This first day at Momentum 2016
Normally I should write the second one as we started yesterday with a partner session where we got some information. One of these news was that EMC had more than 400 partners a few years ago and today this has been reduced to less than 80 and dbi services is still one of them. For us it is a good news, I hope this is also one for our current and future customers.
Today the different sessions, a part of the key notes hold by Rohit Ghai, were more related to customer experience, solutions ECD partners can propose, business presentations, description of particular challenges that companies had to face and how they dealt with it without presenting technical details.
As I am more on the technical side, this was more for my culture, I would say.
In the keynote we learned that with Documentum 7.3 cost saving will increase. For instance, PostgreSQL can be used with Document 7.3, the upgrade will be faster, aso… Since time is money…
PostgreSQL can be an interesting subject as dbi services is also active in this database and I will have to work with our DB experts to see what we have to test, how and find out the pro and cons using PostgreSQL on a technical point of view, as for sure the license cost will decrease. I planned, no I have, to go to the technical session tomorrow about “What’s new in Documentum 7.3”.
I also took the opportunity to discuss with some Dell EMC partners to learn more about the solutions they propose. For instance I was able to talk with Neotys people to understand what their product can bring us compared to JMeter or LoadRunner which we or our customers are using to do the load tests. Having a better view of possible solutions in this area can help me in case some customers have specific requirements to help him choose the best tool.
I also had a chat with Aerow and they showed me how ARender4Documentum is working and how fast “big” documents can be displayed in their html5 viewer. So even if the fist day cannot be viewed as a technical day, I actually learned a lot.
In this kind of event, what I find cool too, is that you can meet people, for instance at lunch time around a table and start talking about your/their experiences, your/their concerns, solutions, aso… So today we had a talk about cloud (private, public) and what does this means in case you have a validated system.
So let’s see what will happen tomorrow, the day where more technical information will be shared.
Note: Read Morgan’s blog where you can find technical stuff. You know I felt Morgan frustrated today as he could not “eat” technical food 🙂