
Patch 19.13 is now available on ODA. It’s time to test it.

What’s new?

This version brings October’s PSU to database and grid homes with their bug fixes, as usual. It also brings 21.4 for DB Systems (21c being an innovation release, understand just for testing). Something new that some of us have been waiting for a while, a multi-user mode for odacli tasks: you don’t need to be root anymore for managing the appliance. This new feature can only be enabled when provisioning, so don’t expect to catch it after patching. A parameter deployment feature is also available now, helping managing parameters across multiple instances (bare metal only).

This 19.13 will be the latest one for those still using virtualized ODA: virtualization is now integrated in all bare metal ODAs with KVM (instead of OVM), check this blog post if you’re not aware about that. Plan to redeploy your virtualized ODA to bare metal if your system is still supported for a couple of years.

Which ODA is compatible with 19.13?

For sure, ODA X8 in its 3 flavors (S, M, HA) is compatible as this is the current one (but it should be replaced quite soon). X7 and X6 are also compatible without any problem. X5-2HA is also still supported, this could be one of the latest patch for this nearly 7-year old ODA.

Is this patch a cumulative one?

Most of the patches are cumulative, meaning that you can apply them on top of a version older than the previous one. This 19.13 can be applied on top of 19.9 or later, 19.9 being 1 year old. This is something I would recommend to each of my customer: apply patches at least once a year to avoid longer patching, longer meaning multiple patches to apply to reach target version.

If you are still using an old version, I would say 18.x or older, consider reimaging instead of patching. Reimaging is much more comfortable and cleaner compared to 3 or more patches to apply.

Is there also a patch for my databases?

If you’re using 12.1, 12.2 or 19c, these databases can be patched. 11gR2 and 18c are no more supported on ODA, meaning that your databases will continue working but you should definitely consider an upgrade quite soon. Remember that if you choose to reimage to this latest version, you will not find any 18c or 11gR2 DB homes to deploy.

Download the patch and clone files

Since months now, the patch is lighter because it doesn’t include DB and GI patches anymore. Patching DB or GI is deploying a new home and migrating from the older one. As this new way of patching is based on DB and GI clones, download the corresponding clones to be able to apply the complete patch.

33518928 => the patch itself
30403673 => the GI clone needed for deploying new version (mandatory)
30403662 => the DB clone for deploying new version of 19c (if you use 19c databases)
27119402 => the DB clone for deploying new version of 12.2 (if you use 12.2 databases)
23494992 => the DB clone for deploying new version of 12.1 (if you use 12.1 databases)

Be sure to choose the very latest 19.13 when downloading, as most of the time My Oracle Support will propose an older version for GI clones and DB clones (patch number is the same for older versions).

Prepare the patching

A pre-patch is now provided and needed before applying an ODA patch, but prior running it, please check these prerequisites:

  • filesystems have 20% available free space (does not concern acfs volumes)
  • additional rpms manually installed should be removed
  • revert profile scripts to default’s one (concerns grid and oracle users)
  • make sure you can afford longer than planned downtime, 4 hours being the bare minimum for patching and… troubleshooting. 1 day is never too much.

Version precheck

Start to check current version on all components:

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OAK                                        up-to-date
GI                                    up-to-date
DB                                    up-to-date
DCSCONTROLLER                              up-to-date
DCSCLI                                     up-to-date
DCSAGENT                                   up-to-date
DCSADMIN                                   up-to-date
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date
ILOM                                  up-to-date
BIOS                                      52050300              up-to-date
FIRMWARECONTROLLER                        VDV1RL04              up-to-date
FIRMWAREDISK                              1132                  up-to-date
HMP                                        up-to-date

Once the patch will be registered in the ODA repository, the “Available Version” column will be fed with versions provided within the patch.

On my ODA X8-2M, I only need 19c databases. As I’m already running on previous 19.12 version, patching shouldn’t be too risky.

Prepare the files and update the DCS tools

Copy the patch files to your ODA in a temp directory. Then unzip the files:

cd /opt/dbi/
for f in p*1913000*.zip; do unzip -n $f; done

rm -rf p*1913000*.zip

Register the patch in the repository:

odacli update-repository -f /opt/dbi/

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date
ILOM                                  up-to-date
BIOS                                      52050300              up-to-date
FIRMWARECONTROLLER                        VDV1RL04              up-to-date
FIRMWAREDISK                              1132                  up-to-date
HMP                                        up-to-date

Don’t update the repository with GI and DB clones now because you will receive this kind of error:

DCS-10001:Internal error encountered: Cannot find the corresponding image for /opt/dbi/ in img_metadata.

Update the DCS tooling of your ODA:

odacli update-dcsadmin -v
odacli update-dcscomponents -v
odacli update-dcsagent -v

Note that updating the DCS components is not done through a job:

odacli list-jobs | head -n 3;  odacli list-jobs | tail -n 4
ID                                       Description                      Created                             Status
---------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------
9eccda54-418f-4ac8-8196-197a17fe1f48     Repository Update                                                           December 9, 2021 11:01:49 AM CET    Success
d1daaedd-f522-448e-8f67-08db0e80b6db     DcsAdmin patching                                                           December 9, 2021 3:23:45 PM CET     Success
227f0207-85d0-4d4c-bee8-61545241a588     DcsAgent patching                                                           December 9, 2021 3:26:15 PM CET     Success

Now you can register GI and DB clones:

odacli update-repository -f /opt/dbi/
odacli update-repository -f /opt/dbi/

odacli list-jobs | head -n 3;  odacli list-jobs | tail -n 3
ID                                       Description                                                                 Created                             Status
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
53e78d25-f594-4784-a320-aa3df5e996a6     Repository Update                                                           December 9, 2021 3:48:14 PM CET     Success
38c4202e-b1e3-4ba7-8431-78c7b33ab776     Repository Update                                                           December 9, 2021 3:54:59 PM CET     Success

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
DCSCONTROLLER                              up-to-date
DCSCLI                                     up-to-date
DCSAGENT                                   up-to-date
DCSADMIN                                   up-to-date
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date
ILOM                                  up-to-date
BIOS                                      52050300              up-to-date
SHARED CONTROLLER FIRMWARE                VDV1RL04              up-to-date
LOCAL DISK FIRMWARE                       1132                  up-to-date
SHARED DISK FIRMWARE                      1132                  up-to-date
HMP                                        up-to-date

This update will be limited to Oracle software, so it shouldn’t last hours.

Pre-patching report

Let’s check if patching has the green light:

odacli create-prepatchreport -s -v

Job details
                     ID:  3e9c9d23-948e-4dbb-8b23-8ab2f6e9fb14
            Description:  Patch pre-checks for [OS, ILOM, GI, ORACHKSERVER]
                 Status:  Created
                Created:  December 9, 2021 4:26:59 PM CET
                Message:  Use 'odacli describe-prepatchreport -i 3e9c9d23-948e-4dbb-8b23-8ab2f6e9fb14' to check details of results

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------

odacli describe-prepatchreport -i 3e9c9d23-948e-4dbb-8b23-8ab2f6e9fb14

Patch pre-check report
                 Job ID:  3e9c9d23-948e-4dbb-8b23-8ab2f6e9fb14
            Description:  Patch pre-checks for [OS, ILOM, GI, ORACHKSERVER]
                 Status:  SUCCESS
                Created:  December 9, 2021 4:26:59 PM CET
                 Result:  All pre-checks succeeded

Node Name

Pre-Check                      Status   Comments
------------------------------ -------- --------------------------------------
Validate supported versions     Success   Validated minimum supported versions.
Validate patching tag           Success   Validated patching tag:
Is patch location available     Success   Patch location is available.
Verify OS patch                 Success   Verified OS patch
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Validate supported versions     Success   Validated minimum supported versions.
Validate patching tag           Success   Validated patching tag:
Is patch location available     Success   Patch location is available.
Checking Ilom patch Version     Success   Patch already applied
Patch location validation       Success   Successfully validated location
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Validate GI metadata            Success   Successfully validated GI metadata
Validate supported GI versions  Success   Validated minimum supported versions.
Validate available space        Success   Validated free space under /u01
Is clusterware running          Success   Clusterware is running
Validate patching tag           Success   Validated patching tag:
Is system provisioned           Success   Verified system is provisioned
Validate ASM in online          Success   ASM is online
Validate kernel log level       Success   Successfully validated the OS log
Validate minimum agent version  Success   GI patching enabled in current
                                          DCSAGENT version
Validate Central Inventory      Success   oraInventory validation passed
Validate patching locks         Success   Validated patching locks
Validate clones location exist  Success   Validated clones location
Validate DB start dependencies  Success   DBs START dependency check passed
Validate DB stop dependencies   Success   DBs STOP dependency check passed
Evaluate GI patching            Success   Successfully validated GI patching
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Running orachk                  Success   Successfully ran Orachk
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Prepatch lasted about 10 minutes on my ODA, and everything seems to be OK.

Patching infrastructure and GI

Let’s start the update-server:

odacli update-server -v
odacli describe-job -i f0915a98-5acf-4697-94e2-8c0192bcfce2

Job details
                     ID:  f0915a98-5acf-4697-94e2-8c0192bcfce2
            Description:  Server Patching
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  December 10, 2021 2:07:20 PM CET
                Message:  Successfully patched GI with RHP

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Validating GI user metadata              December 10, 2021 2:07:33 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:07:33 PM CET    Success
Creating repositories using yum          December 10, 2021 2:07:34 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:07:38 PM CET    Success
Updating YumPluginVersionLock rpm        December 10, 2021 2:07:38 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:07:38 PM CET    Success
Applying OS Patches                      December 10, 2021 2:07:38 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:03 PM CET    Success
Creating repositories using yum          December 10, 2021 2:16:03 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:04 PM CET    Success
Applying HMP Patches                     December 10, 2021 2:16:04 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:22 PM CET    Success
Patch location validation                December 10, 2021 2:16:22 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:22 PM CET    Success
oda-hw-mgmt upgrade                      December 10, 2021 2:16:22 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:55 PM CET    Success
OSS Patching                             December 10, 2021 2:16:55 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:55 PM CET    Success
Checking Ilom patch Version              December 10, 2021 2:16:55 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    Success
Patch location validation                December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    Success
Save password in Wallet                  December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    Success
Disabling IPMI v2                        December 10, 2021 2:16:56 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    Success
Apply Ilom patch                         December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    Success
Copying Flash Bios to Temp location      December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    Success
Starting the clusterware                 December 10, 2021 2:16:57 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
registering image                        December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
registering working copy                 December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
registering image                        December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
Creating GI home directories             December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
Extract GI clone                         December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
Provisioning Software Only GI with RHP   December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    Success
Patch GI with RHP                        December 10, 2021 2:20:08 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:29:39 PM CET    Success
Updating GIHome version                  December 10, 2021 2:29:39 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:29:42 PM CET    Success
Validate GI availability                 December 10, 2021 2:29:49 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:29:49 PM CET    Success
Patch KVM CRS type                       December 10, 2021 2:29:49 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    Success
Update System version                    December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    Success
Cleanup JRE Home                         December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    Success
Add SYSNAME in Env                       December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    Success
Setting ACL for disk groups              December 10, 2021 2:31:53 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:31:57 PM CET    Success
Update lvm.conf file                     December 10, 2021 2:33:30 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:33:30 PM CET    Success
Update previous workarounds              December 10, 2021 2:33:30 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:33:30 PM CET    Success
preRebootNode Actions                    December 10, 2021 2:33:30 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:36:52 PM CET    Success
Reboot Ilom                              December 10, 2021 2:36:52 PM CET    December 10, 2021 2:36:52 PM CET    Success

Server reboots 5 minutes after the patch ends. On my X8-2M this server patching lasted 30 minutes.

Let’s check the components’ versions now:

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$ 
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OAK                                        up-to-date
GI                                    up-to-date
DCSCONTROLLER                              up-to-date
DCSCLI                                     up-to-date
DCSAGENT                                   up-to-date
DCSADMIN                                   up-to-date
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date
ILOM                                  up-to-date
BIOS                                      52050300              up-to-date
SHARED CONTROLLER FIRMWARE                VDV1RL04              up-to-date
LOCAL DISK FIRMWARE                       1132                  up-to-date
SHARED DISK FIRMWARE                      1132                  up-to-date
HMP                                        up-to-date

This looks fine, but please check acfs volumes after reboot!!!

In my particular case, I had problem with acfs volumes not mounting after reboot, even if I tried manually:

mount.acfs -o all
mount.acfs: CLSU-00107: operating system function: open64; failed with error data: 1; at location: OOF_1
mount.acfs: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Operation not permitted
mount.acfs: CLSU-00104: additional error information: open64 (/dev/asm/commonstore-175)
mount.acfs: ACFS-02017: Failed to open volume /dev/asm/commonstore-175. Verify the volume exists.
mount.acfs: ACFS-02014: Mount of /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore failed.  Error -1 was returned.
mount.acfs: CLSU-00107: operating system function: open64; failed with error data: 1; at location: OOF_1
mount.acfs: CLSU-00101: operating system error message: Operation not permitted
mount.acfs: CLSU-00104: additional error information: open64 (/dev/asm/acfsclone-175)
mount.acfs: ACFS-02017: Failed to open volume /dev/asm/acfsclone-175. Verify the volume exists.
mount.acfs: ACFS-02014: Mount of /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/clones failed.  Error -1 was returned.

I had to reinstall the drivers from the new GI home, and reboot again:

/u01/app/ stop crs -f
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on server 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cvu' on 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DATA.ACFSCLONE.advm' on 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DATA.CESAREVMS.advm' on 'dbi-oda-x8'
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.

/u01/app/ install
ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
ACFS-9294: updating file /etc/sysconfig/oracledrivers.conf
ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
ACFS-9294: updating file /etc/sysconfig/oracledrivers.conf
ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.
ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.
ACFS-9154: Loading 'oracleoks.ko' driver.
ACFS-9154: Loading 'oracleadvm.ko' driver.
ACFS-9154: Loading 'oracleacfs.ko' driver.
ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
ACFS-9156: Detecting control device '/dev/asm/.asm_ctl_spec'.
ACFS-9156: Detecting control device '/dev/ofsctl'.
ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.

/u01/app/ start crs

/u01/app/ enable


Once done, everything was back to normal.

Patching the storage

Patching the storage is only needed for older ODAs/patch levels. In case you need to apply a patch on the storage it’s easy: there is a pre-patch, and then the patch:

odacli create-prepatchreport -st -v
odacli update-storage -v

For HA ODAs using RAC, patching can be done in a rolling fashion:

odacli update-storage -v --rolling

I never encountered troubles during storage patching, so it should be fine.

Patching the DB homes

Since 19.11, DB homes are created on an acfs filesystem. If you come from 19.9 or 19.10, you will need to configure this filesystem:

odacli configure-dbhome-storage -dg DATA

Time for patching the DB homes depends on the number of DB homes and number of databases. In this example, 2 DB homes are deployed:

odacli list-dbhomes

ID                                       Name                 DB Version                               Home Location                                 Status
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
721c1fc8-b394-4682-b230-21a197e997b3     OraDB19000_home10                         /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED
2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d     OraDB19000_home11                         /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED

A prepatching is also needed here, for example if I want to patch the second home:

odacli create-prepatchreport -d -i 2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d -v
odacli describe-prepatchreport -i 2f5547b1-e95e-489f-bd68-aba0c4260765

Patch pre-check report
                 Job ID:  2f5547b1-e95e-489f-bd68-aba0c4260765
            Description:  Patch pre-checks for [DB, ORACHKDB]: DbHome is OraDB19000_home11
                 Status:  SUCCESS
                Created:  December 10, 2021 6:12:44 PM CET
                 Result:  All pre-checks succeeded

Node Name

Pre-Check                      Status   Comments
------------------------------ -------- --------------------------------------
Validate DB Home ID             Success   Validated DB Home ID:
Validate patching tag           Success   Validated patching tag:
Is system provisioned           Success   Verified system is provisioned
Validate minimum agent version  Success   Validated minimum agent version
Is GI upgraded                  Success   Validated GI is upgraded
Validate available space for    Success   Validated free space required under
db                                        /u01/app/odaorahome
Validate dbHomesOnACFS          Success   User has configured diskgroup for
configured                                Database homes on ACFS
Validate Oracle base            Success   Successfully validated Oracle Base
Is DB clone available           Success   Successfully validated clone file
Evaluate DBHome patching with   Success   Successfully validated updating
RHP                                       dbhome with RHP
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Running orachk                  Success   Successfully ran Orachk
Validate command execution      Success   Validated command execution

Now I can apply the patch on this DB home:

odacli update-dbhome -i 2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d -v 
odacli describe-job -i ca7673d2-3dd7-45b8-b3e4-9e818b20a4cb

Job details
                     ID:  ca7673d2-3dd7-45b8-b3e4-9e818b20a4cb
            Description:  DB Home Patching: Home Id is 2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  December 10, 2021 6:27:49 PM CET

Task Name                                Start Time                          End Time                            Status
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
Adding USER SSH_EQUIVALENCE              December 10, 2021 6:27:54 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:27:54 PM CET    Success
Adding USER SSH_EQUIVALENCE              December 10, 2021 6:27:54 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:27:54 PM CET    Success
Adding USER SSH_EQUIVALENCE              December 10, 2021 6:27:54 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:27:55 PM CET    Success
Creating wallet for DB Client            December 10, 2021 6:28:32 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:28:32 PM CET    Success
Patch databases by RHP                   December 10, 2021 6:28:32 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:33:15 PM CET    Success
updating database metadata               December 10, 2021 6:33:15 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:33:15 PM CET    Success
Set log_archive_dest for Database        December 10, 2021 6:33:15 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:33:18 PM CET    Success
Update System version                    December 10, 2021 6:33:18 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:33:18 PM CET    Success
TDE parameter update                     December 10, 2021 6:33:45 PM CET    December 10, 2021 6:33:45 PM CET    Success

A new DB home has been created and my database is linked to this new one:

odacli list-dbhomes

ID                                       Name                 DB Version                               Home Location                                 Status
---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------
721c1fc8-b394-4682-b230-21a197e997b3     OraDB19000_home10                         /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED
2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d     OraDB19000_home11                         /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED
abe18169-18e3-4a3f-a7c8-8c1443863910     OraDB19000_home15                         /u01/app/odaorahome/oracle/product/ CONFIGURED

odacli list-databases | grep abe18169

617de33b-d9b4-4142-89a5-6bce21e8c00b     DBITSTEE   SI     false      OLTP     odb2     ASM        CONFIGURED   abe18169-18e3-4a3f-a7c8-8c1443863910

The old DB home can be removed safely:

odacli delete-dbhome -i 2e702142-048e-42a2-a570-82318458f72d

For each database running in that DB home, a parameter needs to be changed:

su - oracle
. oraenv <<< DBITSTEE
sqlplus / as sysdba
alter system set "_enable_numa_support"=true scope=spfile sid='*';
srvctl stop database -d DBITSTEE_SITE1
srvctl start database -d DBITSTEE_SITE1

This only concerns multi-processor ODAs (not S ones) and it will force an instance to use local memory modules, those associated to the processor where the instance is running. This should improve overall performance.

Patching the other DB homes is done the same way.

Remember that patching the standby databases will raise an error, as datapatch cannot be applied on a mounted or read only database. Patch should be applied on primary and it will then be applied automatically on standby as it’s related to database objects.

Please check my previous blog post about patching ODAs in Data Guard environment.

I would recommand to check on each primary the patch level after patching each DB home:

su – oracle
. oraenv <<< DBITSTEE
sqlplus / as sysdba
set serverout on
exec dbms_qopatch.get_sqlpatch_status;
Patch Id : 32876380
	Action : APPLY
	Action Time : 03-AUG-2021 16:15:57
	Description : OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (32876380)
	Logfile :
	Status : SUCCESS

Patch Id : 32904851
	Action : APPLY
	Action Time : 03-AUG-2021 16:15:57
	Description : Database Release Update : (32904851)
	Logfile :
	Status : SUCCESS

Patch Id : 32876380
	Action : ROLLBACK
	Action Time : 10-DEC-2021 18:33:12
	Description : OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (32876380)
	Logfile :
	Status : SUCCESS

Patch Id : 33192694
	Action : APPLY
	Action Time : 10-DEC-2021 18:33:15
	Description : OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (33192694)
	Logfile :
	Status : SUCCESS

Patch Id : 33192793
	Action : APPLY
	Action Time : 10-DEC-2021 18:33:15
	Description : Database Release Update : (33192793)
	Logfile :
	Status : SUCCESS

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Final checks

Let’s get the final versions:

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OAK                                        up-to-date
GI                                    up-to-date
DB {
[ OraDB19000_home10 ]           
[ OraDB19000_home15 ]                 up-to-date
DCSCONTROLLER                              up-to-date
DCSCLI                                     up-to-date
DCSAGENT                                   up-to-date
DCSADMIN                                   up-to-date
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date
ILOM                                  up-to-date
BIOS                                      52050300              up-to-date
SHARED CONTROLLER FIRMWARE                VDV1RL04              up-to-date
LOCAL DISK FIRMWARE                       1132                  up-to-date
SHARED DISK FIRMWARE                      1132                  up-to-date
HMP                                        up-to-date

One of my DB home is still running 19.12 because I didn’t patch it.

Cleanse the old patches

The old patches will never be used again. For this ODA, history was:

Deploy = => Patch => Patch

If you don’t remember the history of your ODA, have a look in this folder:

ls -lrt /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/System/
total 44
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 26255 Mar 18  2021 system_repos_metadata.xml
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 Aug 27 15:18
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root  4096 Nov  3 09:56
drwxrwxr-x  2 root root  4096 Nov 27 17:16
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  4096 Dec  9 15:54 latest

You can presume this ODA was deployed with 19.10 and first patched with 19.12.

Let’s remove the previous patch:

odacli cleanup-patchrepo -cl -comp db,gi -v

Put back your own settings

Once everything is OK, don’t forget to put back your settings:

  • add your additional rpms manually if needed
  • put back your profile scripts for grid and oracle users

And what about DB Systems update?

If you use DB Systems on your ODA, meaning that some of your databases are running in dedicated VMs, the patch is not applied inside the DB System.

Let’s do a describe component in the VM itself:

odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date

Patching a DB System is done being connected to it, and commands are similar to what you’ve done on bare metal.

odacli update-dcsadmin -v
odacli update-dcscomponents -v
odacli update-dcsagent -v
odacli create-prepatchreport -s -v
odacli describe-prepatchreport -i 584efe26-ff23-4024-a1e9-8182b2b38a89
odacli update-server -v
odacli create-prepatchreport -d -i b1a0bfd9-5db5-4bce-8e4d-49f07480cc4e -v
odacli describe-prepatchreport -i 03b90bd8-a0b5-4998-83ba-c3943917d951
odacli update-dbhome -i b1a0bfd9-5db5-4bce-8e4d-49f07480cc4e -v
odacli delete-dbhome -i b1a0bfd9-5db5-4bce-8e4d-49f07480cc4e
odacli describe-component | grep -v ^$
System Version
System node Name
Local System Version
Component                                Installed Version    Available Version
---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
OAK                                        up-to-date
GI                                    up-to-date
DB                                    up-to-date
DCSCONTROLLER                              up-to-date
DCSCLI                                     up-to-date
DCSAGENT                                   up-to-date
DCSADMIN                                   up-to-date
OS                                        7.9                   up-to-date

This seems obvious but you cannot apply a patch on a DB System if the host is not up to date:

Validate BM versions     Failed    Operation: Update Server failed, node dbi-oda-x8 is not running with the supported version for OAK,GI.

Using DB Systems is a nice option if you want to keep things clean and isolated. But it’s much more work when it comes to patching, as it’s not much faster to patch a DB System compared to bare metal.


My ODA is now in the latest 19c version. This was not too difficult coming from a recent version, it could be more challenging if you come from an older one.