The last post in this series outlined on how to do an initial load of the target database using the “file to replicat” method:
- Installing and patching Oracle GoldenGate 12c to the latest release
- Setting up a sample replication with GoldenGate
- Performing an initial load with GoldenGate (1) – file to replicat
In this post I’ll show how to do the initial load by exporting a schema from the source database, importing that into the target and then start the re-synchronization in GoldenGate.
The initial setup on the source and the target is almost the same. But first lets delete all objects of “HR” in the target database:
declare lv_statement varchar2(2000); begin for r in ( select object_name,object_type from dba_objects where owner='HR' ) loop case r.object_type when 'TABLE' then lv_statement := 'drop table hr.'||r.object_name||' cascade constraints'; when 'VIEW' then lv_statement := 'drop view hr.'||r.object_name; when 'SEQUENCE' then lv_statement := 'drop sequence hr.'||r.object_name; when 'PROCEDURE' then lv_statement := 'drop procedure hr.'||r.object_name; else lv_statement := null; end case; begin dbms_output.put_line(lv_statement); execute immediate lv_statement; exception when others then null; end; end loop; end; / select count(*) from dba_objects where owner='HR';
Exactly as in the last post lets setup the initial recording of transactions on the source and target databases. Not much explanation here as all the steps were already covered in the last post.
On the source:
GGSCI ( 1> dblogin useridalias DB1 domain admin Successfully logged into database. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 2> add trandata HR.* GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 2> edit params extrcdc1
The parameters are:
Next steps (as in the last post):
GGSCI ( 4> dblogin useridalias DB1 domain admin GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 5> register extract extrcdc1 database Extract EXTRCDC1 successfully registered with database at SCN 1863433. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 6> add extract extrcdc1, integrated tranlog, begin now EXTRACT added. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 7> add exttrail ./dirdat/gg, extract extrcdc1, megabytes 5 EXTTRAIL added. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 10> edit params dppump1
Next steps (as in the last post)
GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 12> add extract dppump1, exttrailsource ./dirdat/gg EXTRACT added. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 13> add rmttrail ./dirdat/jj, extract dppump1, megabytes 5 RMTTRAIL added. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 23> start extract * Sending START request to MANAGER ... EXTRACT DPPUMP1 starting Sending START request to MANAGER ... EXTRACT EXTRCDC1 starting GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB1) 24> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING DPPUMP1 00:00:00 00:00:02 EXTRACT RUNNING EXTRCDC1 00:00:07 00:00:07
On the target system (as in the last post):
GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB2) 26> edit params rplcdd
REPLICAT replcdd ASSUMETARGETDEFS DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/replccd.dsc, purge USERIDALIAS DB2 domain admin MAP hr.*, TARGET hr.*;
Configure the replicat (as in the last post):
GGSCI ( 1> dblogin useridalias DB2 domain admin Successfully logged into database. GGSCI ( as ggadmin@DB2) 2> add replicat replcdd, integrated, exttrail ./dirdat/jj
Record the SCN of the source database:
SQL> select current_scn from v$database; CURRENT_SCN ----------- 2040227
Having the scn we can now do an export of the “HR” schema on the source:
SQL> create or replace directory gg as '/var/tmp'; Directory created. SQL> !expdp userid="' / as sysdba'" schemas=hr dumpfile=exphr.dmp logfile=exphr.log directory=gg flashback_scn=2040227
Transfer this to the target environment and do the import:
SQL> create or replace directory gg as '/var/tmp'; Directory created. SQL> !impdp userid="' / as sysdba'" schemas=hr dumpfile=exphr.dmp logfile=imphr.log directory=gg
The rest is the same as in the last post. Start the replicat on the target:
GGSCI ( 6> start replicat REPLCDD, aftercsn 2040227 Sending START request to MANAGER ... REPLICAT REPLCDD starting
Do some modifications on the source:
SQL> update hr.countries set COUNTRY_NAME = 'Zimbabwe11' where COUNTRY_NAME = 'Zimbabwe10'; 1 row updated. SQL> commit;
And then check the modification on the target:
SQL> select * from hr.countries where country_name like '%Zimba%'; CO COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID -- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ZW Zimbabwe11 4 SQL> select instance_name from v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME ---------------- DB2 SQL>
Quite easy if you get the basic steps for configuring the replicat and extracts right.
The next post will look into how you can suspend replication for end of day processing and restart it afterwards automatically.