Hi team,
Today we will work on Control-M database,we already know how to update it using CLI and also using Control-M GUI,but today we will use a reall nice tool named PgAdmin.
Its a GUI where you can connect your controlm postgres database and perform administartions tasks.It’s a freeware and quite complete,so don’t hesitate to test it 🙂
We will see how to update jobs using this tool,but probably on next blogs we will check how to update other Control-M parameters.
So let’s go!
Connect your Control-M databases to PgAdmin
First you must have PgAdmin tool installed on your PC and also connect you 2 control-m database ( for Control-M sever and Control-M/EM using your database credentials).
Go to this page and enjoy 🙂 (it’s quite easy to install)
I will probably make a quick blog to show you how to connect it and browse into Control-M database.
Once connected we will select on Control-M database the table named CMR_AJF (in order to update our job only in the monitoring domain.)This table contains the parameters of the active jobs
Select the job you want to update on the AJF
Update job fields in PgAdmin
Back to PgAdmin, we deploy the CMR_AJF table to see the fields inside and select in the job the columns we want to update ( here we will choose the name and the description )
Save the changes in PgAdmin then connect to your control-M server using controlm user.
Update job in Control-M database using reset_ecs command
To take the changes in account we have to perform the reset_ecs command under controlm user( corresponding to a force download )
Check on workload automation if changes are effective
Back to the monitoring domain on our Control-M GUI we can see that jobname and definition are now updated 🙂
PgAdmin is a user friendly tool to perform SQL tasks and queries , that can be used to ease actions on Control-M database.Lot of possibility are given to update your databases and no need to have great knowledge of PostgreSQL syntax to do it,just be careful of what you do on your databases!(you can consult a Postgres admin if you have some doubts)!
Feel free to check other dbi bloggers ( for example related to PostgreSQL ) and see you next time!!!