Last week was the week of the European PostgreSQL Conference in Prague which I was allowed to join once more.
An amazing location was waiting for all the participants and once I entered the hotel, I already felt warmly welcomed in the PostgreSQL Community world.
Besides the very interesting program the committee prepared this year, there was of course a lot of time for some community exchange and of course a lot of delicious food (once again).
I think there should be a special mention that the talks covered a wide range of Technical talks, but also some non-technical talks, which are of growing interest, too. e.g. the one from Valeria Kaplan about “Elephant in a nutshell – Navigating the Postgres community 101”
And of course, as we are also active in the PostgreSQL Community, we had the great opportunity to welcome a lot of people at our booth and had some really great conversations.
There were, of course also some talks from dbi services.
The one from Daniel Westermann about Getting the most out of pg_stat_io
And PostgreSQL IaaS vs PaaS, that is the question by Hervé Schweitzer.
In case you weren’t able to attend (which is indeed a pity), but if you’re interested in the talks, you can check on the website, for some the slides are available and some are even recorded. So you haven’t missed everything.
On Friday evening, the full magic was already over, with a new record of attendees (~720 registrations). It’s great to see the community growing every year.
Now, some days after the event, I still feel thankful for attending this perfectly organized event (the coffee was not your fault). Meeting old friends and making new friends was such a pleasure.
So, there is only one thing left to say: