I recently had to work on creating some custom images for OpenText Documentum 23.4 that will run on Kubernetes but I faced some trouble while trying to push images with “dockerd” and “nerdctl”. Before I start talking about that, I clearly don’t consider myself as a Docker expert, of course I worked with it a bit in the past years but that’s pretty much it. Regarding my setup, I’m on Mac, I have Rancher Desktop on it, and I use that for its embedded container engine, which is (and was for me) “dockerd” (mobyd) by default.

OpenText provide images for their Documentum software since a few years already (2019?) but at the beginning it wasn’t very usable (difficult to customize, lack of security controls, missing components, etc.). Therefore, for a few customers, we developed our own containers that are using the silent installations of Documentum and that worked pretty well, since there are ~80/100 Documentum environments at customers running and using our images. If you want to know more about the silent installation, I wrote a series of blogs back in 2018, it’s pretty old but still quite accurate. Despite the evolutions and improvements of OpenText Documentum images over the year, I still think there are a few pain points. Therefore, my goal here was to check/adapt our images for the recent version Documentum 23.4. A colleague from our DevOps team setup an internal Kubernetes environment with a private registry for me to start working on the build of the images.

For quick development/testing, I created a small shell script that simply trigger a build and a push of the image to the registry. The first image I needed to create is a base OS image that includes all the OS packages required to install and run a Documentum environment (common base image with some packages used by all containers of all Documentum components). I used Red Hat as the underlying OS as this is the one used mainly at our customers for support and compatibility reasons. The shell script is rather simple:


# Build Arguments
export NAME="linux-ot:8.10-901"
export OWNER="dbi_dctm"
export REGISTRY="registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com"
export BASE_IMAGE="registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8:8.10-901.1716482497"
export ENV="DEV"

# Build the image
echo "**********************************************"
echo "*** Building the image '${NAME}' ***"
echo "**********************************************"
docker build --no-cache --rm=true --force-rm=true --squash \
  --tag="${REGISTRY}/${OWNER}/${NAME}" \
  --build-arg ARG_BASE_IMAGE="${BASE_IMAGE}" \
  --build-arg ARG_ENV="${ENV}" .
docker push ${REGISTRY}/${OWNER}/${NAME}
echo "*********************************************************"
echo "*** Script completed for '${OWNER}/${NAME}' ***"
echo "*********************************************************"

The build part was a success but unfortunately for me, the push failed due to the Private Registry being setup on port 443 with a Self-Signed SSL Certificate… Therefore, I started looking all over google for ways to configure Docker properly to allow that but without much success. I found a few resources such as this one from Rancher directly, that is supposed to trust the Self-Signed SSL Certificate or this one to allow some registries or a few other ones that would suggest to add “insecure-registries” to the Docker configuration. I tried them all but none were sufficient. First of all, I tried to trust the Self-Signed SSL Certificate as indicated in the Rancher documentation:

Mac:linux-ot$ DOMAIN=registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com
Mac:linux-ot$ PORT=443
Mac:linux-ot$ cat /etc/default/docker
DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --insecure-registry=registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com"
Mac:linux-ot$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ${DOMAIN}:${PORT} < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > ca.crt
Mac:linux-ot$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/${DOMAIN}/
Mac:linux-ot$ sudo cp ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/${DOMAIN}/ca.crt
Mac:linux-ot$ cat ca.crt | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

I also tried adding the “insecure-registries” in the Docker daemon.json that didn’t exist before:

Mac:linux-ot$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "insecure-registries" : ["registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com"]

But despite all that, after the restart of Rancher Desktop, pushing the images still didn’t work. I also saw some references about needing to use “http://” in the Docker daemon.json “insecure-registries” configuration, even for https registries, but still no luck. The error was that the SSL Certificate received was valid for “ingress.local” but the registry used was “registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com” and of course the same output was given even if I only executed the “docker push” command manually (outside of the script):

Mac:linux-ot$ ./build.sh
*** Building the image 'linux-ot:8.10-901' ***

WARNING: experimental flag squash is removed with BuildKit. You should squash inside build using a multi-stage Dockerfile for efficiency.
[+] Building 489.8s (10/10) FINISHED                                                                            docker:rancher-desktop
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                              0.1s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 3.12kB                                                                                            0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                 0.1s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                   0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8:8.10-901.1716482497                                              3.3s
 => exporting to image                                                                                                           22.5s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                          22.4s
 => => writing image sha256:03b090f94723c8947126cd7bfbc9a152612de44baab58417f85e7d1d2e46a5fa                                      0.0s
 => => naming to registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/dbi_dctm/linux-ot:8.10-901                                                      0.0s

The push refers to repository [registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/dbi_dctm/linux-ot]
Get "https://registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/v2/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local, not registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com

*** Script completed for 'dbi_dctm/linux-ot:8.10-901' ***
Mac:linux-ot$ docker push registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/dbi_dctm/linux-ot:8.10-901
The push refers to repository [registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/dbi_dctm/linux-ot]
Get "https://registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/v2/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local, not registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com

At that time, nobody could change/fix the certificate used by the registry, but I knew some of my colleagues used “nerdctl” instead of “docker”, so I decided to try it:

Mac:linux-ot$ nerdctl images
FATA[0000] cannot access containerd socket "/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock" (hint: try running with `--address /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.sock` to connect to Docker-managed containerd): no such file or directory
Error: exit status 1

While looking into the options of Rancher Desktop, I saw it was possible to choose between two container engines. For that purpose, in the main window, click on the Gear on the top right corner (old versions of Rancher Desktop) or on the Preferences button on the bottom left corner (new versions of Rancher Desktop) and select Container Engine (or Rancher Desktop menu icon > Open preferences dialog > Container Engine). Here are screenshots of an old version of Rancher Desktop first, and then a newer/recent version of Rancher Desktop:

Change the container engine on Rancher Desktop 1.9 to push images with nerdctl
Change the container engine on Rancher Desktop 1.13 to push images with nerdctl

As you can see in the error above, “nerdctl” requires “containerd”. Therefore, I changed my container engine from “dockerd” to “containerd” and restarted Rancher Desktop. I had to change a little bit the build script since not all command line parameters are available in “nerdctl”, apparently, and I also took this opportunity to include the “insecure-registry” in the command line, as this is possible with “nerdctl” (not with “dockerd”). Therefore, my updated script looked like this:

nerdctl build --no-cache --rm \
  --tag="${REGISTRY}/${OWNER}/${NAME}" \
  --build-arg ARG_BASE_IMAGE="${BASE_IMAGE}" \
  --build-arg ARG_ENV="${ENV}" .
nerdctl push --insecure-registry ${REGISTRY}/${OWNER}/${NAME}

This time, the build and the push of the image with nerdctl were both successful:

Mac:linux-ot$ ./build.sh
*** Building the image 'linux-ot:8.10-901' ***

[+] Building 507.0s (10/10)
[+] Building 507.2s (10/10) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                              0.2s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 3.12kB                                                                                            0.1s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                 0.2s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                   0.1s
 => [internal] load metadata for registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8:8.10-901.1716482497                                              5.8s
 => exporting to docker image format                                                                                             35.5s
 => => exporting layers                                                                                                          20.8s
 => => exporting manifest sha256:9b9b6662b7a790c39882f8b4fd22e2b85bd4c419b6f6ffd350e447c35b2650f7                                 0.0s
 => => exporting config sha256:1a4e6c6559a2d7c39a987537691f67b677640eada5ecdcdcc03ec210f7c672bf                                   0.0s
 => => sending tarball                                                                                                           14.7s
Loaded image: registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com/dbi_dctm/linux-ot:8.10-901

INFO[0000] pushing as a reduced-platform image (application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json, sha256:9b9b6662b7a790c39882f8b4fd22e2b85bd4c419b6f6ffd350e447c35b2650f7)
WARN[0000] skipping verifying HTTPS certs for "registry-sbx.it.dbi-services.com"
manifest-sha256:9b9b6662b7a790c39882f8b4fd22e2b85bd4c419b6f6ffd350e447c35b2650f7: done           |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
config-sha256:1a4e6c6559a2d7c39a987537691f67b677640eada5ecdcdcc03ec210f7c672bf:   done           |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
elapsed: 42.0s                                                                    total:  17.1 K (416.0 B/s)

*** Script completed for 'dbi_dctm/linux-ot:8.10-901' ***

So, in conclusion, there might be a way to make “dockerd” ignore Self-Signed SSL Certificate when it’s used as the embedded container engine inside Rancher Desktop but if it is, then it’s well hidden… If you know about it, don’t hesitate to share. In any cases, switching to “containerd” and “nerdctl” is a possible workaround when you just want to quickly start your development on your internal dev environment without having to worry about the certificate being used. Of course, pushing images with “nerdctl” means ignoring security in this case, which is never a good idea. Therefore, use it with caution and if you have a similar SSL Certificate issue, make sure to fix it as soon as possible so you can use the secure way.