Tuesday was the second day in Barcelona for the DockerCon18. We attend the first general session in the morning. It was a mix of presentations, live demos and the participation of Docker big customer in EMEA such as Société Général in France, who present us the impact of Docker in their daily business. The main message of the first part of the keynote was: “How Docker can help you to make the digital transformation of your business”.

In the second part, new features were presented during the live demos:

  • docker stack deployment using Docker EE
  • docker-assemble: command: build docker image without configuration starting with a git repository of the application source code.
  • docker stack command: to deploy a Docker image using a compose file.
  • docker-app command: An utility to help make Compose files more reusable and shareable.

Then they present the introduction to Kubernetes support on Docker EE platform.

Screenshot 2018-12-06 at 11.02.01

Finally, they present the way to deploy an application with Docker Desktop Application Designer.

The keynote video is also available here, those interested.

After the keynote, we attended a very interesting workshop concerning the Storage in Docker EE platform 2.1, done by Don Stewart a Solution Architect at Docker.


In the lab, we discovered the types of storage options that are available and how to implement them within a container environment.
Lab link for those interested: https://github.com/donmstewart/docker-storage-workshop

The first session of the afternoon was about Docker Enterprise platform 2.1: Architecture Overview and Uses Cases.


The presentation was split into 3 main parts:

  • Docker Enterprise overview and architecture
  • Docker Enterprise 2.1 – What’s new with demos
  • Next steps


The first part of the presentation was more marketing oriented, by the presentation of the Docker Enterprise platform.

Then the following new features were presented including small demos:

  • Extended Windows Support
  • Extended Kubernetes Support: Windows Server 2016, 1709, 1803, 2019
  • Improve Operational Insights: node metrics, data retention overview, more metrics, and charts…
  • Image management and storage optimizations
  • Security improvements


We finish the conference day by a workshop again, yes…Because during this conference the level and the quality of the workshops was very good and interesting. The workshop was about Swarm Orchestration – Features and Workflows.
This was definitively one of the best workshops I attended.

Slides: https://container.training/swarm-selfpaced.yml.html#1
Github repository: https://github.com/jpetazzo/container.training

During this workshop, we create a complete Docker cluster using Swarm and deep dive into Swarm orchestration.

A very interesting day, with a lot of new things around Docker.

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