The christmas period is over and it is now time to enjoy the several gifts brought by Santa Claus. Under my Chrismas tree I discovered an iPad this year.
It is very easy to get comfortable with this device. Coming from the “iPhone world”, you are able to handle most of the feature after a few minutes.
It becomes tricky when you want to start working with it 🙂
Even if you easily find “shells” to connect to Linux/UNIX servers through ssh, I had the first difficulty when I needed to work (not to view, but really to edit) a Word document. Of course, some additional tools had to be installed. I chose DocsToGo to work on my word document.
Finally after a few minutes you realize that about 90 percent of the features you really need are missing, and you will only be able to perform basic things to work on your documents.
So what could I do with the ipad in terms of work ?
May be read some Oracle documentation, as you read a book before sleeping, in order to stay up to date 🙂 So I sarted to connect to using safari, the display quality of the iPad being one big advantage.
I started to read the documentation. After some lines, I wondered how I can look for some topics which are of higher interest for me.
Believe me or not, Safari did not provide any search functionality, for example to find some text in a web page! You need to install an additionnal app from the App Store. The app I chose is “Find in Page”, the installation of the application is available under:
Yes, to search for text in the iPad Safari browser, you need to install additional tools 😕
By the way, for the people wanting to upgrade their iphone from a 3.x iOS to 4.2.1, take care on your downloaded music, since everything might be lost after the upgrade !
Good luck in the Apple world!