By Franck Pachot
Here is a little script I use from time to time to look at V$MYSTAT values and displaying on one line a set of statistics with their delta value between two calls.
The first script, _mystat_init.sql, initializes the variables. The second one displays the values, such as:
SQL> @ _mystat_diff.sql
db block changes redo size undo change vector size redo entries
---------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ----------------
57,371 15,445,852 6,111,608 37,709
Those two scripts are generated by defining the statistics:
define names="'redo size','redo entries','undo change vector size','db block changes'"
abd running the following to spool the two scripts:
sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<'END'
set pagesize 0 feedback off linesize 1000 trimspool on verify off echo off
with stats as (
select rownum n,stat_id,name from (select stat_id,name from v$statname where name in (&names) order by stat_id)
select 'define LAG'||stat_id||'=0' from stats
union all
select 'column "CUR'||stat_id||'" new_value '||'LAG'||stat_id||' noprint' from stats
union all
select 'column "DIF'||stat_id||'" heading '''||name||''' format 999G999G999G999' from stats
spool _mystat_init.sql
spool off
with stats as (
select rownum n,stat_id,name from (select stat_id,name from v$statname where name in (&names) order by stat_id)
select 'set termout off verify off' from dual
union all
select 'select ' from dual
union all
select ' '||decode(n,1,' ',',')||'"CUR'||stat_id||'" - '||'&'||'LAG'||stat_id||' "DIF'||stat_id||'"' from stats
union all
select ' '||',nvl("CUR'||stat_id||'",0) "CUR'||stat_id||'"' from stats
union all
--select ','''||'&'||'1'' comments' from dual
--union all
select q'[from (select stat_id,value from v$mystat join v$statname using(statistic#) where name in (&names)) pivot (avg(value)for stat_id in (]' from dual
union all
select ' '||decode(n,1,' ',',')||stat_id||' as "CUR'||stat_id||'"' from stats
union all
select '))' from dual
union all
select '.' from dual
union all
select 'set termout on' from dual
union all
select '/' from dual
spool _mystat_diff.sql
spool off
Then, in sqlplus or SQLcl, you run:
SQL> _mystat_init.sql
to initialize the values to 0 and:
SQL> @ _mystat_diff.sql
each time you want to display the difference from last call.