Time flies, we are in June already and at the end of this month two PostgreSQL conferences will take place: There is 2023.pgconf.de, this year in Essen, the 27th of June. For the first time in the same week and for the first time one and a half day, there is the Swiss PGDay, the 29th and 30th of June as usual in Rapperswil.
Both conferences have their schedule published:
The Swiss PGDay will have a social event at the end of the first day of the conference. If you want to get in touch with the community, this is something you should attend. I guess most of the speakers will be there and you can also talk to the organization team if you want to.
The conference is still looking for sponsors and it would be great if you could talk to the right people in you company and convince them to support the PostgreSQL community in Switzerland. These types of conferences can only be organized because companies see the value in PostgreSQL and are willing to support free and open source software.
For getting the latest news you can follow both conferences on Twitter:
Hope to see you either in Essen or Rapperswil, or both.