By William Sescu

The listener log file contains a lot of very useful information, like the program which was used for the connection, the IP address where the connection is coming from, the OS user which was used on the client  and many many more.

05-JUN-2017 12:36:19 * service_update * DBIT122 * 0
05-JUN-2017 12:36:19 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=DBIT122_SITE1_DGMGRL)(UR=A)(CID=(PROGRAM=sqlplus@dbidg01)(HOST=dbidg01)(USER=oracle))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * DBIT122_SITE1_DGMGRL * 0
05-JUN-2017 12:36:19 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=DBIT122_SITE1_DGMGRL)(UR=A)(CID=(PROGRAM=sqlplus@dbidg01)(HOST=dbidg01)(USER=oracle))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * DBIT122_SITE1_DGMGRL * 0

However, it does not contain only successful information; it also shows when connections have been rejected because of TCP.VALIDNODE_CHECKING or any type of TNS errors. So, why not using it for auditing? And what about the performance overhead of listener logging.

Let’s start first with the performance overhead. I am doing 4 types of tests here.

1. Performance with no listener logging (100 connections)
2. Performance with a small listener.log (100 connections)
3. Performance with big listener.log, close to 4G (100 connections)
4. Performance with a full listener.log, exactly 4G (100 connections)


Test 1: Performance with no listener logging (100 connections)

oracle@dbidg01:/home/oracle/ [DBIT122] time ./
SQLPlus count 1
SQLPlus count 2
SQLPlus count 99
SQLPlus count 100

real    0m3.360s
user    0m1.065s
sys     0m0.495s

Test 2: Performance with a small listener.log (100 connections)

oracle@dbidg01:/home/oracle/ [DBIT122] time ./
SQLPlus count 1
SQLPlus count 2
SQLPlus count 99
SQLPlus count 100

real    0m3.401s
user    0m1.049s
sys     0m0.511s

Test 3: Performance with big listener.log, close to 4G (100 connections)

oracle@dbidg01:/home/oracle/tmp/ [DBIT122] time ./
SQLPlus count 1
SQLPlus count 2
SQLPlus count 3
SQLPlus count 99
SQLPlus count 100

real    0m3.766s
user    0m1.110s
sys     0m0.522s

Test 4: Performance with a full listener.log, exactly 4G (100 connections)

oracle@dbidg01:/home/oracle/tmp/ [DBIT122] time ./
SQLPlus count 1
SQLPlus count 2
SQLPlus count 3
SQLPlus count 99
SQLPlus count 100

real    0m3.430s
user    0m1.068s
sys     0m0.501s

As you can see in the results, sqlplus connections without listener logging are the fastest one, and the bigger the file gets, the slower the connections are. But wait a second. What’s going on with test 4? As soon as the listener log is full, connections are faster again. The reason for test 4 being faster again, is that the listener is not logging anymore. As soon as it reaches the 4G limit, which is still the case with Oracle 12.2, the listener does not crash like in some older versions beforehand, but the logs are going to /dev/null. So, I will lose all my auditing information for those ones after the 4G limit was reached.

How do we overcome this issue? The answer is to rotate the listener log. But how do we do it? We can’t just simply move the old listener log away and create an empty new one, because the file descriptor is still open and you would create a huge mess.

We could stop the listener, rotate the listener log and start the listener again. A little better, but for the time the listener is stopped, no connection will be possible which is also not a good idea.

From my point of view, the best solution is to stop listener logging online as soon as it hits 1G, rotate the listener log and start listener logging again, like in the following example:

lsnrctl <<-EOF
set current_listener $ListenerName
set log_status off

mv ${ListenerLogFile} ${ListenerLogFile}.${Date}

lsnrctl <<-EOF
set current_listener $ListenerName
set log_status on

Now you have the advantage, that the log rotation is an online operation, and you don’t create any mess with open file descriptors. And if you rotate the listener log before it reaches 1G, it is also less likely to run into performance issues.


Take care of your listener log, so that it does not hit the 4G file size limit. You might lose very important information which will not be logged anymore. And do the listener log rotation correctly. 😉