When I attended PGIBZ 2019 earlier this year, I talked with Dimitri about pg_auto_failover and I promised to have a look at it. Well, almost half a year later and after we’ve met again at pgconf.eu it is time to actually do that. You probably already know that citudata was acquired by Microsoft earlier this year and that Microsoft seems to be committed to open source since a few years. pg_auto_failover is one of the projects they contribute back to the PostgreSQL community. This will be a multi-blog series and in this very first post it is all about getting it up and running. In a following post we will then look at failover and switchover scenarios.

As usual, when you need auto failover you need at least three nodes and pg_auto_failover is no exception to that. The following graphic is stolen from the pg_auto_failover github page:

We have one PostgreSQL master, one PostgreSQL replica and in addition a monitoring host. In may case that maps to:

pg-af1.ti.dbi-services.com master
pg-af2.ti.dbi-services.com replica
pg-af3.ti.dbi-services.com monitor/cluster management

All of these nodes run CentOS 8 and I will be going from source code as that gives most flexibility. As pg_auto_failover depends on PostgreSQL (of course) the first step is to install PostgreSQL on all three nodes (PostgreSQL 12 in this setup). If you need further information on how to do that you can e.g. check here. Basically these steps have been executed on all the three nodes (given that the postgres user already exists and sudo is configured):

[postgres@pg-af1 ~]$ sudo dnf install -y gcc openldap-devel python36-devel readline-devel redhat-lsb bison flex perl-ExtUtils-Embed zlib-devel openssl-devel pam-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel openssh-clients bzip2 net-tools wget unzip sysstat xorg-x11-xauth systemd-devel bash-completion python36 policycoreutils-python-utils make git
[postgres@pg-af1 ~]$ wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v12.0/postgresql-12.0.tar.bz2
[postgres@pg-af1 ~]$ tar -axf postgresql-12.0.tar.bz2
[postgres@pg-af1 ~]$ cd postgresql-12.0
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ sudo mkdir -p /u01 /u02
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ sudo chown postgres:postgres /u01 /u02
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ PGHOME=/u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ SEGSIZE=2
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ BLOCKSIZE=8
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ WALSEGSIZE=64
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ ./configure --prefix=${PGHOME} \
> --exec-prefix=${PGHOME} \
> --bindir=${PGHOME}/bin \
> --libdir=${PGHOME}/lib \
> --sysconfdir=${PGHOME}/etc \
> --includedir=${PGHOME}/include \
> --datarootdir=${PGHOME}/share \
> --datadir=${PGHOME}/share \
> --with-pgport=5432 \
> --with-perl \
> --with-python \
> --with-openssl \
> --with-pam \
> --with-ldap \
> --with-libxml \
> --with-libxslt \
> --with-segsize=${SEGSIZE} \
> --with-blocksize=${BLOCKSIZE} \
> --with-systemd \
> --with-extra-version=" dbi services build"
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ make all
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ make install
[postgres@pg-af1 postgresql-12.0]$ cd contrib
[postgres@pg-af1 contrib]$ make install
[postgres@pg-af1 contrib]$ cd ../..
[postgres@pg-af1 ~]$ rm -rf postgresql*

We will go for an installation from source code of pg_auto_failover as well (again, on all three nodes):

postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [pg120] git clone https://github.com/citusdata/pg_auto_failover.git
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [pg120] cd pg_auto_failover/
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/pg_auto_failover/ [pg120] make
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/pg_auto_failover/ [pg120] make install
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/pg_auto_failover/ [pg120] cd ..
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [pg120] rm -rf pg_auto_failover/

That’s it, quite easy. What I like especially is, that there are no dependencies on python or any other libraries except for PostgreSQL. What the installation gives us is basically pg_autoctl:

postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [pg120] pg_autoctl --help
pg_autoctl: pg_auto_failover control tools and service
usage: pg_autoctl [ --verbose --quiet ]

Available commands:
+ create   Create a pg_auto_failover node, or formation
+ drop     Drop a pg_auto_failover node, or formation
+ config   Manages the pg_autoctl configuration
+ show     Show pg_auto_failover information
+ enable   Enable a feature on a formation
+ disable  Disable a feature on a formation
run      Run the pg_autoctl service (monitor or keeper)
stop     signal the pg_autoctl service for it to stop
reload   signal the pg_autoctl for it to reload its configuration
help     print help message
version  print pg_autoctl version

The first step in setting up the cluster is to initialize the monitoring node:

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [pg120] pg_autoctl create --help
pg_autoctl create: Create a pg_auto_failover node, or formation

Available commands:
pg_autoctl create
monitor    Initialize a pg_auto_failover monitor node
postgres   Initialize a pg_auto_failover standalone postgres node
formation  Create a new formation on the pg_auto_failover monitor

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [pg120] sudo mkdir -p /u02/pgdata
postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [pg120] sudo chown postgres:postgres /u02/pgdata
postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [pg120] unset PGDATABASE
postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [] pg_autoctl create monitor --pgdata /u02/pgdata/PG12/af
INFO  Initialising a PostgreSQL cluster at "/u02/pgdata/PG12/af"
INFO   /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_ctl --pgdata /u02/pgdata/PG12/af --options "-p 5432" --options "-h *" --waitstart
INFO  Granting connection privileges on
INFO  Your pg_auto_failover monitor instance is now ready on port 5432.
INFO  pg_auto_failover monitor is ready at postgres://autoctl_node@pg-af3:5432/pg_auto_failover
INFO  Monitor has been succesfully initialized.

Once that succeeds you’ll a new PostgreSQL instance running and pg_auto_failover PostgreSQL background worker processes:

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [af] ps -ef | grep "postgres:"
postgres  5958  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: checkpointer
postgres  5959  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: background writer
postgres  5960  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: walwriter
postgres  5961  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher
postgres  5962  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: stats collector
postgres  5963  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: pg_auto_failover monitor
postgres  5964  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: logical replication launcher
postgres  5965  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: pg_auto_failover monitor worker
postgres  5966  5955  0 14:15 ?        00:00:00 postgres: pg_auto_failover monitor worker

The initialization of the monitor node also created a new database and two roles:

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [af] psql postgres
psql (12.0 dbi services build)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \l
List of databases
Name       |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges
pg_auto_failover | autoctl  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
postgres         | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
template0        | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1        | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
                 |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres

postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name   |                         Attributes                         | Member of
autoctl      |                                                            | {}
autoctl_node |                                                            | {}
postgres     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

What we got in the new database is the pgautofailover extension:

pg_auto_failover=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name      | Version |   Schema   |         Description
pgautofailover | 1.0     | public     | pg_auto_failover
plpgsql        | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(2 rows)

For our management kit to work properly a few PostgreSQL parameters will be set:

pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_truncate_on_rotation = 'on';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_rotation_age = '1440';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_line_prefix = '%m - %l - %p - %h - %u@%d - %x';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_directory = 'pg_log';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_min_messages = 'WARNING';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_autovacuum_min_duration = '60s';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_min_error_statement = 'NOTICE';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_min_duration_statement = '30s';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_checkpoints = 'on';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_statement = 'ddl';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_lock_waits = 'on';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_temp_files = '0';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_timezone = 'Europe/Zurich';
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_connections=on;
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_disconnections=on;
pg_auto_failover=# alter system set log_duration=on;
pg_auto_failover=# select pg_reload_conf();
(1 row)

What we need for the other nodes is the connection string to the monitoring node:

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [af] pg_autoctl show uri

Once we have that we can proceed with creating the master instance on the first host:

postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [pg120] unset PGDATABASE
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [] sudo mkdir /u02/pgdata
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [] sudo chown postgres:postgres /u02/pgdata
postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [] pg_autoctl create postgres --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/PG1 --nodename pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com --monitor postgres://autoctl_node@pg-af3:5432/pg_auto_failover
INFO  Found pg_ctl for PostgreSQL 12.0 at /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_ctl
INFO  Registered node pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com:5432 with id 1 in formation "default", group 0.
INFO  Writing keeper init state file at "/home/postgres/.local/share/pg_autoctl/u02/pgdata/12/PG1/pg_autoctl.init"
INFO  Successfully registered as "single" to the monitor.
INFO  Initialising a PostgreSQL cluster at "/u02/pgdata/12/PG1"
INFO  Postgres is not running, starting postgres
INFO   /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_ctl --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/PG1 --options "-p 5432" --options "-h *" --wait start
INFO  The user "postgres" already exists, skipping.
INFO  The database "postgres" already exists, skipping.
INFO  FSM transition from "init" to "single": Start as a single node
INFO  Initialising postgres as a primary
INFO  Transition complete: current state is now "single"
INFO  Keeper has been succesfully initialized.

Once the master if up bring up the replica on the second node:

postgres@pg-af2:/home/postgres/ [pg120] pg_autoctl create postgres --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/PG1 --nodename pg-af2.it.dbi-services.com --monitor postgres://autoctl_node@pg-af3:5432/pg_auto_failover
17:11:42 INFO  Registered node pg-af2.it.dbi-services.com:5432 with id 2 in formation "default", group 0.
17:11:42 INFO  Writing keeper init state file at "/home/postgres/.local/share/pg_autoctl/u02/pgdata/12/PG1/pg_autoctl.init"
17:11:42 INFO  Successfully registered as "wait_standby" to the monitor.
17:11:42 INFO  FSM transition from "init" to "wait_standby": Start following a primary
17:11:42 INFO  Transition complete: current state is now "wait_standby"
17:11:47 INFO  FSM transition from "wait_standby" to "catchingup": The primary is now ready to accept a standby
17:11:47 INFO  The primary node returned by the monitor is pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com:5432
17:11:47 INFO  Initialising PostgreSQL as a hot standby
17:11:47 INFO  Running /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_basebackup -w -h pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com -p 5432 --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/backup -U pgautofailover_replicator --write-recovery-conf --max-rate 100M --wal-method=stream --slot pgautofailover_standby ...
17:11:49 INFO  pg_basebackup: initiating base backup, waiting for checkpoint to complete
pg_basebackup: checkpoint completed
pg_basebackup: write-ahead log start point: 0/2000028 on timeline 1
pg_basebackup: starting background WAL receiver
0/23699 kB (0%), 0/1 tablespace (/u02/pgdata/12/backup/backup_label )
136/23699 kB (0%), 0/1 tablespace (/u02/pgdata/12/backup/global/4184  )
23708/23708 kB (100%), 0/1 tablespace (...data/12/backup/global/pg_control)
23708/23708 kB (100%), 1/1 tablespace
pg_basebackup: write-ahead log end point: 0/2000100
pg_basebackup: waiting for background process to finish streaming ...
pg_basebackup: syncing data to disk ...
pg_basebackup: base backup completed

17:11:49 INFO  Postgres is not running, starting postgres
17:11:49 INFO   /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_ctl --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/PG1 --options "-p 5432" --options "-h *" --wait start
17:11:50 INFO  PostgreSQL started on port 5432
17:11:50 INFO  Transition complete: current state is now "catchingup"
17:11:50 INFO  Keeper has been succesfully initialized.

The next step is to start the so called keeper process (this is the process which communicates with the montoring node about state changes):

postgres@pg-af1:/home/postgres/ [] pg_autoctl run --pgdata /u02/pgdata/12/PG1
INFO  Managing PostgreSQL installation at "/u02/pgdata/12/PG1"
INFO  The version of extenstion "pgautofailover" is "1.0" on the monitor
INFO  pg_autoctl service is starting
INFO  Calling node_active for node default/1/0 with current state: single, PostgreSQL is running, sync_state is "", current lsn is "0/0".
INFO  Calling node_active for node default/1/0 with current state: single, PostgreSQL is running, sync_state is "", current lsn is "0/0".
INFO  Calling node_active for node default/1/0 with current state: single, PostgreSQL is running, sync_state is "", current lsn is "0/0".
INFO  Calling node_active for node default/1/0 with current state: single, PostgreSQL is running, sync_state is "", current lsn is "0/0".

To integrate that into systemd:

postgres@pg-af2:/home/postgres/ [PG1] pg_autoctl show systemd
20:28:43 INFO  HINT: to complete a systemd integration, run the following commands:
20:28:43 INFO  pg_autoctl -q show systemd --pgdata "/u02/pgdata/12/PG1" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/pgautofailover.service
20:28:43 INFO  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
20:28:43 INFO  sudo systemctl start pgautofailover
Description = pg_auto_failover

WorkingDirectory = /u02/pgdata/12/PG1
Environment = 'PGDATA=/u02/pgdata/12/PG1'
User = postgres
ExecStart = /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_autoctl run
Restart = always
StartLimitBurst = 0

WantedBy = multi-user.target

postgres@pg-af2:/home/postgres/ [PG1] pg_autoctl -q show systemd --pgdata "/u02/pgdata/12/PG1" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/pgautofailover.service
Description = pg_auto_failover

WorkingDirectory = /u02/pgdata/12/PG1
Environment = 'PGDATA=/u02/pgdata/12/PG1'
User = postgres
ExecStart = /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_autoctl run
Restart = always
StartLimitBurst = 0

WantedBy = multi-user.target

postgres@pg-af2:/home/postgres/ [PG1] systemctl list-unit-files | grep pgauto
pgautofailover.service                      disabled
20:30:57 postgres@pg-af2:/home/postgres/ [PG1] sudo systemctl enable pgautofailover.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/pgautofailover.service → /etc/systemd/system/pgautofailover.service.

If you are on CentOS/Red Hat 8 you will also need this as otherwise the service will not start:

postgres@pg-af1:/u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/ [PG1] sudo semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_autoctl
postgres@pg-af1:/u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/ [PG1] restorecon -v /u01/app/postgres/product/12/db_0/bin/pg_autoctl

After rebooting all the nodes (to confirm that the systemd service is working as expected) the state of the cluster reports one primary and a secondary/replica as expected:

postgres@pg-af3:/home/postgres/ [af] pg_autoctl show state
Name |   Port | Group |  Node |     Current State |    Assigned State
pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com |   5432 |     0 |     1 |           primary |           primary
pg-af2.it.dbi-services.com |   5432 |     0 |     2 |         secondary |         secondary

The various states are documented here.

Remember: As this is based on PostgreSQL 12 there will be no recovery.conf on the replica. The replication parameters have been added to postgresql.auto.conf automatically:

postgres@pg-af2:/u02/pgdata/12/PG1/ [PG1] cat postgresql.auto.conf
# Do not edit this file manually!
# It will be overwritten by the ALTER SYSTEM command.
primary_conninfo = 'user=pgautofailover_replicator passfile=''/home/postgres/.pgpass'' connect_timeout=5 host=''pg-af1.it.dbi-services.com'' port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=0 gssencmode=disable target_session_attrs=any'
primary_slot_name = 'pgautofailover_standby'

That’s it for the setup. Really easy and simple, I like it. In the next post we’ll have a look at controlled switch-overs and fail-over scenarios.