By Franck Pachot

System statistics can be gathered in NOWORKLOAD or WORKLOAD mode. Different values will be set depending on that and the others will be calculated – derived from them. We can see defined values from SYS.AUX_STATS$ but here is a script that shows the calculated ones as well.

With no system statistics or NOWORKLOAD the values of IOSEEKTIM (latency in ms) and IOTFRSPEED (transfer in bytes/ms) are set and the SREADTIM (time to read 1 block in ms) and MREADTIM (for multiblock read) are calculated from them. MBRC depends on the defaults or the db_file_multiblock_read_count settings.

With WORKLOAD statistics, the SREADTIM and MREADTIM as well as MBRC are measured and those are the ones that are used by the optimizer.

Here is my script:

set echo off
set linesize 200 pagesize 1000
column pname format a30
column sname format a20
column pval2 format a20
select pname,pval2 from sys.aux_stats$ where sname='SYSSTATS_INFO';
select pname,pval1,calculated,formula from sys.aux_stats$ where sname='SYSSTATS_MAIN'
  reference sga on (
    select name,value from v$sga 
        ) dimension by (name) measures(value)
  reference parameter on (
    select name,decode(type,3,to_number(value)) value from v$parameter where name='db_file_multiblock_read_count' and ismodified!='FALSE'
    union all
    select name,decode(type,3,to_number(value)) value from v$parameter where name='sessions'
    union all
    select name,decode(type,3,to_number(value)) value from v$parameter where name='db_block_size'
        ) dimension by (name) measures(value)
partition by (sname) dimension by (pname) measures (pval1,pval2,cast(null as number) as calculated,cast(null as varchar2(60)) as formula) rules(
  calculated['MREADTIM']=coalesce(pval1['MREADTIM'],pval1['IOSEEKTIM'] + (parameter.value['db_block_size'] * calculated['MBRC'] ) / pval1['IOTFRSPEED']),
  calculated['SREADTIM']=coalesce(pval1['SREADTIM'],pval1['IOSEEKTIM'] + parameter.value['db_block_size'] / pval1['IOTFRSPEED']),
  calculated['   multi block Cost per block']=round(1/calculated['MBRC']*calculated['MREADTIM']/calculated['SREADTIM'],4),
  calculated['   single block Cost per block']=1,
  formula['MBRC']=case when pval1['MBRC'] is not null then 'MBRC' when parameter.value['db_file_multiblock_read_count'] is not null then 'db_file_multiblock_read_count' when parameter.value['_db_file_optimizer_read_count'] is not null then '_db_file_optimizer_read_count' else '= _db_file_optimizer_read_count' end,
  formula['MREADTIM']=case when pval1['MREADTIM'] is null then '= IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size * MBRC / IOTFRSPEED' end,
  formula['SREADTIM']=case when pval1['SREADTIM'] is null then '= IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size        / IOTFRSPEED' end,
  formula['   multi block Cost per block']='= 1/MBRC * MREADTIM/SREADTIM',
  formula['   single block Cost per block']='by definition',
  calculated['   maximum mbrc']=sga.value['Database Buffers']/(parameter.value['db_block_size']*parameter.value['sessions']),
  formula['   maximum mbrc']='= buffer cache size in blocks / sessions'
set echo on

Here is an exemple with default statistics:

PNAME                               PVAL1 CALCULATED FORMULA
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
CPUSPEEDNW                           1519
IOSEEKTIM                              10
IOTFRSPEED                           4096
SREADTIM                                          12 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size        / IOTFRSPEED
MREADTIM                                          26 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size * MBRC / IOTFRSPEED
MBRC                                               8 = _db_file_optimizer_read_count
   maximum mbrc                           117.152542 = buffer cache size in blocks / sessions
   single block Cost per block                     1 by definition
   multi block Cost per block                  .2708 = 1/MBRC * MREADTIM/SREADTIM

You see the calculated values for everything. Note the ‘maximum mbrc’ which limits the multiblock reads when the buffer cache is small. It divides the buffer cache size (at startup – can depend on ASMM and AMM settings) by the sessions parameter.

Here is an example with workload system statistics gathering:

PNAME                               PVAL1 CALCULATED FORMULA
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
CPUSPEEDNW                           1511
IOSEEKTIM                              15
IOTFRSPEED                           4096
SREADTIM                            1.178      1.178
MREADTIM                              .03        .03
CPUSPEED                             3004
MBRC                                    8          8 MBRC
MAXTHR                            6861824
   maximum mbrc                           114.983051 = buffer cache size in blocks / sessions
   single block Cost per block                     1 by definition
   multi block Cost per block                  .0032 = 1/MBRC * MREADTIM/SREADTIM

here all values are explicitly set (added after comment from Raul: those are probably completely wrong as MREADTIM should be > SREADTIM)

And an example with exadata system statistics that defines noworkload values and sets also the MBRC (see Chris Antognini post about it)

PNAME                               PVAL1 CALCULATED FORMULA
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
CPUSPEEDNW                           1539
IOSEEKTIM                              16
IOTFRSPEED                         204800
SREADTIM                                       16.04 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size        / IOTFRSPEED
MREADTIM                                       18.28 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size * MBRC / IOTFRSPEED
MBRC                                   57         57 MBRC
   maximum mbrc                           114.983051 = buffer cache size in blocks / sessions
   single block Cost per block                     1 by definition
   multi block Cost per block                    .02 = 1/MBRC * MREADTIM/SREADTIM

And finally here is a workload system statistics result but with explicitly setting the db_file_multiblock_read_count to 128:

PNAME                               PVAL1 CALCULATED FORMULA
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
CPUSPEEDNW                           1539
IOSEEKTIM                              15
IOTFRSPEED                           4096
SREADTIM                                          17 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size        / IOTFRSPEED
MREADTIM                                         271 = IOSEEKTIM + db_block_size * MBRC / IOTFRSPEED
MBRC                                             128 db_file_multiblock_read_count
   maximum mbrc                           114.983051 = buffer cache size in blocks / sessions
   single block Cost per block                     1 by definition
   multi block Cost per block                  .1245 = 1/MBRC * MREADTIM/SREADTIM

Here you see that the MBRC in noworkload is coming from the value which is set by the db_file_multiblock_read_count rather from the value 8 which is used by default by the optimizer when it is not set. And the MREADTIM is calculated from that i/o size

For more historical information about system statistics and how multiblock reads are costed (index vs. full table scan choice) see my article on latest OracleScene

As usual, if you find anything to improve in that script, please share.