog. Here is yet another work around (sometimes it is more fun to rewrite it from scratch than to search a script we wrote ourselves !), the script compact.awk:

# cec@dbi-services, January 2024;
# Purpose: compact a tabular DQL SELECT output by stripping the columns'unnecessary trailing blanks;
# Usage:
#    gawk -f compact.awk output.lst
# as usual, input can also be taken from stdin;
# Examples:
#  echo "?,c,select * from organization" | iapi dmtest73 -Udmadmin -Pxxx | gawk -f compact.awk | less
   while((getline > 0) && !match($0, /^-+/)) header = $0;
   if (!RSTART)
   sep_line = $0

   nb_cols = NF
   match($0, / +/); sep_length = RLENGTH
   for (i = 1; i <= nb_cols; i++)
      FIELDWIDTHS = sprintf("%s%s%i", FIELDWIDTHS, i > 1 ? " " : "", length($i) + sep_length)
   #attr_re = "^(.+) {" sep_length "}$"
   nb_rows = 0

    if (match($0, /\([0-9]+ row. affected\)/)) {
       footer = $0
    row[nb_rows++] = $0
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
       # reg exp would likely be faster but they don't work here because gawk's regular expressions are greedy and they would consume all the trailing blanks except the ending sep_length ones whereas we want to skip all of them;
       # to work around this, we physically remove them;
       #match($i, attr_re, found)
       #w[i] = max(w[i], found[1])
       gsub(/ +$/, "", $i)
       w[i] = max(w[i], length($i))

   for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
      pad[i] = repeat(" ", w[i])


   for (i = 0; i < nb_rows; i++)

   print footer

function max(a, b) {
   if (a >= b)
      return a
      return b

function compact(line    , s, i) {
   $0 = line
   s = ""
   for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
      s = sprintf("%s%s%s", s, i > 1 ? "  " : "", substr($i pad[i], 1, w[i]))
   return s

function repeat(ch, nb_times   , s) {
   s = ""
   while (nb_times-- > 0)
      s = s + ch
   return s


echo "?,c,select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization order by doc_index" | iapi dmtest73 -Udmadmin -Pxxx | gawk -f compact.awk 


doc_ind       subject                                                                              object_name                       organizati  _id  organization_name                 website                              country                                       description                                                                                          founded              industry                                             number_of_empl
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -------------------
           1  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Jones and Sons                    LdxOVYaDjNMbtGE  Jones and Sons                        Gabon                                         Bit item loss maybe center can. Story expert budget these kitchen along.                             1/18/1992 00:00:00   Wine / Spirits                                                     47550
           2  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bauer Ltd                         HJwnJzuXxxmEqDI  Bauer Ltd                                   Heard Island and McDonald Islands             Read second six out close shoulder card see. Beyond state back that common fine bank.                3/18/2010 00:00:00   Construction                                                       43340
           3  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Erickson, Smith and Jackson       xZLxZCzOOLZavxz  Erickson, Smith and Jackson         United States of America                      Create spend summer job age eye able. Learn standard month question full defense.                    11/12/2022 00:00:00  Research Industry                                                  45570
           4  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Anthony-Moyer                     eiuzuuAhwYFZlrg  Anthony-Moyer                       Vanuatu                                       Meeting pass maintain nothing news. Big simply measure class lead him.                               10/9/2007 00:00:00   Museums / Institutions                                              3400
           5  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Richmond-Hudson                   hBtsJqBxNyRacQI  Richmond-Hudson              Cote d'Ivoire                                 Strategy team teach building already whose. Letter book both technology base sometimes.              5/19/2002 00:00:00   Alternative Medicine                                                1150
           6  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Robles PLC                        budHsKmJHREufEo  Robles PLC                             Austria                                       Face seven important weight will. East claim coach act.                                              1/6/2001 00:00:00    Government Relations                                               32500
           7  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Nichols Ltd                       hJYonMSFNXaYaQG  Nichols Ltd                        Falkland Islands (Malvinas)                   Certain hand impact method somebody thank song. Democrat travel article reach sea article.           5/31/1997 00:00:00   Leisure / Travel                                                   35760
           8  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Elliott-Valdez                    mstxDZfBafifCJn  Elliott-Valdez                          Hungary                                       Operation item nature stock dog attack into. Vote edge whose keep.                                   12/7/1995 00:00:00   Publishing Industry                                                21080
           9  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zamora PLC                        TuJPwIFoqEiYFUz  Zamora PLC                            Venezuela                                     Chance expert general. Garden this positive. Edge young share beautiful admit thank name.            5/7/1993 00:00:00    Cosmetics                                                          38410
          10  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hampton Ltd                       jRZDRGrfgyWTpAn  Hampton Ltd                          Estonia                                       Chance discussion call yeah. Measure entire season scene behind radio. Than machine ball material.   4/16/1975 00:00:00   Accounting                                                         36020
          11  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh     QLpUVwnuZVdIoCw  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh         Switzerland                                   Live hundred would let food. Else nice firm door still. Hair technology trial.                       4/28/2007 00:00:00   Supermarkets                                                       11630
          12  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fernandez LLC                     mCdBZkIqunyExsA  Fernandez LLC                    Ukraine                                       Health paper child worry thus produce light. Get them hope garden show think.                        5/19/1997 00:00:00   Market Research                                                    46500
          13  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Stevens, Greer and Young          QzSMkppsZEbfJQF  Stevens, Greer and Young        Finland                                       Mr discuss pretty after whose actually guy. Music pass movement still.                               12/23/1988 00:00:00  Public Safety                                                       3500
          14  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zuniga and Sons                   jVMjZmDdeUejohj  Zuniga and Sons            Gibraltar                                     Agent heart who which dog father. Find day eight her loss. Fine agency say player training.          10/11/1994 00:00:00  Information Services                                                 920
          15  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Murphy Group                      zJDwYcXPAnmEvos  Murphy Group                               Guyana                                        Democratic room year nature fact century change. Me great fear able watch father compare.            7/2/1999 00:00:00    Textiles                                                           44560
          16  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Edwards, Howe and Munoz           ChLMutRVzUKnzXN  Edwards, Howe and Munoz            Vietnam                                       Hotel bring fire laugh really interview remember.                                                    4/21/2006 00:00:00   Aviation / Aerospace                                               30370
          17  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bowers Inc                        uBmqyxuKEBUcGSg  Bowers Inc                                Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                        Often than number story land particularly. Term sure surface court drop any crime.                   12/1/1981 00:00:00   Outsourcing / Offshoring                                            7800
          18  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fisher-Walker                     NyMFDEmxlPertcI  Fisher-Walker                            Iraq                                          Today feeling amount. Interview take wide report. Fire price foot probably follow sort.              11/29/2016 00:00:00  Legislative Office                                                 28060
          19  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Smith, Hawkins and Baker          GtqNebcnXThOIEz  Smith, Hawkins and Baker                Senegal                                       Manager eight forward each word. Choice defense responsibility develop half tax prove.               7/6/2017 00:00:00    Recreational Facilities / Services                                  7230
          20  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Lynch PLC                         XBPvgaxcwUplVyX  Lynch PLC                           Mauritius                                     Career region along. School summer stock later item. Deal say seat customer.                         2/21/2013 00:00:00   Political Organization                                             23000
          21  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Harris Inc                        ahvZGlBZLSIxFSU  Harris Inc                     Sri Lanka                                     Many religious sit enjoy south technology money. Center month stop clearly. Home like carry set.     1/29/1997 00:00:00   Medical Equipment                                                  40240
          22  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Powell Ltd                        UaDDsMjqjxnwdOt  Powell Ltd                              United Arab Emirates                          Everything people heavy off. Agree option growth majority economy music TV.                          8/29/2012 00:00:00   Electrical / Electronic Manufacturing                              25180
         197  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hill Ltd                          OgennqjqitKpuYb  Hill Ltd                                    New Zealand                                   Trade keep institution source you. Wife quality all risk to.                                         3/26/2003 00:00:00   Telecommunications                                                 45690
         199  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Davila and Sons                   rUdByKYjLVznQSf  Davila and Sons                               Lesotho                                       Themselves none reach realize accept. Style general energy medical address blood scene.              8/16/2004 00:00:00   Market Research                                                     2780
         199  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hancock, Turner and Robinson      swilppvRqeWoIha  Hancock, Turner and Robinson      Sri Lanka                                     Star right effort modern six.                                                                        10/15/1980 00:00:00  Biotechnology / Greentech                                          20300
         200  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Spears Group                      zhLEEoIUUPmHqkF  Spears Group                        Uganda                                        Not staff success possible special. Exactly Congress local billion without fly staff expert.         11/4/2004 00:00:00   Food / Beverages                                                   22240
(200 rows affected)

Much better.

We now have set up the stage for demonstrating the pagination feature of the RETURN_RANGE hint. Let’s show a few examples (for better readability, the output has been edited using the above compact.awk gawk script):

# first page:
select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 1 10 'doc_index ASC')
doc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                  organization_id  organization_name            website                           country                            description                                                                                         founded              industry                number_of_employees  dm_rnum               
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------  -------------------  ----------------------
           1  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Jones and Sons               LdxOVYaDjNMbtGE  Jones and Sons                Gabon                              Bit item loss maybe center can. Story expert budget these kitchen along.                            1/18/1992 00:00:00   Wine / Spirits                        47550                       1
           2  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bauer Ltd                    HJwnJzuXxxmEqDI  Bauer Ltd                           Heard Island and McDonald Islands  Read second six out close shoulder card see. Beyond state back that common fine bank.               3/18/2010 00:00:00   Construction                          43340                       2
           3  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Erickson, Smith and Jackson  xZLxZCzOOLZavxz  Erickson, Smith and Jackson      United States of America           Create spend summer job age eye able. Learn standard month question full defense.                   11/12/2022 00:00:00  Research Industry                     45570                       3
           4  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Anthony-Moyer                eiuzuuAhwYFZlrg  Anthony-Moyer               Vanuatu                            Meeting pass maintain nothing news. Big simply measure class lead him.                              10/9/2007 00:00:00   Museums / Institutions                 3400                       4
           5  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Richmond-Hudson              hBtsJqBxNyRacQI  Richmond-Hudson      Cote d'Ivoire                      Strategy team teach building already whose. Letter book both technology base sometimes.             5/19/2002 00:00:00   Alternative Medicine                   1150                       5
           6  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Robles PLC                   budHsKmJHREufEo  Robles PLC                     Austria                            Face seven important weight will. East claim coach act.                                             1/6/2001 00:00:00    Government Relations                  32500                       6
           7  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Nichols Ltd                  hJYonMSFNXaYaQG  Nichols Ltd                Falkland Islands (Malvinas)        Certain hand impact method somebody thank song. Democrat travel article reach sea article.          5/31/1997 00:00:00   Leisure / Travel                      35760                       7
           8  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Elliott-Valdez               mstxDZfBafifCJn  Elliott-Valdez                  Hungary                            Operation item nature stock dog attack into. Vote edge whose keep.                                  12/7/1995 00:00:00   Publishing Industry                   21080                       8
           9  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zamora PLC                   TuJPwIFoqEiYFUz  Zamora PLC                    Venezuela                          Chance expert general. Garden this positive. Edge young share beautiful admit thank name.           5/7/1993 00:00:00    Cosmetics                             38410                       9
          10  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hampton Ltd                  jRZDRGrfgyWTpAn  Hampton Ltd                  Estonia                            Chance discussion call yeah. Measure entire season scene behind radio. Than machine ball material.  4/16/1975 00:00:00   Accounting                            36020                      10
(10 rows affected)

# next page:
select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 11 20 'doc_index ASC')
doc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                    organization_id  organization_name              website                             country                 description                                                                                  founded              industry                            number_of_employees  dm_rnum               
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------
          11  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh  QLpUVwnuZVdIoCw  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh        Switzerland             Live hundred would let food. Else nice firm door still. Hair technology trial.               4/28/2007 00:00:00   Supermarkets                                      11630                      11
          12  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fernandez LLC                  mCdBZkIqunyExsA  Fernandez LLC                Ukraine                 Health paper child worry thus produce light. Get them hope garden show think.                5/19/1997 00:00:00   Market Research                                   46500                      12
          13  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Stevens, Greer and Young       QzSMkppsZEbfJQF  Stevens, Greer and Young       Finland                 Mr discuss pretty after whose actually guy. Music pass movement still.                       12/23/1988 00:00:00  Public Safety                                      3500                      13
          14  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zuniga and Sons                jVMjZmDdeUejohj  Zuniga and Sons        Gibraltar               Agent heart who which dog father. Find day eight her loss. Fine agency say player training.  10/11/1994 00:00:00  Information Services                                920                      14
          15  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Murphy Group                   zJDwYcXPAnmEvos  Murphy Group                           Guyana                  Democratic room year nature fact century change. Me great fear able watch father compare.    7/2/1999 00:00:00    Textiles                                          44560                      15
          16  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Edwards, Howe and Munoz        ChLMutRVzUKnzXN  Edwards, Howe and Munoz          Vietnam                 Hotel bring fire laugh really interview remember.                                            4/21/2006 00:00:00   Aviation / Aerospace                              30370                      16
          17  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bowers Inc                     uBmqyxuKEBUcGSg  Bowers Inc                            Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  Often than number story land particularly. Term sure surface court drop any crime.           12/1/1981 00:00:00   Outsourcing / Offshoring                           7800                      17
          18  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fisher-Walker                  NyMFDEmxlPertcI  Fisher-Walker                        Iraq                    Today feeling amount. Interview take wide report. Fire price foot probably follow sort.      11/29/2016 00:00:00  Legislative Office                                28060                      18
          19  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Smith, Hawkins and Baker       GtqNebcnXThOIEz  Smith, Hawkins and Baker               Senegal                 Manager eight forward each word. Choice defense responsibility develop half tax prove.       7/6/2017 00:00:00    Recreational Facilities / Services                 7230                      19
          20  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Lynch PLC                      XBPvgaxcwUplVyX  Lynch PLC                       Mauritius               Career region along. School summer stock later item. Deal say seat customer.                 2/21/2013 00:00:00   Political Organization                            23000                      20
(10 rows affected)

# 3rd page, 20 rows instead of 10 this time;
select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 21 40 'doc_index ASC')
doc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                    organization_id  organization_name              website                            country                      description                                                                                         founded              industry                               number_of_employees  dm_rnum               
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------  -----------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------
          21  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Harris Inc                     ahvZGlBZLSIxFSU  Harris Inc                Sri Lanka                    Many religious sit enjoy south technology money. Center month stop clearly. Home like carry set.    1/29/1997 00:00:00   Medical Equipment                                    40240                      21
          22  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Powell Ltd                     UaDDsMjqjxnwdOt  Powell Ltd                         United Arab Emirates         Everything people heavy off. Agree option growth majority economy music TV.                         8/29/2012 00:00:00   Electrical / Electronic Manufacturing                25180                      22
          23  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Orr-Andrews                    mjxWxcxBFUHkdkw  Orr-Andrews                        El Salvador                  Main structure sense black front. Best capital opportunity national past truth kitchen radio.       2/9/1977 00:00:00    Alternative Medicine                                  9510                      23
          24  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Weeks and Sons                 EjzOYRMYOqPGcBh  Weeks and Sons                  Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)    Analysis close live box show even responsibility. Spring worker son common chair traditional.       3/10/2017 00:00:00   Consumer Services                                     1070                      24
          25  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Phillips-Sheppard              vvpgEUvmDTvHVUj  Phillips-Sheppard              Dominican Republic           Same some tough leader drug late. Manage skill media entire rise large two.                         9/20/1993 00:00:00   Aviation / Aerospace                                 18120                      25
          26  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Mcguire, Shepherd and Johnson  suJFaiReXkfmVqm  Mcguire, Shepherd and Johnson       American Samoa               Citizen approach be offer wear carry tend. Better difference age.                                   12/25/1981 00:00:00  Wireless                                             10380                      26
          27  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hess LLC                       kMLbTuGukEwDjDB  Hess LLC                               Turks and Caicos Islands     Adult tend night company guess only opportunity. Evening establish contain usually.                 3/6/1996 00:00:00    Religious Institutions                               14130                      27
          28  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Franklin Ltd                   zmYKtQduRPSEfit  Franklin Ltd                   Romania                      First have seem standard protect want service. Occur knowledge loss popular friend number forward.  2/20/1998 00:00:00   Computer Hardware                                    32100                      28
          29  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Leonard Group                  SVkTDkwAHJnFYJl  Leonard Group                     Cuba                         Open lose between state capital vote describe. Game sit few nor. One lawyer involve.                7/18/1987 00:00:00   Primary / Secondary Education                        15830                      29
          30  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Frank Ltd                      vAIaBKYKygOJPNV  Frank Ltd                         Cayman Islands               Institution they seat society. Over instead soon tonight improve collection traditional.            4/29/1977 00:00:00   Individual / Family Services                         45100                      30
          31  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Taylor-Mcclure                 sLSOKbnznjxgnfu  Taylor-Mcclure                  Mayotte                      Bar bank sister. Old food threat range none front focus today. Another determine quality each.      8/31/2015 00:00:00   Consumer Goods                                       37740                      31
          32  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Cisneros-Mathews               rlaCfcsmTVhhLHq  Cisneros-Mathews               Martinique                   List reflect nice know. Section party interview cut surface evening.                                4/1/2018 00:00:00    Warehousing                                          23880                      32
          33  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Brown, Nunez and Boyd          NXxqXQabfPoLUKB  Brown, Nunez and Boyd              Denmark                      Score more Mrs stock perhaps. Situation food full raise.                                            9/20/1973 00:00:00   Information Technology / IT                          22270                      33
          34  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Martin-Hodge                   NJDowVoehnKfzUj  Martin-Hodge                          Mongolia                     Every contain young tonight. Seat full food ready life. Serve eat yourself recent explain white.    5/4/2013 00:00:00    Aviation / Aerospace                                 49180                      34
          35  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Shannon, Harding and Sanchez   uXxjkktfvjuzCov  Shannon, Harding and Sanchez              French Southern Territories  Business laugh again party. Opportunity arrive choose kitchen toward act under.                     2/19/1979 00:00:00   Religious Institutions                               10370                      35
          36  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Brown, White and Perkins       VoeETffAHGfGXuZ  Brown, White and Perkins          Spain                        Who base explain control country drive. Worry picture level forget audience body.                   10/21/2022 00:00:00  Telecommunications                                   21910                      36
          37  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Watson, Murray and Owens       kKmKHiJDZGEQwjn  Watson, Murray and Owens  French Southern Territories  Really drug western law note. Group actually what. Himself full himself into degree feeling talk.   1/2/2001 00:00:00    Wireless                                             45470                      37
          38  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Taylor-Lopez                   fJyeWvzKzIgJdya  Taylor-Lopez                    Nigeria                      Never million moment very. Management explain five Mr.                                              4/15/1977 00:00:00   Museums / Institutions                               45630                      38
          39  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Owens PLC                      dysBZBBxVQqPcwZ  Owens PLC                           Jersey                       Her present shake without yard occur conference. Walk arrive learn.                                 6/21/1986 00:00:00   Plastics                                              3060                      39
          40  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez LLC                  iUAnDDOlNVetiuu  Hernandez LLC                      Norway                       Story boy talk yourself.                                                                            8/13/1986 00:00:00   Other Industry                                       11100                      40
(20 rows affected)

# last 10 rows;
select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 191 200 'doc_index ASC')
oc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                   organization_id  organization_name             website                          country                   description                                                                                   founded              industry                          number_of_employees  dm_rnum               
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------
         191  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Miller, Watson and Gonzalez   JgwNOKaVUquYcBk  Miller, Watson and Gonzalez   Qatar                     Parent entire religious method eye third. Middle report close get though meet gas.            1/29/2001 00:00:00   Oil / Energy / Solar / Greentech                41490                     191
         192  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bishop-Perry                  wFTAmAlodFqGBRm  Bishop-Perry                   Liberia                   Age forget house writer side exactly human. Design memory push else probably design.          11/26/2019 00:00:00  Telecommunications                              14550                     192
         193  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Taylor, Mcintyre and Brady    rLgBOoqjMcAwMzg  Taylor, Mcintyre and Brady    Reunion                   Brother just we for book year.                                                                8/12/1992 00:00:00   Law Practice / Law Firms                        19780                     193
         194  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Roth-Wright                   kLqlxKbggAjGGXT  Roth-Wright              Cape Verde                Let believe every environmental. Too matter fly any. Painting exist religious campaign.       4/7/2020 00:00:00    Construction                                    13750                     194
         195  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Melton, Davis and Reed        ePQOLAEfxBUXbDy  Melton, Davis and Reed           Northern Mariana Islands  Building pass minute strategy program family across. Move save clear moment bring career.     7/21/1989 00:00:00   Automotive                                       5450                     195
         196  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Garcia Inc                    ElmnJXeZtrvjUbf  Garcia Inc                       Russian Federation        Your degree billion practice instead measure point much. Area strong notice phone buy.        7/14/1995 00:00:00   Legal Services                                  24030                     196
         197  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hill Ltd                      OgennqjqitKpuYb  Hill Ltd                            New Zealand               Trade keep institution source you. Wife quality all risk to.                                  3/26/2003 00:00:00   Telecommunications                              45690                     197
         198  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Davila and Sons               rUdByKYjLVznQSf  Davila and Sons                       Lesotho                   Themselves none reach realize accept. Style general energy medical address blood scene.       8/16/2004 00:00:00   Market Research                                  2780                     198
         199  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hancock, Turner and Robinson  swilppvRqeWoIha  Hancock, Turner and Robinson  Sri Lanka                 Star right effort modern six.                                                                 10/15/1980 00:00:00  Biotechnology / Greentech                       20300                     199
         200  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Spears Group                  zhLEEoIUUPmHqkF  Spears Group                Uganda                    Not staff success possible special. Exactly Congress local billion without fly staff expert.  11/4/2004 00:00:00   Food / Beverages                                22240                     200
(10 rows affected)

So far, no surprise here, although we note that a new pseudo-column is appended, dm_rnum, for numbering the row from starting_row to ending_row. This column is not accessible directly and trying to do so yields the error [DM_QUERY_E_NOT_ATTRIBUTE]error: "You have specified an invalid attribute name (dm_rnum).".
If we mistakenly include an ORDER BY clause:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization order by 1 enable(RETURN_RANGE 1 10 'doc_index ASC')
[DM_QUERY_E_CURSOR_ERROR]error:  "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor ('ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended')."

The error message is not very informative but it looks like the generated SQL has a syntax error. Let’s display that SQL statement:

execute get_last_sql
select * from ( select dm_inline_view_1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dm_inline_view_1.doc_index ASC ) as dm_rnum from (select distinct organization.doc_index, organization.subject, organization.object_name, organization.organization_id, organization.organization_name,,, organization.description, organization.founded, organization.industry, organization.number_of_employees from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) ) dm_inline_view_1) dm_inline_view_2 where dm_rnum >= 1   AND dm_rnum <= 10 order by dm_rnum order by 1

The offending clause is order by dm_rnum order by 1. In effect, our ORDER BY clause was appended to the generated SQL which already contained one such clause, which invalidate the statement’s syntax. Actually, we don’t need to provide such a clause because it can be included in the hint; indeed, it MUST be included since the sorting clause is mandatory.
The above generated SQL is interesting as it shows how the RETURN_RANGE hint is implemented, here in the underlying Oracle RDBMS; the analytical function ROW_NUMBER() is used to number the rows; it determines the facts that rows are 1-based and that sorting_clause is mandatory.

Are they any other quirks to be aware of? Let’s do a few more tests. What about the letter case of identifiers and reserved words?

select organization_id, organization_name, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(return_range 1 10 'organization_name asc')
10 rows affected)

select * from ( select dm_inline_view_1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dm_inline_view_1.ORGANIZATION_ID asc ) as dm_rnum from (select distinct organization.ORGANIZATION_ID, organization.ORGANIZATION_NAME, organization.INDUSTRY, organization.NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) ) dm_inline_view_1) dm_inline_view_2 where dm_rnum >= 1   AND dm_rnum <= 10 order by dm_rnum 
(1 row affected)

The generated SQL is case-sensitive and handled to the underlying RDBMS, which processes it as expected.

Let’s test the lower range limit:

?,c,select organization_id, organization_name, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 0 10 'organization_name ASC')
[DM_QUERY2_E_UNRECOGNIZED_HINT]error:  "RETURN_RANGE is an unknown hint or is being used incorrectly."

The accepted range is 1-based and starting at 0 yields an error. This is a DQL thing because Oracle does not complain here.

What about setting the position of the sliding window outside the available range?

?,c,select organization_id, organization_name, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 1000 2000 'organization_name ASC', GENERATE_SQL_ONLY)
(0 rows affected)

Specifying a range outside the result set is not a problem and is processed as expected, i.e. nothing gets returned.

Is the hint compatible with other SELECT’s clauses ? Let’s test it with an aggregate function.

select organization_name, count(*) as cc from organization group by organization_name enable(RETURN_RANGE 1 10 'organization_name ASC')
organization_name             cc                      dm_rnum               
----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------
Allen, Ortega and Herman                           1                       1
Alvarado and Sons                                  1                       2
Anderson PLC                                       1                       3
Anderson, Watkins and Hansen                       1                       4
Andrews Group                                      1                       5
Anthony-Moyer                                      1                       6
Ball PLC                                           1                       7
Banks PLC                                          1                       8
Banks, Garcia and Wilkins                          1                       9
Barron, Dennis and Hill                            1                      10
(10 rows affected)

It works fine, just make sure that the attribute in the sorting_clause is also referenced in the list of attributes (organization_name here).

Does it also work using in-line views?

select org_name, cc from (select organization_name as org_name, count(*) as cc from organization group by organization_name) enable(RETURN_RANGE 1 10 'org_name ASC')
organization_name             cc                      dm_rnum               
----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------
Allen, Ortega and Herman                           1                       1
Alvarado and Sons                                  1                       2
Anderson PLC                                       1                       3
Anderson, Watkins and Hansen                       1                       4
Andrews Group                                      1                       5
Anthony-Moyer                                      1                       6
Ball PLC                                           1                       7
Banks PLC                                          1                       8
Banks, Garcia and Wilkins                          1                       9
Barron, Dennis and Hill                            1                      10
(10 rows affected)

It works fine here too.

Paginating programmatically

Implementing a programmatic way to paginate is is quite easy, although possibly not that efficient as it may put more stress on the system memory and/or no be as fast if a query is to be executed multiple times. Here are a few ways to do it:

Reusing the generated SQL

The most obvious implementation is to directly use the generated SQL query ! Now that we now how the RETURN_RANGE hint was implemented, we can use it directly, example:
Get the SQL implementation:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 10 20 'doc_index asc', GENERATE_SQL_ONLY)
select * from ( select dm_inline_view_1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dm_inline_view_1.doc_index asc ) as dm_rnum from (select distinct organization.doc_index, organization.subject, organization.object_name, organization.organization_id, organization.organization_name,,, organization.description, organization.founded, organization.industry, organization.number_of_employees from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) ) dm_inline_view_1) dm_inline_view_2 where dm_rnum >= 10   AND dm_rnum <= 20 order by dm_rnum 
(1 row affected)

Use it:

execute exec_sql with query = 'select * from ( select dm_inline_view_1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dm_inline_view_1.doc_index asc ) as dm_rnum from (select distinct organization.doc_index, organization.subject, organization.object_name, organization.organization_id, organization.organization_name,,, organization.description, organization.founded, organization.industry, organization.number_of_employees from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) ) dm_inline_view_1) dm_inline_view_2 where dm_rnum >= 10   AND dm_rnum <= 20 order by dm_rnum'
(1 row affected)

What? No output. Actually, exec_sql is not the right call to use here as it is targeted at DDLs and DMLs, not for SELECTs. We must use a DQL SELECT statement but the generated SQL is not DQL, thus it won’t work. Let’s use a temporary SQL table instead:

execute exec_sql with query = 'create table tmp_sql as select * from ( select dm_inline_view_1.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dm_inline_view_1.doc_index asc ) as dm_rnum from (select distinct organization.doc_index, organization.subject, organization.object_name, organization.organization_id, organization.organization_name,,, organization.description, organization.founded, organization.industry, organization.number_of_employees from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) ) dm_inline_view_1) dm_inline_view_2 where dm_rnum >= 10   AND dm_rnum <= 20 order by dm_rnum'
(1 row affected)

And now, select from it:

select * from dm_dbo.tmp_sql order by doc_index
doc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                    organization_id  organization_name              website                             country                 description                                                                                         founded     industry                            number_of_employees  dm_rnum               
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------------  -------------------  ----------------------
          10  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hampton Ltd                    jRZDRGrfgyWTpAn  Hampton Ltd                      Estonia                 Chance discussion call yeah. Measure entire season scene behind radio. Than machine ball material.  16-4-1975   Accounting                                        36020                      10
          11  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh  QLpUVwnuZVdIoCw  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh        Switzerland             Live hundred would let food. Else nice firm door still. Hair technology trial.                      28-4-2007   Supermarkets                                      11630                      11
          12  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fernandez LLC                  mCdBZkIqunyExsA  Fernandez LLC                Ukraine                 Health paper child worry thus produce light. Get them hope garden show think.                       19-5-1997   Market Research                                   46500                      12
          13  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Stevens, Greer and Young       QzSMkppsZEbfJQF  Stevens, Greer and Young       Finland                 Mr discuss pretty after whose actually guy. Music pass movement still.                              23-12-1988  Public Safety                                      3500                      13
          14  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zuniga and Sons                jVMjZmDdeUejohj  Zuniga and Sons        Gibraltar               Agent heart who which dog father. Find day eight her loss. Fine agency say player training.         11-10-1994  Information Services                                920                      14
          15  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Murphy Group                   zJDwYcXPAnmEvos  Murphy Group                           Guyana                  Democratic room year nature fact century change. Me great fear able watch father compare.           2-7-1999    Textiles                                          44560                      15
          16  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Edwards, Howe and Munoz        ChLMutRVzUKnzXN  Edwards, Howe and Munoz          Vietnam                 Hotel bring fire laugh really interview remember.                                                   21-4-2006   Aviation / Aerospace                              30370                      16
          17  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bowers Inc                     uBmqyxuKEBUcGSg  Bowers Inc                            Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  Often than number story land particularly. Term sure surface court drop any crime.                  1-12-1981   Outsourcing / Offshoring                           7800                      17
          18  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fisher-Walker                  NyMFDEmxlPertcI  Fisher-Walker                        Iraq                    Today feeling amount. Interview take wide report. Fire price foot probably follow sort.             29-11-2016  Legislative Office                                28060                      18
          19  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Smith, Hawkins and Baker       GtqNebcnXThOIEz  Smith, Hawkins and Baker               Senegal                 Manager eight forward each word. Choice defense responsibility develop half tax prove.              6-7-2017    Recreational Facilities / Services                 7230                      19
          20  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Lynch PLC                      XBPvgaxcwUplVyX  Lynch PLC                       Mauritius               Career region along. School summer stock later item. Deal say seat customer.                        21-2-2013   Political Organization                            23000                      20
(11 rows affected)

This time, it is OK.

Set-like operations

Intuitively, the following 11-document select statement:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_RANGE 10 20 'doc_index asc')

is equivalent to:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_TOP 20)
select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization enable(RETURN_TOP 9)

Unfortunately, there is no diff/MINUS statement in DQL, so this is not possible.
We could try the equivalent not in subquery clause, something like:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization o where o.doc_index not in (select doc_index from organization enable(RETURN_TOP 10)) order by doc_index enable(RETURN_TOP 10)

but it does not work either; the reason is that although there are 2 RETURN_TOP hints, one in the subquery and one in the enclosing query, only one gets translated into the generated SQL:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization o where o.doc_index not in (select doc_index from organization enable(RETURN_TOP 10)) order by doc_index enable(RETURN_TOP 10, GENERATE_SQL_ONLY)

select * from ( select distinct o.doc_index, o.subject, o.object_name, o.organization_id, o.organization_name,,, o.description, o.founded, o.industry, o.number_of_employees from organization_sp  o where (o.doc_index not in (select distinct organization.doc_index from organization_sp  organization where (organization.i_has_folder = 1 and organization.i_is_deleted = 0) )) and (o.i_has_folder = 1 and o.i_is_deleted = 0) order by o.doc_index ) where rownum <= 10 
(1 row affected)

and thus the query always returns an empty result. But using a temporary SQL table can help here too:

execute exec_sql with query = 'create table tmp_doc_index as select doc_index from organization_s where rownum < 10'
(1 row affected)

and then select 11 documents:

select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization o where doc_index not in (select doc_index from dm_dbo.tmp_doc_index) order by doc_index enable(RETURN_TOP 11)
doc_index     subject                                                                              object_name                    organization_id  organization_name              website                             country                 description                                                                                         founded     industry                            number_of_employees
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------------------------------  -------------------
          10  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hampton Ltd                    jRZDRGrfgyWTpAn  Hampton Ltd                      Estonia                 Chance discussion call yeah. Measure entire season scene behind radio. Than machine ball material.  16-4-1975   Accounting                                        36020
          11  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh  QLpUVwnuZVdIoCw  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh        Switzerland             Live hundred would let food. Else nice firm door still. Hair technology trial.                      28-4-2007   Supermarkets                                      11630
          12  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fernandez LLC                  mCdBZkIqunyExsA  Fernandez LLC                Ukraine                 Health paper child worry thus produce light. Get them hope garden show think.                       19-5-1997   Market Research                                   46500
          13  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Stevens, Greer and Young       QzSMkppsZEbfJQF  Stevens, Greer and Young       Finland                 Mr discuss pretty after whose actually guy. Music pass movement still.                              23-12-1988  Public Safety                                      3500
          14  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zuniga and Sons                jVMjZmDdeUejohj  Zuniga and Sons        Gibraltar               Agent heart who which dog father. Find day eight her loss. Fine agency say player training.         11-10-1994  Information Services                                920
          15  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Murphy Group                   zJDwYcXPAnmEvos  Murphy Group                           Guyana                  Democratic room year nature fact century change. Me great fear able watch father compare.           2-7-1999    Textiles                                          44560
          16  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Edwards, Howe and Munoz        ChLMutRVzUKnzXN  Edwards, Howe and Munoz          Vietnam                 Hotel bring fire laugh really interview remember.                                                   21-4-2006   Aviation / Aerospace                              30370
          17  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bowers Inc                     uBmqyxuKEBUcGSg  Bowers Inc                            Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  Often than number story land particularly. Term sure surface court drop any crime.                  1-12-1981   Outsourcing / Offshoring                           7800
          18  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fisher-Walker                  NyMFDEmxlPertcI  Fisher-Walker                        Iraq                    Today feeling amount. Interview take wide report. Fire price foot probably follow sort.             29-11-2016  Legislative Office                                28060
          19  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Smith, Hawkins and Baker       GtqNebcnXThOIEz  Smith, Hawkins and Baker               Senegal                 Manager eight forward each word. Choice defense responsibility develop half tax prove.              6-7-2017    Recreational Facilities / Services                 7230
          20  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Lynch PLC                      XBPvgaxcwUplVyX  Lynch PLC                       Mauritius               Career region along. School summer stock later item. Deal say seat customer.                        21-2-2013   Political Organization                            23000
(11 rows affected)

So, this trick requires a 2-step operation:

  1. firstly, select the identifiant of the N rows to skip from the doctype’s SQL table T_s, where N comes from RETURN_RANGE N + 1 M, into a SQL table;
  2. secondly, select all the needed attributes from the doctype T and set the RETURN_TOP hint to M - N + 1;

To make it more robust, add an appropriate sort clause in the SQL table creation statement.

Programmatic alternatives

Such alternatives depend on the programming language in use and require that said language be interfaced to Documentum dmapi run-time library or the java Documentum Foundation Classes (DFCs). In several articles in this blog (cf. Adding a Documentum Extension to gawk, Adding a Documentum extension into python, A few scripting languages for Documentum, DctmAPI.awk revisited), we already presented bindings for gawk, perl and python along with JVM-based languages using the DFCs such as java, jython and groovy. Generally speaking, a programmatically implemented pagination can be done several ways, e.g.:

  • Read the entire result set at once into memory, e.g. an array or dictionary, and navigate inside that data structure.
  • Use the best features provided by the language to minimize memory imprint so the result set gets cached while being loaded piecewise. For example, python’s generators allows just that; they can be used to cache and return one page of rows at a time during forward pagination. While paginating backwards, the rows can be fetched from the cache and returned, cf. revisited for an example. Python also has decorators and it is possible to define one that will invisibly and unobtrusively manage the cache while fetching the result set.
  • etc…

There are also numerous scripted solutions, i.e. that don’t necessitate Documentum libraries but rely on external utilities, e.g. Enhancing idql/iapi with rlwrap. To conclude this article, let’s show a very simple alternative that uses the less pager command to navigate. The result set come from Documentum’s standard command-line tool, idql. While we are at it, let’s include the preceding compact.awk script for a better display:

echo "?,c,select doc_index, subject, object_name, organization_id, organization_name, website, country, description, founded, industry, number_of_employees from organization o where doc_index not in (select doc_index from dm_dbo.tmp_doc_index) order by doc_index" | iapi dmtest73 -Udmadmin -Pdmadmin | gawk -f compact.awk | less
API> doc_ind       subject                                                                              object_name                       organizati  _id  organization_name                 website                              country                                       description                                                                                          founded              industry                                             number_of_empl
------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------------------  -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -------------------
          10  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hampton Ltd                       jRZDRGrfgyWTpAn  Hampton Ltd                          Estonia                                       Chance discussion call yeah. Measure entire season scene behind radio. Than machine ball material.   4/16/1975 00:00:00   Accounting                                                         36020
          11  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh     QLpUVwnuZVdIoCw  Hernandez, Smith and Mcintosh         Switzerland                                   Live hundred would let food. Else nice firm door still. Hair technology trial.                       4/28/2007 00:00:00   Supermarkets                                                       11630
          12  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fernandez LLC                     mCdBZkIqunyExsA  Fernandez LLC                    Ukraine                                       Health paper child worry thus produce light. Get them hope garden show think.                        5/19/1997 00:00:00   Market Research                                                    46500
          13  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Stevens, Greer and Young          QzSMkppsZEbfJQF  Stevens, Greer and Young        Finland                                       Mr discuss pretty after whose actually guy. Music pass movement still.                               12/23/1988 00:00:00  Public Safety                                                       3500
          14  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Zuniga and Sons                   jVMjZmDdeUejohj  Zuniga and Sons            Gibraltar                                     Agent heart who which dog father. Find day eight her loss. Fine agency say player training.          10/11/1994 00:00:00  Information Services                                                 920
          15  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Murphy Group                      zJDwYcXPAnmEvos  Murphy Group                               Guyana                                        Democratic room year nature fact century change. Me great fear able watch father compare.            7/2/1999 00:00:00    Textiles                                                           44560
          16  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Edwards, Howe and Munoz           ChLMutRVzUKnzXN  Edwards, Howe and Munoz            Vietnam                                       Hotel bring fire laugh really interview remember.                                                    4/21/2006 00:00:00   Aviation / Aerospace                                               30370
          17  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Bowers Inc                        uBmqyxuKEBUcGSg  Bowers Inc                                Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                        Often than number story land particularly. Term sure surface court drop any crime.                   12/1/1981 00:00:00   Outsourcing / Offshoring                                            7800
          18  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Fisher-Walker                     NyMFDEmxlPertcI  Fisher-Walker                            Iraq                                          Today feeling amount. Interview take wide report. Fire price foot probably follow sort.              11/29/2016 00:00:00  Legislative Office                                                 28060
          19  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Smith, Hawkins and Baker          GtqNebcnXThOIEz  Smith, Hawkins and Baker                Senegal                                       Manager eight forward each word. Choice defense responsibility develop half tax prove.               7/6/2017 00:00:00    Recreational Facilities / Services                                  7230
          20  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Lynch PLC                         XBPvgaxcwUplVyX  Lynch PLC                           Mauritius                                     Career region along. School summer stock later item. Deal say seat customer.                         2/21/2013 00:00:00   Political Organization                                             23000
          21  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Harris Inc                        ahvZGlBZLSIxFSU  Harris Inc                     Sri Lanka                                     Many religious sit enjoy south technology money. Center month stop clearly. Home like carry set.     1/29/1997 00:00:00   Medical Equipment                                                  40240
         199  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Hancock, Turner and Robinson      swilppvRqeWoIha  Hancock, Turner and Robinson      Sri Lanka                                     Star right effort modern six.                                                                        10/15/1980 00:00:00  Biotechnology / Greentech                                          20300
         200  Fake document for testing pagination in a result set through the RETURN_RANGE hint;  Spears Group                      zhLEEoIUUPmHqkF  Spears Group                        Uganda                                        Not staff success possible special. Exactly Congress local billion without fly staff expert.         11/4/2004 00:00:00   Food / Beverages                                                   22240
(191 rows affected)

Here, the result set is read into memory, page after page, as less requests them, until it gets entirely loaded in memory. Obviously, such an approach is quite awkward if the data are huge but for most interactive work, it is quite acceptable. Actually, the whole concept of paginating through a result set is mainly for interactive work, when data are displayed, paused to be scrutinized, and resumed. Therefore, it may be necessary to scope them as much as possible to reduce their size and also to speed up the query so the process gets swifter, especially if several iterations are necessary. We saw that the RETURN_RANGE hint has the optimize_top_row clause just for that need. In the above one-line, we would include the OPTIMIZE_TOP n to minimize the waiting time.


I’m afraid this is another TL;DR article. Anyway, several interesting takeaways were shown in this article:

  1. Using fake data from a website from within a python program;
  2. Generating fake data using python’s powerful Faker package;
  3. Compacting a iapi/idql SELECT query output by removing each line’s trailing blanks so it reduces the likelihood of line wrapping for a better look on screen;
  4. Of course, showing how to paginate through a result set using the RETURN_RANGE hint;
  5. Putting together a simple one-liner to paginate a result set potentially fully contained in memory;

I hope that some of them may eventually be useful to the reader.