Now SQL Server 2017 RTM is available. 😀
The first step is to go to the Evaluation Center here
After completing the registration with your contact information, you download the file “SQL Server 2017-SSEI-Eval.exe”
Run SQL Server 2017-SSEI-Eval.exe and now it begins!
A first screen gives me 3 choices to install SQL Server
- Basic: easy and fast to download and install SQL Server 2017
- Custom: Download the setup package and launch the SQL Installation Center
- Download Media: choose between an ISO or a CAB
Basic Installation
In this mode, you have 2 steps to follow:
- Accept the license
- Choose the destination folder
And now the installation begins…
At the end, you have a SQL Server installed with a default instance as you can see in this summary window.
If you click on the button “Connect now”, the interface run a SQLCMD
The second button “Customize”, run the SQL Server setup that you know to install a SQL Server instance
The “Install SSMS” button retursn you to the web page to download SQL Server management Studio (SSMS)
At the end, you can see also the installation folder from your default instance…
Be very carefuly with this installation type, at the end you have a default instance installed!
The last point to notice is that on C:\SQLServer2017Media, you retrieve the full Setup from SQL Server 2017
Custom installation
This installation asks the target location to dowload the installation files (Default is C:\SQLServer2017Media).
Remarks: If you have like me installed the Basic before and click the custom installation, it will detect that you have already the installation files (download phase is shunted!).
After the download, it will run the “Classical” setup (SQL Server Installation Center) to install an instance
Download Media
This type of installation gives you the language choice, the package choice (.iso or .cab) and the folder for the download file.
Click Download and let’s go!
After few minutes, the file (iso in my case) is here.
This last installation type is the best for me because I can mount the iso file on VMs to install and test SQL Server 2017!
Now, It’s time to test this new version for my Team and write a lot of blogs for you! 😎