On May 16th I visited the SUSE Expert Day in Zürich.
An interesting Agenda was waiting for me, all under the topic: “My kind of open”
After a small welcome cafe, SUSE started with the Keynote of the Markus Wolf (Country Manager and Sales Director ALPS Region). After a short introduction of the Swiss SUSE Team, he talked about the IT Transformation and his vision of the next years in IT – nice to hear, that IT is getting even more complex as it is now.
One slide that really impressed me:
Amazing, isn’t it?
As a customer story, Nicolas Christener, CEO and CTO of the adfinis sygroup showed with an impressive example, what you can reach with the SUSE Cloud Application Platform and what matters for the end customer. He also mentioned the great collaboration with SUSE during the project. I think that’s really nice to know that you get the help and support of SUSE that is needed, especially in new pioneer projects.
As third speaker Bo Jin (Sales Engineer and Consultant at SUSE ) was on stage. Really impressive knowledge! He told a lot about CloundFoundry as well as a lot about Kubernetes, Cloud Application Platform, CaaS. A highlight for me was his really impressive demo about pushing code to Clound Goundry and how to deploy from GitHub into a container. Everything seems to be really easy to manage.
Last but not least we got some insight to the SUSE Manager, how it could help you to centralize the system administration, the patch handling as well as autoyast profiles and kickstart files. This tool is suitable for Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat and, of course, SUSE servers. Everything centrally handled for almost all distributions. That makes life much easier.
Bo Jin also showed us the kernel live patching in a demo and gave us some background information. Did you for example know, that even if you have Kernel Live Patching enabled, you have to reboot at least once in 12 month?
In a nutshell – nice to see how pationate and innovative SUSE is, they presented great tools. Even they were only able to show us the tools mostly in scope at the moment – can’t wait to test them!