Today the Data Platform Virtual Summit begin at 00:30 am for us…
It’s a little bit early but when we like our work and like to learn, we stay up with plaisir.
My schedule for the day:

After the login, welcome to the lobby!

Going to the rooms:

After selecting your session, you select the room name and you start!
I will not go though all sessions but I select just some sessions or themes that I think we don’t see so much every day and good to learn.
The first session, I will present, is the session of David Barbarin about how to automate the deployment, the management and the monitoring of SQL Server in French.

A very interesting session with the deployment of SQL Server using ansible & PowerShell

Useful also for us and our new product Yak.
A second demo of SQL Server deployment with Terraform was also very interesting.
It was good to see a real use case used in his company:

Thank you David for this interesting session.
I follow now 2 sessions about security using Azure Purview:
- Govern your data estate with Azure Purview – Basic – Craig Bryden
- Inside data and access policies for Azure SQL and SQL Server – Advanced – Andreas Wolter

Through these 2 sessions, I discover really a good product and how to use it by my customers.
Helped by Power BI, the history of the scans are very simple to view.

Use Microsoft Purview to control the access is definitively a good case applicable to many of our customers.

A good list of DMVs and Catalog views to help us:

Thank you both of you guys for these presentations and great demos.
Regarding the pricing, we need to think about it with a really project to implement it.

I will go really deeper into this topic and writing blogs and perhaps presentation about it.
The last session was about Temporary Tables and Table Variables. I already writing a lot of blogs about it but it was a good remember on this subject.
Now, I go to sleep a little bit and be ready for the next day also early in the morning…