Hi folks, the second day is now over. It’s has been terminated with the SUPERPARTY sponsored by sonatype. Capes & masks were available to celebrates everyday superheroes, LIKE US.
It was “sympa”, with music, foods, drinks and so on.
But yeah, it was not the only things, let’s come back to the second DevOps Jenkins World day which began with the keynotes. I really loved it. It was animated with SuperHeroes in small cartoon between each speech of the speaker. We were informed about the creation of the cd.foundation. A collaboration initiated by Jenkins X (Cloudbees), Spinnaker (Netflix), Tekton (Google) and others (full landscape).
During the keynotes, the collaboration with google has been announced for the new SaaS SDM solutions fully based on Jenkins X CI/CD pipelines using Tekton, Kubernetes (OKE) in Google Cloud. It’s currently in the preview state.
After the keynotes, the sessions began. I attended the following
- Introduction to Jenkins X
- DevOps Patterns & Anti-Patterns for Continuous Software Update
- Value Stream Management and the Next Decade of DevOps
- Are Open Source Developers Security’s New Front Line ?
- Supercharging Your Docker Builds with Skaffold and Kaniko
- Cultivating DevOps
The outcome of the day exceeded my expectations
1- I get a new book signed by the Author
2- I saw the new Jenkins X GUI and I tested it in the kubernetes cluster created yesterday on GKE
To install the Jenkins X GUI
abe@Arnauds-MacBook-Pro:~$ jx add app jx-app-ui --version=0.1.26 --namespace=cd
As it’s the first time, the output of the command was quite surprising :
Preparing questions to configure jx-app-ui. If this is the first time you have installed the app, this may take a couple of minutes. Questions prepared. Installing UI in single-user mode
What’s the preparing questions process ? I don’t want to go to deep now but when checking current pods, I saw a new pods for “values-preprocessor”.
abe@Arnauds-MacBook-Pro:~$ kubectl get pods | grep values values-preprocessor-b7c31a2f-119d-4c95-a2ca-c7c9f7e3b24f 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 78s
Great, after few minutes, the completion message appeared
Successfully installed jx-app-ui 0.1.26
I can’t wait, let’s launch the webUI
abe@Arnauds-MacBook-Pro:~$ jx ui -p 9845 UI not configured to run with TLS - The UI will open in read-only mode with port-forwarding only for the current user Waiting for the UI to be ready on http://localhost:9845... . . Opening the UI in the browser... Jenkins X UI: http://localhost:9845
This directly opened the browser displaying the UI
Great to see the UI but where are my projects ? Strange as the jx get pipelines shows some project no ? Why aren’t they displayed ? To be checked later.
3- I understand now how to efficiently use Skaffold for local kubernetes development (build, tag, test and run). What I would like to test as soon as possible is the container-structure-test that will test and validate the result of the build. Skaffold is also able to watch source code for changes and redeploy it.
By the way, what’s important for current project it’s to overrides the jx pipeline to add buildArgs variables in Kaniko. The sample provided is the following with loop variables
4- I get more knowledge about DevOps Patterns and Anti Pattern regarding the Continuous Updates Tenets
- Easy Rollbacks
- Automate Everything
- Observability
- Canary Releases
- Automated Deployment
- Frequent
- Zero downtime updates
5- I get clear information about possible threat create by developers when downloading and integrating java libraries as well as NPM libraries installation (Can we trust them ? What about their dependencies ? What about dependencies of dependencies ? …)
Much more interesting things during this great day…